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Messages - Lord Cooch

Pages: [1]
General Discussion / GoI Players are Rude.
« on: September 11, 2013, 01:58:52 am »
I just finished a game with some kid who thought he was gonna act like a big tough guy and be disrespectful to myself. I told him I hadn't played in a while so I may be a bit rusty and he called me a Troll. I asked him why he was being so rude and he said he didn't give a sh**. I told him if he enjoyed GoI he should be respectful to players in order to make it more user-friendly and gain a bigger player base as oppose to everyone being rude and watching the player base dwindle down further, reference: COD. He just told me if it bothered me I should mute him but It bugs me so much when I encounter players like this because doesn't everyone  just want to be mature and be treated with respect? The problem with this is that I have encountered several players like this in GoI Online. Needless to say I think that all players should lead by example and turn this growing trend around. I'm not saying I'm golden, because I have had a warning for using profanity but never intentionally at someone. I seriously think the community should step up their game on this one.

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