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Messages - Eukari

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The Docks / Re: CLAN The Flying Dutchmen
« on: September 08, 2013, 05:27:59 am »
Always be sure to practice! It's what turns Flying Dutchboys into Flying Dutchmen.

Feedback and Suggestions / Game Type Idea: VIP
« on: September 07, 2013, 08:56:44 pm »
So, bored at work. Had an idea!

Right now we've only got two gametypes- deathmatch and king of the hill. This is an idea for a new gametype that wouldn't require radically changing anything- i.e., it should still play like Guns of Icarus Online. The game works as 2v2 or 3v3, but I think it'd be better in 3v3.

Basically, when the game starts one ship randomly gets selected as the "VIP." The VIP's ship is permanently spotted, and can't shake the spot by flying into clouds or whatnot. When the current VIP dies, the VIP status passes to the ship that got the killing blow. (based on who gets the "______ killed ______" credit in the newsfeed. In the event nobody gets the kill (like when the pilot rams the ship into something and blows it up), the new VIP is chosen randomly.

You can score points in two ways: every kill the VIP makes awards one point for their team, and every kill made to the VIP awards one point (in addition to passing the VIP to the killer).

The strategy for the VIP is to kill as many people as possible without dying, thus scoring points. The VIP's allies will attempt to keep them alive by engaging the enemy team- but must keep in mind that any kills they make don't award any points. For the non-VIP team, they must try and kill the VIP quickly while dodging both the VIP and its allies' fire.

High-level strategy could revolve around a certain ship on each team being the 'designated' VIP, loaded out to kill. 'Support' ships could be fitted to disable, giving the 'designated' VIP easy kills, and also to keep the enemy from killing the VIP and stealing it. Of course, if you get too specialized, you might quickly find yourself in a sub-optimal situation...

The biggest issue I foresee would be one team using the VIP to get a couple of kills, then just flying around while their teammates run interference. (though, I'm pretty sure the time limit in the game is crazy-long) Perhaps after a certain amount of time (a couple of minutes?), the VIP starts getting a debuff that makes them easier to kill? Nothing major, at first, but one that slowly lowers their max armor until (after a long time) they're just flying with hull.

Some ship-specific strategies:
  • Goldfish: Good support-ship with Heavy Carronade/Hwacha/Lumberjack. Not the best VIP due to its lack of killing power.
  • Junker: Good all-around ship, can load to kill and to disable. Frankly, the Junker would probably be a bit overpowered in this mode.
  • Squid: Harassment and hit-and-run tactics would serve best. Could get into blindspots and support, or swoop in to finish off as the VIP. Speed makes it easy to get out of sticky situations.
  • Galleon: Could be a decent VIP (everyone's coming for you anyway, so you'd not need to move much), or a support ship if the VIP draws them in. Speed would make it hard to chase anything down.
  • Pyramidion: Great at chasing down and killing things, good for stealing the VIP quickly. Keeping it, however...
  • Spire: Firepower makes it a good support ship; most people will be gunning for the VIP, not you. Pop a Lumberjack on there and shut them down! Too fragile to probably hold the VIP spot for very long.
  • Mobula: Like the Junker, it's many guns makes it flexible. A few Artemis slings to take out the engines, and some Gatling/Mortar to bring them down. However, it's large blindspot will make it more difficult to fight alone.

The Lounge / Re: That Moment When...
« on: September 07, 2013, 05:50:30 pm »
That moment when you're bored at work, hitting "refresh" every five seconds in the hopes someone will post something on the GoIO forum.

General Discussion / Just For Fun: Sky Whalers
« on: September 07, 2013, 05:11:53 pm »
Ahoy, mateys! Do ye be tirin' o' tha reg'ler gamin' in Guns o' Icarus? Do ye be searchin' fer a excitin' new way ta play tha game? Then ye best be readin' further, as I speak ta ye o' tha greatest an' glorioust profession a sky-man or sky-woman1 can be- tha Sky Whaler!

