Guns Of Icarus Online

Main => General Discussion => Topic started by: DrTentacles on July 22, 2015, 09:18:54 pm

Title: What Your Favorite Ship Says About You as a Player
Post by: DrTentacles on July 22, 2015, 09:18:54 pm
We all have our preferences-ships, guns, and loadouts. I got to thinking about the differences in piloting styles, and I decided to write a short list, in my eyes, of what your favorite ship says about you as a pilot. Note that all of my opinions are purely opinion, and mostly silly. I encourage you to come up with your own stereotypes for other classes below:


I'm an ace pilot, with great trust in my crew. I enjoy outflying enemies, and prefer to rely on my skill as a pilot first and foremost. I also like to abuse engineers.
I like to only have to think about one gun. Also, I like to only fly forward.


I'm like a goldfish pilot, only with a bigger ego. I put deep faith in my engineers, despite that fact that I seem to take deep pleasure in my crew's near-constant state of panic.
I wish this were a dogfighting game. If I could fly without a crew, I probably would.


I like winning. Variety in gunning and engineering is boring-why stray from a solved formula? I also have not read patch notes in several months.
I am new. I have not yet found the reverse key, or how to adjust altitude.


I am a deeply tactical individual who likes having the right gun for the right occasion. I dislike having specific strengths or weaknesses. I also dislike cannonades and lumberjacks.
I am a deeply terrifying individual who likes to get 9 kills in a 2v2 deathmatch.


I'm like a Junker pilot, only with less faith in my piloting skills, and more faith in my gunners. I prefer to predict my enemy, and let my guns talk for me. I also like 20+ minute matches.
I'm lost. That wall looks attractive.
I'm a historical wargamer who bemoans the lack of period naval games.


I like guns, predicting my enemy, looking quirky, and never getting touched by enemy fire. Dunes is my favorite map. Sometimes, I like to take a bathroom break mid-match. I probably wish I was-or am-a gunner.
I also do read patch notes.
Leave your gun, and I'll throw you off the ship.


I am DANGEROUSLY quirky, and hate playing popular ships. I also have a firm understanding of gun arcs.
I do not know gun arcs. I do, however, like the idea of five guns. Five. Guns. That's like...twice the killing power of a normal ship, right?
Title: Re: What Your Favorite Ship Says About You as a Player
Post by: Carn on July 22, 2015, 09:26:35 pm


I'm like a goldfish pilot, only with a bigger ego. I put deep faith in my engineers, despite that fact that I seem to take deep pleasure in my crew's near-constant state of panic.


I am a deeply terrifying individual who likes to get 9 kills in a 2v2 deathmatch.

These two fit me so well. Muids anyone?
Title: Re: What Your Favorite Ship Says About You as a Player
Post by: James T. Kirk on July 22, 2015, 09:34:30 pm
Scarily Accurate.
Can you read my palm too?
Title: Re: What Your Favorite Ship Says About You as a Player
Post by: Keiran Gold on July 22, 2015, 09:35:28 pm
...I think it's only fair that an engineer get a say in this now.  Well.  No time like the present.


I have a deep faith in my captain and crew, and believe the captain won't overuse Kerosene.  Or Moonshine.

Alternatively:  I am a screaming wreck because the engines have gone down for the fifth time now because wHY ARE WE CHASING THIS SQUID WE ARE NOT A SQUID STOP IT NOW--

Alternatively-alternatively:  I like flamethrowers.  A lot.  Why did the hull just go out?


I pray the captain doesn't use Moonshine.  Ever.  Not once.  At all.  And when everything is on fire, I am going to curl up with my mallet and cry.

Alternatively:  I haven't seen the light of day in twenty minutes and am considering marrying the hull.


The d key on my keyboard is broken, but at least everything is fine.  Except the balloon.  Again.


I work well with my captain and crew, and I like a little of everything.  I just have to trust that the main engine won't go down whenever I'm on the other side of the ship--oh dangit

Alternatively:  The balloon has gone down twice because the captain keeps hitting it with a wrench when it's on fire.


All the guns on one side are broken, the gungineer isn't repairing the turning engines, and I have been running up and down these stairs so much and I'm seriously considering letting the balloon just die to save my w key.

Alternatively: This is almost as good as being a gunner!  Why are the turning engines down again?


