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Topics - michael.hauda

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Feedback and Suggestions / Noxious Grenade gun
« on: December 27, 2015, 11:45:24 am »
Firstly, yes I know there are many guns that need tweaking and that the devs should do that first but at the same time I like the idea of different guns for the game that seems to rely on 5 of them.

My idea is for a mortar like gun (same projectile drop, same projectile speed, smaller clip size, better arcs, better ROF) that releases small clouds wherever you hit, players within these clouds would take a speed penalty and have their visibility impaired; the speed penalty would be the same regardless of the number of clouds you are in but the visibility would get steadily worse if you were in multiple.

This gun could be used to escape much like tar although you could only effect a smaller area, best for on Galleons or Squids, possibly Pyramidions and Spires as well.

Players could use this as a harassing weapon with a (relatively) flat level of effectiveness, unlike the disparity between how the flamethrower effects noobs vs. vets

For close range ships that rely on ambush (Mobulas, ramming Pyramidions, some death Spires) this gun would allow you to sow confusion on the enemy ship, making it more difficult for you to be spotted by your victim while lowering his reaction speed.

To balance you could make the clouds immobile (makes sense anyway) allowing faster enemies to escape while giving the gun some synergy with disabling weapons (to keep them in the clouds), an arming time could be considered but the idea is for this to be a close range volley attack so you'd have to allow it to shoot a bit farther if you went that route.

The gun could either lack damage or just do a very small amount of impact damage as both it's primary and secondary, many ammos wouldn't be useful but that's nothing new to the guns in this game. Greased (most clouds as quickly as possible) and Burst rounds (for uber clouds) sadly would likely be king like on many guns.

Clouds would be smaller than tar and not be as dense (they don't do damage continually after all) so they should probably dissipate within 10 seconds or so, the reload speed I'm not sure on as it doesn't do damage so I'm tempted to make it very high (comparable to the Gatling), the amount of speed reduction also stumps me as I want it to be noticeable but not debilitating to the point you cannot do anything.

Anyway that's my rambling idea
Here are some rough equivalencies for basic stats
Light Gun Mount
Projectile Speed; Mortar
Projectile Drop; Mortar
Clip Size; 5-10? Adjust for balance
ROF; Banshee
Reload Speed; Gatling
Arming Time; Preferably not?
Turning Speed; Flare
Gun Arcs; Not quite Flare
Speed Penalty; Unknown, somewhere above 25% but below 75%, I want engineer stamina to offset it completely but not by much so I say 75% but at the same time I'd like to not prevent a gunner or pilot from leaving his spot (just make him hate the guy that shot the gun). Alternatively you could make it scale with each cloud requiring players to aim if they really want to limit mobility in one section of a ship, maybe 10% per overlapping cloud? maximum of 70% for 7 clouds.
Visibility Penalty; Unsure, I don't know how to verbalize the amounts but I want it to go from barely there to Tar, the worst requiring you to be in 3-4 clouds at once, should block spotting in increased degrees as well but Muse's spotting mechanic baffles me and most of the people I know so I'll leave that to someone else.
AOE; I have yet to find the sizes of the ships (length, height, width) and it is difficult to extrapolate off of existing guns but I was thinking the AOE would not quite be large enough to fill the engine section of a pyramidion, requiring you to target one area to lock it down if you wanted rather than being able to cover the whole ship.

For added fun and immersion add a coughing sound for people in the cloud, possibly with a greenish hue to the screen?
Anyway do what you will but I like it and thanks for reading.

General Discussion / This a new thing or no?
« on: February 28, 2015, 09:43:07 pm »
Anyone else encountered a glitch/bug or whatever where it looks like an ally captain is on your helm but you can still control the ship? no one on my crew can see this but when I do and its just sorta weird; it doesn't have any detrimental effect really which is why I haven't contacted muse about it directly. I just wanted to see if anyone else has encountered this.

The Docks / Aye you there, yeah you, are you a Misfit? [MisF] come on in!
« on: January 31, 2015, 08:17:50 pm »
Hello fellow misfits and oddballs Misfits is recruiting and would love to have you in their clan, we play casually but would love to dip into the competitive scene once we've grown more. Before we can do that we need more people to join up and embrace their inner misfit.

We're always looking for any sort of crewmen, we are heavily pilot and engineer oriented but have a couple skillful gunners among us thus we will take anyone who either possesses skill in any role or is willing to learn and listen to our more experienced members.

We play for fun and to win, try your best but don't take it too seriously. At the end of the day if you die you die a misfit and with your fellows, never give up.
We aren't a strict clan but we do have some rules that we find fundamental (or I do)
-Please don't join to troll, our clan is at times goofy and is always fun but we don't make fun at the expense of others.
-While we don't require mics, we would prefer if everyone make an effort to communicate whether by typing or using crew signals we are a very vocal clan so try to keep up the banter.
-We kick members after a 75 day period, which is a lot for clans, this is mostly to keep our clan active and sharp.
-We don't discriminate against lower level players in terms of recruiting or in any other way, most of us are level 15 in something but we were all new players at some point so keep it kind.