Ta be playin' Sky Whalers, ye be needin' two teams- tha first be tha Sky Whalers themselves, tha secon' be their great n' noble prey...the Sky Whales. Ye can be playin' wit either four ships or six ships, but I be suggestin' to ye to bring as many swabbies as ye can.

Sky Whalers
Tha team what be tha colour o' tha sweetest wines
Tha Sky Whalers are tha hunters, a-searchin' and a-seekin' their prey through tha clouds o' Icarus. Tha Sky Whalers should fly tha lightest n' most graceful o' the crafts o' Icarus- tha Squid.2 When huntin' fer their quarry, tha Sky Whalers rely on two o' tha finest weapons in all o' tha skies: tha Harpoon n' tha Flamer. One's ta catch 'em with, tha others ta cook 'em. Have ye ever had fresh sky whale, me hearties? 'Tis a dish ta die fer.

Sky Whales
Tha team what be tha colour o' tha deepest seas
Now, ye may be thinkin', "But Cap'n, what can a mere whale do again' such fearsome foes!?" Well, fret yer pretty lil' heads not, me friends. For the Sky Whales o' Icarus are not yer av'rage aquatic mammals. Nay, tha Sky Whale be a truly troublesome beast, tha can kill any ship tha' approaches unwary. Tha Sky Whales be flyin' tha solid Junker, an be layin' out their ship in such a mann'r: four mine launchers on tha sides, to approx'mate tha beasts' habit o' flingin' barnacles at 'is foes; an' one light carronade shotgun on tha bow, 'cause tha beasts have been known ta spit their last meals in an attempt ta throw off pursuers.3

Tha mos' imp'rtant thing ta be rememberin', me friends, is nay ta bring any fire exting'shers or fancy-pancy chem'cal sprays. Thar be no water in tha air fer a Sky Whale to put themselves out with- 'tis just science.

One last thing me'lads 'n ladies; 'tis considered sportsmanlike, after a rousin' game o' Sky Whaling, ta switch sides- tha Sky Whalers takin' a turn at bein' whales, an' tha Sky Whales gettin' a chance to return tha favor. Rememb'r, we be all here ta be havin' a good time.

1Tha skies be a place o' equal employm'nt opportun'ty.
2I saw me a squid once, a'floatin' in tha sea, big eyes a'starin' at me ship.
3Tha sky whale diet cons'sts mostly o' metal shards, occas'naly on fire.

Editor's Note: I was playing in a lobby today that came up with the idea for a "sky whaling" game setup, where one team played the "whalers" who flew Squids and used harpoons and flamers, and one team was the "whales," who flew Junkers and used mines and a carronade. When we played it, no ship had more than two non-AI crew, so I'd be interested to see how it goes with full complements. Also, we hadn't banned extinguishers, making it very hard for the whalers to get kills. I'm a little worried that might make the whales too vulnerable, but Junkers are pretty tough. (and those carronades are deady!) Anyway, though I'd reproduce the idea here for others to try out and enjoy- it was a very fun match, though very slooooow.

The Lounge / Re: What did you name YOURSELF and why?
« on: September 06, 2013, 08:41:36 pm »
A few years ago, playing World of Warcraft, I played a gnome Death Knight named "Europa." I've always loved two things- Japanese and good naming conventions for alts. I wanted to name a new character Yukari, but it was already taken. I hit upon the idea of combining the two names, so people would know it was me- Eukari was born.

Much later, I dug up the name for a new character on a new server, and loved it because it set up so many names for alts- Eukiko, Eukasa, Eukimi, etc. When I decided to come back to GoIO, it was a natural fit.

I like it because it's pretty unique, sounds pretty and people don't seem to have too much trouble remembering it. Plus, it's an actual name, and not like xXxSkullK1ll3r666xXx or something equally repulsive.

Community Events / Re: US Training Day Disscussion
« on: September 06, 2013, 07:59:28 pm » this still going on? I saw stuff the other week for the EU scrimmage, but nothing about a US one.

