Guns Of Icarus Online

Main => General Discussion => Topic started by: ramjamslam on June 21, 2014, 02:33:34 am

Title: If you were a Game Modder.
Post by: ramjamslam on June 21, 2014, 02:33:34 am
So consider a fictional world (a world like this one but a bit more steampunky) where you are an elite programmer with awesome game modding skills and you can provide your own modded GoIO servers for people to play on.

What Guns of Icarus Online Mods would you make?

For me, I would start with a ship + gun randomiser server as an entry point into modding.  For fun I might also try disabling vertical movement on the Water Hazard map for a classic ocean ship battle.

What are your ideas?
Title: Re: If you were a Game Modder.
Post by: Riggatto on June 21, 2014, 04:11:37 am
I'd probably just go crazy adding costumes/skins/weapons of characters  from other games
Title: Re: If you were a Game Modder.
Post by: Wundsalz on June 21, 2014, 04:51:08 am
Weapons with interesting ballistics. Boomerang behaviour; rockets spinning in a helix; maybe something with projectile lift instead of drop - stuff like that. Also  I'd alter the harpoon, letting it reuse the plastic toss model which is currently only used for rams, to tow enemies (and maybe friends alike).
Title: Re: If you were a Game Modder.
Post by: Squidslinger Gilder on June 21, 2014, 08:12:33 am
GOIO 1.1 mode...mod to end all mods right there.
Title: Re: If you were a Game Modder.
Post by: Omniraptor on June 21, 2014, 04:57:49 pm
I would make some changes to how navigation works. The aim is to shrink everyone's sphere of perception, placing a lower emphasis on positioning/map control and a higher emphasis on brawling.

- Remove the drums, or make them only start after you take enemy fire. NO MORE FREE AMBUSH PREVENTION.
- Minimap only shows your position, not heading. (circles not arrows). This actually makes the compass useful and add navigating as a skill.
- Rectangles from spotting only last 10-ish seconds, even if you still have LOS. No more ship names for spotting. This prevents boring gameplay of blind-firing at rectangles.
- After a spot expires, there's a 5-ish second grace period in which you can't be spotted again. This is to help people escape behind clouds.
- Spyglass no longer puts enemy ships on the minimap.
- Rangefinder can now spot, rangespotting puts enemy ships on the minimap. (like spyglass used to)

Now, these are all nice changes that buff agressive brawlers, so reactive snipers might be feeling a little sad. To make them slightly less sad I would give them fog goggles.,2876.msg51582.html I haven't really thought much about the goggles yet, but it would be easy to make them overpowered.
Title: Re: If you were a Game Modder.
Post by: macmacnick on June 21, 2014, 11:36:11 pm
I would make a mobula variant that does barrel rolls and has 5 heavy weapons... along with a heavy fire-based weapon...
4 lumberjacks with arc together on that... "YEAH, TRY GETTING CLOSE NOW, PUNY BLENDERFISH!!!!!!!!!!!!"
Title: Re: If you were a Game Modder.
Post by: GreyTea on June 22, 2014, 05:35:50 am
GOIO Hardcore

Friendly fire would be on with all weapons, Only spy glass and communication would be still in the game, no indicator how much damage was done or taken,
also i would remove arming time, and change the maps to time based so a day-dusk-night cycle

-Remove hud
-Remove cross hairs 
-Remove map
-No Drums
-Voice only works a certain proximity but it is for everyone so be careful when you say,
Title: Re: If you were a Game Modder.
Post by: Riggatto on June 22, 2014, 05:56:33 am
One idea that just popped into my head the other night.

What if there were a giant turret mounted on the ground or in a tall tower. The GOI ships had to blow up the guy on the turret before he shot them all out of the sky. His turret would be massively OP, but he'd be 3/4v1.
Title: Re: If you were a Game Modder.
Post by: Spud Nick on June 22, 2014, 06:56:40 am
Sky Whales.
Title: Re: If you were a Game Modder.
Post by: ramjamslam on June 22, 2014, 07:39:50 am
Another thought I had is to have physics buffed everywhere - to crazy levels.  That means, ascending and descending are much quicker, when your balloon pops you fall extremely fast and when you hit a mine you fly to the other side of the map! :D
Title: Re: If you were a Game Modder.
Post by: MacBen on June 22, 2014, 10:44:35 am
small target fast as a squid, armour made of paper, 2 man crew and restricted to 1 gattling gun OR 1 short-range medium weapon with an horrible firearc that deals explosion damage. the air-air torpedo :)
multifunctional engines that works as a baloon and can't be set to 0 or negative acceleration.

that way I could split up a 4man cew from the lobby into 2 airplains in modded games.
adding a more newbie/causal friendy toy that delivers the  flying , shooting and team coordination part of the game but with a lower crew coordination/micromanagment requirement.