The captain refuses to let me get off my gun and repair the hull and is doing it himself but he doesn't have chem-spray or a fire extinguisher and I wish I was on a different ship.

Alternatively:  I've fallen off this gun platform six times now trying to go repair the balloon.


Everything on my side is going absolutely fine, except that the hull/balloon is on fire and I haven't noticed for five minutes.  Also, I'm getting really good with sniping.

Alternatively:  There are three engineers on this ship and somehow every engine is down.

That sum it up well enough?  :Bc
Title: Re: What Your Favorite Ship Says About You as a Player
Post by: Carn on July 22, 2015, 09:47:26 pm
The squid and goldfish ones are so accurate. Now I must do one for gunners.


"Just line 'em up cap!"


"I feel useless."

or on a muid



"No! Idiot engie on the mortar! WAIT TILL RED HIT MARKERS!"


Switching back and forth from long range, to short range sides.



or, on a munker



"BOOM, loch shot!"


"HWATCHA!" wait 30 seconds "HWATCHA!"


"Gah! Why are my guns on this side down?"


Running back and forth between bottom guns.


"Boom. Boom. Boom. Lochnagar Heavy Flak for life!"


"Well, I know I'm going to get a mercury."


"Why does the gunner get one gun, while the engineers get two?"

Title: Re: What Your Favorite Ship Says About You as a Player
Post by: Byron Cavendish on July 22, 2015, 09:51:55 pm
As an old school junker and current galleon pilot I have to say...fucking spot on man.
Title: Re: What Your Favorite Ship Says About You as a Player
Post by: Dementio on July 22, 2015, 10:29:08 pm

I like the idea of five guns. Five. Guns. That's like...twice the killing power of a normal ship, right?

Rydr tactics.
Title: Re: What Your Favorite Ship Says About You as a Player
Post by: DrTentacles on July 22, 2015, 10:49:40 pm
More Gunner Ones:

I dislike movement. I also like letting the pilot aim.
The ship exists as a platform for me and me alone. Boom. Balloon shot.
Every gun on the ship belongs to me.

And back and forth and back and forth and back and forth and back and forth and...
Admit it, you're just using me for my stamina.

This is my Gatling. There are many like it, but this one is mine.

I enjoy the concept of being locked in a small basement. I also have talent with two guns.

I have found a bigger basement. I may also have learned how to use more guns.

Daddy loves me best.

I should probably be an engineer.
Title: Re: What Your Favorite Ship Says About You as a Player
Post by: Squidslinger Gilder on July 22, 2015, 11:17:21 pm
Good Squid Pilot: You like it when the odds are stacked against you. You take special joy in being the laughing stock of each match that completely turns the battle around and makes foes sorry they ever looked down on the Squid.

Bad Squid Pilot: Duh, Muse said carro/flamer is OP so I dun picked the purty fast ship with dem guns.

Junker Pilot: I like flexibility. In being able to engage at any range in any situation. Becoming the Jack of All Trades fighter makes me happy.

Munker Pilot: Super S! *Maniacal laughter never ceases long enough to form a comprehensible thought*

Good Galleon Pilot: I love to bring the big guns, and punish those who dare defy my girth!

Bad Galleon Pilot: Bigger is better, therefore, I am.

Good Pyra Pilot: You are a relic of a forgotten age that spends much of their time talking about the good old days.

Bad Pyra Pilot: You are a sucker for punishment. Super M!

Good Spire Pilot: You have dreams of grandeur. Of being the master of a vast domain and ruling it with an iron fist from on high.

Bad Spire Pilot: You have a gross obsession with vertical objects and proving your manhood by them.

Good Goldfish Pilot: You like constants in life. What you start in, you do not change much. If you went to a restaurant, you'd perpetually order the same item because it just works.

Bad Goldfish Pilot: You are easily distracted by shiny things.

Good Mobula Pilot: You are a gambler. You like to lay all your cards on the table and call out,"read em and weap!"

Bad Mobula Pilot: You give beached whales a bad name. In fact, in the marine world, there is an organization of beached whales that is bent on making sure you are never allowed to fly again.
Title: Re: What Your Favorite Ship Says About You as a Player
Post by: VomAct on July 23, 2015, 01:58:45 am
EDIT: These are all my pilot ones, and definitely not things I have said in-game.... >_>


"I regret this decision...."


