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Messages - Infinity Omelette

Pages: 1 [2]
Ignore my previous post, I made a typing error. SteamyNoodle is my copilot, not Nietzsches Mustache. (I didn't see any option to simply edit or delete my previous post. Is there something I'm missing or am I just not allowed to edit or delete my posts after a certain time? If not, I don't quite understand why)

so I'll just redo it all again here:

Team Name: This Ain't Garlic

PoC's: Infinity Omelette , SteamyNoodle

Team Name: This Ain't Garlic

PoC's: Infinity Omelette , Nietzsche's Mustache

Clan Clan will be present!

PoC's: Nietzsche's Mustache , Infinity Omelette


The Green Clowder now has a team logo! let me know if there are issues with the sizing/format

and here is an icon for the bracket:

Team Name: The Green Clowder

Poc's: Infinity Omelette and SteamyNoodles (in-game name)

Team logo: Not here yet, but it will involve lots of cats. Because a clowder is a group of cats.

Team Name: Clan Clan

PoC: Nietzsches Mustache , Infinity Omelette

Clan Clan signing up!

Team Name: Clan Clan
PoC's: Infinity Omelette , Inkjet  (both are in-game names)

(No logo today but here is another smiley face instead :-))

Clan clan and spud's team working together this time!

Team Name: Clan Clan Spud Spud
Contact Points: Infinity Omelette , Spud Nick  (both are in-game names)

Logo: No official logo so here's a really big smiley face instead :-))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))

Community Events / Re: Winterfest 2013: The Icarus Carnival (Dec 28th-29th)
« on: December 28, 2013, 03:08:15 pm »
Heya, I'd like to join the tournament too. Not sure if I'm an idiot or blind but I'm unsure of how to actually register.

My STEAM name is Alwanrulez, my GoI name is OverlordEggs

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