Feedback and Suggestions / Re: Pancake Ship
« on: September 06, 2013, 07:34:51 pm »
That's pretty good; I agree about putting both light guns on the upper deck.  As to the ways to get about a ramp on the port and starboard sides of the ship that lead different ways- i.e. from the helm down to the turning engines and hull, and from the light guns and main engine to the heavy guns. This sort of splits the ship into two halves- one with the helm, balloon and turning engines; and one with all the guns, main engine and the hull. Of course, you still have the upper and lower decks as divisions as well.

I am worried, though, that with the ship being entwined in the balloon we're edging back too close to the Mobula; this time thematically instead of functionally.

This was an idea I had, but didn't mention in the last post: What if the balloon was shaped like a big inner-tube? The body of the ship hangs mostly beneath it, but you have some sort of scaffolding rising into a tower that goes up through the center. It could be accessed from the bottom deck via ladder, allowing a lookout to quickly reach the main guns- or the hull repair point- when needed.

The Lounge / Re: What was your first topic in the forums?
« on: September 06, 2013, 07:18:00 pm »
Hah, now I do actually remember Graceland. That may or may not have been on account of the avatar, just after my MLP discussion with Walrus

Hah! The funny thing is, I'm not actually all that much of an MLP fan. I watched the first five or so episodes and thought it was a decent show (especially compared to the usual approach to shows aimed at children, which is "They kids, so it doesn't matter if we make it stupid"), but didn't see much of a reason to stick around. I do, however, enjoy the art style- I like strong, bright colors and an interesting visual pallet.

Gameplay / Re: Ship Tier List
« on: September 06, 2013, 07:05:17 pm »
Alright everyone for the 1 millionth time.  The Spires top deck right gun is 7 out of 10 times the captains gun. 

The captain steers the ship slightly left of target than hops on to take the necessary shots (usually explosive damage finishing shots).

The most successful Spire I ever flew on followed that- it had a Heavy Flak main gun, forward-facing Gatling and starboard-facing Banshee on the top deck, and a flare on the port-facing mount for utility. We would approach, use a Heavy Clip-enhanced Gatling to strip armor and then finish with the Heavy Flak (plus the Banshee, if we weren't in dire straights). Occasionally I (the top-deck engineer and primary Gatling gunner) would switch to the Banshee if I thought I could get there before the armor went back up. It worked very well, though we pretty much had to get the first shot in.

Most of the Spires I've come across tend to run the Manticore, something I've never understood. Yeah, it's great at disabling, but unless you're in spitting distance (in which case, you're probably about to die) it's hard to totally shut down their ability to hurt you...and in the Spire, even one gun firing at you is often too much. I don't recall off-hand ever really noticing any Heavy Carronade or Lumberjack Spires...or any other with Heavy Flak for that matter.

Gameplay / Re: Ships with the power to kill
« on: September 06, 2013, 01:05:10 pm »
I don't think that anyone's disputing that smart people who are good at the game often have tactics to face other ships. Some people are good at the Mobula, some prefer Junker, whatever, and they each have reasons for doing so. What's being argued here is that in general, some ships are better at outright killing than others, and that fact is shaping the manner the game is played in ways that some of us think is boring/detrimental. One good ship doesn't really change that, again in general, the Pyramidion is by far the most popular ship, and that's because it uses some very simple, effective tactics.

I think that Zenark is right; the issue isn't so much with the current ships, but the current very strong status of the Gatling and Mortar guns. Every ship that can carry both at once has an advantage- not an insurmountable one, but an advantage nonetheless- that must be either countered or evaded. Simply put, a single Gatling and Mortar can kill most ships faster than almost anything else in the game...and they're also two of the easiest guns to use. A single Gat/Mortar combination can strip armor and blow up a hull faster than anything but an entire engineer team can repair. And if all your engineers are busy keeping the hull together, you're unlikely to be be able counterattack very effectively.

Now, some people have cautioned against lowering the damage of either gun, but I'm not sure what else to do. I just plain don't think any light gun should able to kill a ship in one clip- and the mortar needs less than a clip to kill most things.

Gameplay / Re: Pyra being op?
« on: September 06, 2013, 12:53:11 pm »
As to the somewhat-off-topic conversation going on above...I think the whole "keeping them in your arcs while avoiding their arcs" is basically 90% of what learning to be a good pilot is all about. 5% is telling the other captains you're doing it, and the final 5% is listening to them do the same.

