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Topics - Funghi the Moldy

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The Docks / Sailing under the Moldy flag. :D
« on: March 30, 2015, 03:58:59 am »
Ahoy Maties!

Cap'n Funghi the Moldy is hoping for some new recruits for The Moldy SkyPirates! We aren't just accepting any sloppy sailor off of every grubby port we sail into though. Oh no, we are looking for active players who would like to learn together but have some experience in the game. Great Gunners, Excellent Navigators, and Superb Engineers are all welcome aboard!

We would be honored to have distinguished pirates join and sail under The Moldy flag, so please inquire and join us. The more active sailors we have in our clan, the more chances we have of joining crews together to have Clan practices and set up fantastic crews for battling our enemies!

We are currently in the recruiting stage so some pirates have an opportunity to become officers by recruiting other fellow moldy pirates. The officer status can either be temporary or long term if desired, but we are also looking for a few officers passionate about having an active clan willed with strong and competent pirates aboard. If a newly appointed officer can recruit several good pirates for the Moldy flag we would be delighted to have such a passionate officer aboard.

Again, we are looking for active players who would like to grow and learn together. We will be scheduling practice times shortly after gaining some more recruits, planning to host weekly practices for those who can make it (and also making it available for those pirates who can catch one week but not another), along with monthly meets to pin crews in the clan against each other to improve our skills and experiment a bit.

Thank you for your time and possible consideration for sailing under the Moldy flag, may the spores be with you!

The moldy pirate, Funghi

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