"The best defense is a good offense, so why aren't we all shooting?"


"Ram ALL the things!"
alt. "What do you mean, 'too close for Lumberjack?'"


"Everybody loves mines, right? Right......"


"I definitely did not leave the throttle on full while I repaired the balloon."


"Place front towards enemy."


"I hope I have a good crew, cause I just took about 3/4 of our permahull out on terrain...."
alt. "TAAAAAAAAARRRRRRRR"; "Just Keep Swimming"; "We don't need hull, we need more speed; fix the engines!"
Title: Re: What Your Favorite Ship Says About You as a Player
Post by: Daft Loon on July 23, 2015, 02:24:31 am
"See that minelauncher on the right there, it's mine dont touch it"

"I hope you like the height ceiling because im not coming down, ever"
"Every ship is a ramming ship see..." *Chute vent stomp*

"I just feel like headbutting something"

"Its desert scrap, get between me and the back wall, i dare you"

"Three carronades make such a lovely sound"

"I don't hate you engineers, here have minelaunchers"

"Engineers, I hate you"
"Please reconsider flying merc-art mobula"
Title: Re: What Your Favorite Ship Says About You as a Player
Post by: MightyKeb on July 23, 2015, 03:54:52 am
Just adding an alternative


You're a deeply tactical individual, only you think Junker is too easy. You enjoy coming in at your opponent's worst, be it time or position, and have an aversion to fighting fairly. You also admire Tom Clancy's Splinter Cell and have been called annoying several times in real life. (Ingame: Moreso by some captains than others (See: Bad Pyramidion Pilots))

BONUS: While you think Junker is easy to fly in pubs, you end up being good at squid and also rolling pubs, and then wondering what else you could fly, only before banishing everything for being "too easy" (even if they really aren't) and going back to squid.
Title: Re: What Your Favorite Ship Says About You as a Player
Post by: Carn on July 23, 2015, 09:03:35 am
A special one


Your a suicidal, psychopath, who enjoys mining anyone and everyone, then trapping them all in a tar cloud.


You are a sadistic bastard with a terrifying laugh.


You are the perfect blend of speed, and explosions. Everybody fears you, as nobody can outrun you. Even other squids run from you, ally or enemy.


Yes, i am this kind of bastard! :D
Title: Re: What Your Favorite Ship Says About You as a Player
Post by: The Mann on July 23, 2015, 10:23:33 am

I am DANGEROUSLY quirky. I also have a firm understanding of gun arcs.

Sounds like me :D
Title: Re: What Your Favorite Ship Says About You as a Player
Post by: HamsterIV on July 23, 2015, 12:38:12 pm
Junker :
You just want everybody to be happy, so you ensure every body has a gun to shoot as you gently encourage them to murder anything taking up space in your sky.
You are tired of squids constantly dancing in your blind spots resolved to fly a ship with the smallest blind spot in the game.

Your favorite quote is: "None of you seem to understand. I'm not locked in here with you. You're locked in here with *ME*! "
You hate getting killed so much that you would rather fly in circles outside the conflict area than risk helping a teammate who is about to be murdered.

Title: Re: What Your Favorite Ship Says About You as a Player
Post by: Keiran Gold on July 23, 2015, 01:40:44 pm
We need to get some special ships on this list outside the Munker and Muid.

Carro-Flame Squid:

You are hated by engineers, everything but the engines are broken, and every single one of the enemies components are on fire.  You may also have Burning Ring of Fire (or similar songs) blasting over voice-chat.  At least the gunner(s) are having fun!


Do your enemies like their components?  Well, too bad.  Also, a Blender-Fish is your best friend.

Alternatively:  This is the default build, so it must work, ri--BIG GUNS BIG EXPLOSIONS BIG GUNS BIG EXPLOSIONS


A balloon killed your father.  Also, the gunner is your second-in-command.

Alternatively:  Let the bodies hit the floor, let the bodies hit the floor...


This is literally the default build.  Again, what patch-notes?
Title: Re: What Your Favorite Ship Says About You as a Player
Post by: Omniraptor on July 23, 2015, 01:46:07 pm
At the restaurant I really do order the same thing over and over. However I am also distracted by shiny things..
Title: Re: What Your Favorite Ship Says About You as a Player
Post by: Carn on July 23, 2015, 01:54:26 pm
Brawling Flak Spire

You enjoying killing your enemies quickly.