Except when your guns simply disallow you to do so I guess huh?

Then get better guns! (I kid, I kid)

Feedback and Suggestions / Re: Pancake Ship
« on: September 06, 2013, 12:23:32 pm »
I love your version, Cheesey, but if I could make a suggestion? I think having four light guns on the front veers us a little too close to the Mobula. What if, instead, we had two heavy guns on the front, and two light guns to the rear? That gives us something we don't really have yet (only ship with more than one heavy gun is the Galleon, and those are pointed to the sides) while still fitting into the "floating gun turret" theme we've got going.

For the layout, I'm thinking something like this:
   /              \
   |               |   Front view
   |               |
   __/_H_\__    Upper deck (H = helm)
   \_G___G_/    Lower deck (G = heavy guns)

   /              \
   |               |   Rear view
   |               |
   __/LM_\__   Upper deck (L = light gun, M = main engine)
   \_T_L_T_/    Lower deck (L = light gun, T = turning engines)

The upper deck houses the helm (facing forward, in between the two prongs of the "Y" formed by the guns), the balloon repair hardpoint (inside the little "cabin" there, centered under the balloon), the main engine (at the end of the "Y", on the direct back of the ship) and a light gun (next to the engine, on the starboard side).
The lower deck houses the two heavy cannons (at the 10 and 2 o'clock positions formed by the "Y", giving them some overlap but not perfect), the hull repair hardpoint (in the middle of the ship, under the "cabin"), the two turning engines (at the back, forming another "Y" shape with the helm) and a light gun, at the aft of the ship (under the main engine, forming a "Y" with the heavy guns).

The pilot has a good view of the front of the ship, but is reliant on his crew/teammates to spot and call out any enemy ships behind or above him. The dual light guns on the rear somewhat help with that; you can get an easy bifecta on anything trying to sneak up behind you. Because there's only two decks, you'd likely put the pilot on the upper deck, the gunner on the lower deck (to work the heavy guns) and the two engineers would float between, based on what needs done. One could man the second heavy gun, or you could have both go to the rear of the ship...I think it'd be complex to crew, but ultimately rewarding.

The weaknesses are it's blind spots to the sides, the very low visibility for the pilot, slow speed and the massive balloon. The strengths are the overlapping heavy guns, the overlapping light guns to the rear and the quick turning speed. It's basically a floating gun turret- a big of a fusion of the Galleon and Mobula, with a touch of Spire thrown in.

Feedback and Suggestions / Re: Helm rope - Tool or keybind suggestion
« on: September 06, 2013, 11:54:00 am »
I do think this would be a great item for ships that benefit from an extra gunner/engineer. I could see using it on my Junker when the balloon gets popped, so that I can set it to keep turning while I help repair. Or hop on the upper guns for a quick round while my engineers deal with repairing things.

The Lounge / Re: Other Games You're Playing Now
« on: September 05, 2013, 11:08:43 pm »
I have to say, it wasn't the repetitive formula that drove me away- I can deal with a lot of "the same, but with x", as long as the "same" is good enough- it was the awful designs for the newer Pokemon. All of the first generation looked a lot like actual animals. Or, at least, actual enough animals. Except for the psychic types- which worked. Generation II wasn't too bad, except for the legendary ones most stuff still looked fairly reasonable. After that...they all looked like an intro to graphic design class threw up on them.

I don't know if they were trying to establish more of an overall "look" for Pokemon, but they're just...awful. Even the most "normal" ones still look like animals with bits stuck on them.

Feedback and Suggestions / Re: Pancake Ship
« on: September 05, 2013, 09:51:05 pm »
That movement is basically what the mobula does. Otherwise i'm not so sure what you mean with this design. Maybe show us a simple sketch?

I think it's more like a flattened Spire, with guns facing all four directions instead three. Imagine a Frisbee with four guns, one at each point.

I think the biggest worry would be, while it has no blind spot, you would spread the guns out so much that it would be weak from every side.

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