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Topics - Enjix

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Personal Teleportal Units coming to a ship near you!

Found this out while messing around in practice mode a bit, if you click the "Go AFK" button and "Return to Game," you can teleport yourself to the crew spawn point of the ship.

This seems pretty insignificant, until you start to consider that the crew spawn point of the galleon is right in front of the hull, and you can click those two buttons faster than you can run to the spawn point from most positions on such a large ship. Suddenly, your entire crew that is fixing the balloon and manning the guns can be camping the hull the second it goes down.

This is a really neat trick, and is actually pretty useful for some ships. However, it seems like it's re-purposing the afk system to the point of being exploitative.

Hoping to hear what Muse's take on it is.

Feedback and Suggestions / Custom Sized Crews - Adventure Mode
« on: May 11, 2013, 12:22:50 pm »
One idea I had to make adventure mode's difficulty vary a bit and to make the captain's hiring process more interesting, is to let the captain set the size of their crew.

People in smaller crews would get larger rewards, but would have a much harder time staying in the air than a ship with a full crew. While those who dream of 6 people on a galleon could do just that, but the reward would need to be split accordingly.

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