Double Mercury Pyramidion

"I'm nostalgic for when this was the meta."


"I want the days of OP flaks back."


"So this is the most powerful gun right?"


Title: Re: What Your Favorite Ship Says About You as a Player
Post by: Newbluud on July 23, 2015, 02:06:18 pm
You hate getting killed so much that you would rather fly in circles outside the conflict area than risk helping a teammate who is about to be murdered.

Sweet Jesus, this ^^^^.

The amount of times I've had my bumbles scrumbled due to a level three galleon pilot circling the edge of the map potshotting with a hwacha.
Title: Re: What Your Favorite Ship Says About You as a Player
Post by: DaOrks on July 23, 2015, 02:45:37 pm
Quad-Hwacha Galleon

It aint da best ship but itz da loudest 'n the shootiest!

Also I love to watch my enemies struggle as they're fully disabled but have little chance of actually dying.
Title: Re: What Your Favorite Ship Says About You as a Player
Post by: Newbluud on July 23, 2015, 02:50:39 pm
Quad-Hwacha Galleon

It aint da best ship but itz da loudest 'n the shootiest!

Also I love to watch my enemies struggle as they're fully disabled but have little chance of actually dying.

They're my favourite thing to shoot with the burst artemis!
Title: Re: What Your Favorite Ship Says About You as a Player
Post by: Daft Loon on July 23, 2015, 03:50:52 pm
You are on first name terms with your gunner, you refer to you engineers as 'engineer' and don't notice if they get replaced by AI.

Flare mobula
You like to show off your fancy computer in very indirect ways.
Title: Re: What Your Favorite Ship Says About You as a Player
Post by: Skrimskraw on July 23, 2015, 04:09:07 pm
my perspective ;)

I like to hide the fact that I want to win, by claiming that this ship takes more skill to pilot than a pyramidion.

I love my crew, thats why I let all 3 of them use a gun.

I have good gunners on my team.

I like being punished, please keep nerfing me muse.

how the fuck does this ship Work.

Run squid, RUN!
Title: Re: What Your Favorite Ship Says About You as a Player
Post by: Dracorean on July 23, 2015, 04:22:44 pm
General Galleon gunner;

As a Gunner on a Hwatcha Galleon, ( and When the Engineer gets on one of the four Hwatchas  (

As a Goldfish Captain;

• I like to move fast, hit em hard! So long as the engineers keep fixing the engines!

As a Pyramidion Captain;

• We only "need" 2 guns! The ones facing the ship I'm charging!
• What do you mean you need help? I can fix all that crap back there while being burned, blended, and hwatchaed when I'm an engi! - True story

On a Junker;

• Remember! Rule of thumb, always have a gat and a mortar facing the same side at all times, even on a munker! It's the meta ya know!

On a Spire;

• I like to quickly fire everything before we die!

On a Mobula;

• This is why we need a 5th!
• I was keeping the armor/balloon up just fine! But the balloon/armor just couldn't hold!
Title: Re: What Your Favorite Ship Says About You as a Player
Post by: Queso on July 23, 2015, 04:35:36 pm
I like to have so much firepower that they are dead before they can hit me, cause boy am I dead if they hit me.


Title: Re: What Your Favorite Ship Says About You as a Player
Post by: DaOrks on July 23, 2015, 05:12:11 pm
I like to have so much firepower that they are dead before they can hit me, cause boy am I dead if they hit me.



Title: Re: What Your Favorite Ship Says About You as a Player
Post by: Byron Cavendish on July 24, 2015, 05:48:20 am
Fear the alien, purge the heretic. ALL HAIL THE EMPEROR!
Title: Re: What Your Favorite Ship Says About You as a Player
Post by: Arturo Sanchez on July 24, 2015, 01:17:33 pm

I'm an ace pilot, with great trust in my crew. I enjoy outflying enemies, and prefer to rely on my skill as a pilot first and foremost. I also like to abuse engineers.

I also expect the normally inactive 2nd engie to pull his weight and assist the main engie when he's shooting my right side gun for bifecta.

I expect my gunner to live on the  main gun and fix it himself because my engies are too busy doing sick stamina jumps from the upper deck.