We are working on videos as I'm typing that will show us playing if you're interested in how our games typically go, also we will post a ship decal/clan logo soon that we hope to get into the game for us to use.

In game our leader is michael.hauda and our officers are Lord Anubus and Nataleigh, you can contact any of us if you would like to join but we will want to fly with you a few games to get a good judge of character.
Here's a list of ships we commonly fly as a clan by name to see if you may have flown with us before;
michael.hauda; Hats off to the Bull, Scarlet, HEFTY HEFTY HEFTY, wimpy wimpy wimpy, Alubom, Misfit, Thumbtack
Lord Anubus; White Lightning, Black Buccaneer, Razgriez
Commanderstealth; Firebird

Hope to see all you crewmen in the skies on our side, we are working on obtaining official allies but would love more men under our banner so don't hesitate to pop in and say hi.
michael.hauda, clan leader.

Feedback and Suggestions / Making the rangefinder useful
« on: December 13, 2014, 04:36:45 am »
So most of us hate that tool, why? first half the noobs take it and second it doesn't do squat for most ships, my solution is to add another heavy gun to the game.
we have a heavy mortar and a normal mortar but neither is a mortar, neither fires in a high arc (80 degrees) with the intent of hitting a distant target (LJ targeting the guy above them doesn't count), and the mercury doesn't fire that way (resembling a howitzer it should fire in a high as hell arc but it doesn't to play on the sniper fanboys that are among us)
so how about this;
Range 1,700
Size, Heavy
Damage (prim) 75 Explosive
Damage (sec)  400 Shatter
Burst Radius, 6
Projectile Speed, 300m/s
Clip size, 1
Reload time, 5 Seconds
Arc top to bottom 80-25
Arc left to right 20-20

ok, I know it looks unbalanced mostly due to a lack of additional drop, honestly I'm not savvy enough to do those calculations, the idea is to have the drop be so bad that you need to aim mostly up to hit targets at the maximum distance, with a distance this large and you only getting one shot you can have a crewmate use a range finder which will show you the arc of fire from the gun to the ground (the projectile never self detonates, it must hit ship or ground) also the fact that the shell will be hitting from above ideally means that the high shatter damage shouldn't be too debilitating but noticeable due to balloons taking the brunt of the impact at least half the time, also like the mine launcher I'd enable friendly fire (and self harm) with it to avoid people using it at closerange too much (I hate arming times and these sorts of artillery shells wouldn't have them)

I think it fills a long range indirect fire support role well with damn good disabling of guns and engines and it has STYLE lol, and good gunners wouldn't end up needing the rangefinder after enough time with the gun in play because they rock like that, also this gun is an awesome gun for spires and gives the goldfish a new gun that I think would be viable and yeah I like it, feel free to give input

Feedback and Suggestions / Engineer Tool Idea, the Destroyer
« on: December 13, 2014, 04:04:44 am »
Hey you all I had some idea while playing this last week that I'd like to share;
Firstly, you know how when a component has 12+ fire stacks and no one has an extinguisher its pretty much a goner? why not have a tool that lets you break it the rest of the way so you can just rebuild it? I get that feeling aaaaaallll the time seriously, ok part two for this new tool, what if the next time you repaired (not rebuilt) something you got a bonus? something small, you could call the tool a salvager and design it like a blowtorch or crowbar or something, cool right? well I started to thing about how it could be abused and I hit a wall there, I mean the only way to purposefully do that is have the captain use tools to break stuff and the engi use the salvager to finished the job but it takes time to burn down stuff like that so I don't see a lot of room for abuse honestly.
now I know it's a niche thing but so are half of the gunners tools, engis should get some cool situational stuff too, I can see a pyra with 1 buff engi (chem, wrench, buffkit) 1 buff engi (chem, salvager, wrench) up top and the normal engi down on the bottom, one buff engi #1 can easily prebuff both guns before combat and the salvager can tear down doomed balloons and use the bonus to repair to get it back up to a healthier state, cannibalizing his gun before jumping down to help the main engi would be a viable tactic as well
5 seconds to activate (must be continuos, no prebreakage) gives 50% boost to next repair, Spanner would give 60 rather than 40, Wrench (the tool likely to be paired with this) would give 180 rather than 120, Mallet would give a whopping 375 rather than 250, a fair increase but not game breaking
King of Repairs build, Salvager, Mallet, Spanner
King of Vesatility build, Spanner, Mallet, Chemspray
King of Flames build, Salvager, Wrench, Chemspray/Extinguisher
King of Guns build, Buffkit, Wrench, Chemspray/Extinguisher

also some odd things could be done with this, need to turn fast? destroy the correct engine and you will fly the opposite direction, engi can use the repair buff to fix it once the uber turning isn't needed anymore, same works for going downward although that's much more situational

The only flaw I see in this is the trolling potential, but that wouldn't be a problem if when people got reported they got kicked out :P like, more than 1/10 times

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