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Topics - Atrusario

Pages: [1]
General Discussion / Guns of Icarus Map Images [DOWNLOAD]
« on: August 11, 2016, 12:03:56 pm »
Hello everyone!  8)

I recently began work on a Scenario Editor for Guns of Icarus (More information in THIS thread).

While developing the application, I was surprised to find out that there is no way to access the map images for Guns of Icarus because they are compressed, so I made my own by parsing together screenshots in-game. It didn't take a particularly long time, and isn't a truly monumental task, but for all those who might need them in the future, here they are:


General Discussion / If You Were a Ship, Which Ship Would You Be?
« on: February 10, 2016, 07:32:56 pm »
Each ship in Guns of Icarus has a different personality; which would you be?! Post your reasoning in the comments below.

I would most likely be a Galleon because I am complex, difficult to offend, and have many tools at my disposal. I am also a strategist at heart, and a Galleon requires a bit more forward thinking than other ships, considering its speed and layout.

Guns of Icarus CHAOS
Lobby Randomization Utility by Atrusario

For those of you who have never played CHAOS before, it is essentially
comprised of randomizing the positions that lobby-goers play. Gunners
become Engis and Pilots become Gunners. It truly can become CHAOS.

This is often done by entering the names of those playing into an external
utility and then reading back the new positions in game. This process can
become quite annoying. Right now, there is no way to integrate CHAOS
directly into the game, but this program strives to make setting up CHAOS
slightly less annoying.

With this application, you can randomize the following attributes:

*ship type
*ship weapon layout
*player positions
*player loadouts

~V~ For those of you bored of reading, you can skip to the download link below ~V~

Screenshot Instructions

Thanks to a brilliant idea by my good friend PeterPun, this program
now allows you to input a screenshot of your lobby, and it will extract the
data for much easier CHAOS! Thank you to everyone who's helped improve
CHAOS, this program, and the community in general!

Simply take a screenshot of your lobby, save it to a file, and hit the button
labeled screenshot. The program supports .png and .jpg
files types. Be sure that Guns of Icarus is in borderless window when you take
the screenshot. The game must be filling the entire screen to extract the data
properly, since it relies on the ratios between objects on the screen.

Networking Instructions

By far the most difficult challenge faced while developing this program was
communicating the effects of the randomization to the rest of the lobby.
To solve this problem, this application includes a server and client system
that allows other people running the program to connect to a single client.
When that client randomizes the lobby, they can send out the data to all of
the connected clients. From there, each person can see and enter their own
data into the game, exponentially speeding up the process of transferring data.
It certainly beats doing it all over voice. :P

Of course the downside is that the hosting client must be port-forwarded.
The people connecting, however, do not. There are instructions below regarding connecting to and setting up:

Connecting to a Hosting Client:
1. Retrieve the ip address and port from the person hosting
2. Open GOIO CHAOS and press the button labeled server connect
3. Enter the ip address and port in their respective text boxes
4. Enter your GOIO user name in its respective text box
5. Press the button labeled server connect
6. Assuming the connection is established successfully, the screen should read waiting for lobby data. This is a good thing!
7. As soon as the hosting client presses the button send lobby, the data should appear on the screen. Keep in mind you can only view it, not edit it!

1. Open GOIO CHAOS and press the button labeled start server
2. Enter the desired port into its respective text box. Note: The desired port must be port-forwarded
3. Press the button labeled start server
4. The server should now be running. Hover over either server button to reveal the server data (ip address, port, and connected clients)
5. Press the button send lobby when you are ready to send your lobby data to all connected clients


+Improved screenshot import quality
+Updated screenshot loader to support the new GUI


+Added the ability to input a lobby screenshot
+Now shows crew members to swap


+Added probability weights to the randomizer


+Added the server and client system
+Added clipboard functions to text boxes

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