Not sure what fraction of a kill they should be woth in a deathmats, but noon said that a mod needs to balanced from the start ^^
Title: Re: If you were a Game Modder.
Post by: vyew on June 22, 2014, 01:23:16 pm
New maps, even if they are just cut from the current maps

New new maps: Cave map, volcano map, super mountainous map, map that has a day/night cycle, map that takes place inside a storm, hurricane map

New environmental hazards (to go with the new maps):
Heat/fire hazard (sets fires on ship+direct fire damage)
Electric hazard (disables components temporarily, prevents them from being repaired)
Darkness (as in, need flares to see, not just to spot through clouds), Hurricane Winds (big damage to hull)

New ships: Ship with 2 front heavy guns, ship where the entire crew is meant to be shooting guns almost all the time (not like the Spire/Mobula where the pilot shooting is often optional), ship with an actual heavy weapon (I.e., the ship IS the gun)

New guns:
Heavy Gatling: Does the damage of 2 gatlings at greater range and accuracy, but with terrible screen shake. Has infinite ammo and instead operates on an overheat mechanic. Overheating doesn't immediately disable the gun, rather it does increasing self damage+fire stacks as long as the gun is used in overheat state.

Heavy Flamethrower: Like the flamethrower turret from Multiwinia. Uses overheat mechanic.

Burst fire assault rifle-type light gun: Piercing and shatter damage, with less piercing than the hades, 2 bursts to disable a light gun, 3 to disable an engine/medium weapon.

Actual flak gun, with airbursting rounds

New game modes: Throw in the standard ones from other competitive PvP games (e.g. VIP, juggernaut, bounty, FFA etc) plus some creative ones (still thinking about them)

Ironsights for all weapons so that proper no-hud can be achieved.

More music!
Title: Re: If you were a Game Modder.
Post by: HamsterIV on June 23, 2014, 12:21:55 pm
I would make a Cthulhu mod where instead of airships the players would be flying demonic bioships. Instead of using plumbing tools to fix repair points the player would have to use prayer beads, scrolls, and chalk to maintain summoning circles. The ships themselves have the same layout only be made of bone, tentacles, gass bladders and pulsating tumors instead of metal, rope, canvas, and engines. The canned voice commands would also come across as a little more deranged. I would add new outfits to match the Cthulhu theme.
Title: Re: If you were a Game Modder.
Post by: macmacnick on June 24, 2014, 02:25:23 pm
Hamster, that would be glorious.
Title: Re: If you were a Game Modder.
Post by: vinhuman on July 02, 2014, 03:45:10 am
I would make some sort of 'hardcore' mode. Maybe the map would be disabled or more limited (similar to some of the above suggestions about marking ships, their facing on the map, etc.).

In this mode I would make damaged objects more difficult to repair... and repairs might not be 100% effective. Currently, the ship has its own health once the hull is down. It would be sort of like this, but for all weapons/objects. Weapons could be permanently knocked out, or at the very least permanently reduced in effectiveness. A crippled ship might be forced to only approach from a certain angle and change its strategy entirely because some weapons/engines could be permanently disabled over the course of the game. This might also work better with no respawns, in a sort of last man standing kind of game ( 4v4 or so).

However, given lower ship health a damaged ship could still be deadly. Furthermore, taking 2 ships on by yourself would be theoretically more possible if you managed to dodge some shots. Right now 2v1 is pretty much always a death wish.

The game could very well be worse with these modifications, but it would be interesting to try out the mode and would take a lot less work than some crazy full overhaul type mod.
Title: Re: If you were a Game Modder.
Post by: MasX on July 03, 2014, 06:25:23 pm
I would turn the steam ships to space ships
Title: Re: If you were a Game Modder.
Post by: Omniraptor on July 03, 2014, 07:00:52 pm
I would turn the steam ships to space ships

Chris Roberts might have a shipt to sell you.
Title: Re: If you were a Game Modder.
Post by: GeoRmr on July 04, 2014, 06:58:10 pm
I would slightly nerf the junkers turn speed and slightly buff the spire's armour.

I would prevent the buff hammer from working on guns, and then add a separate buff hammer that is equipped in an ammo slot that can only buff guns.

I would fix the ladders and the clouds.

I would enable friendly-fire and remove drums and hit-markers.

I would add a third person view for mounted guns and make an indoor map inside a huge cave.

I would remove the range finder from the game.
Title: Re: If you were a Game Modder.
Post by: Riggatto on July 04, 2014, 07:54:44 pm
I would add boarding, if for no other reason than to make people angry
Title: Re: If you were a Game Modder.
Post by: SirNotlag on July 12, 2014, 09:29:52 pm
probably add lazers and electric guns... those are steam punk right?
Title: Re: If you were a Game Modder.
Post by: RomanKar on July 12, 2014, 09:57:51 pm
On the backs of flying dinosaurs.
Title: Re: If you were a Game Modder.
Post by: obliviondoll on July 16, 2014, 09:27:22 pm
I would replace all fire with BEES.

Fire extinguisher and chemspray would become fast-acting and long-lasting bugspray.

The crazy things I come up with on the rare days I'm awake at midday... (I'm nocturnal)
Title: Re: If you were a Game Modder.
Post by: Sammy B. T. on July 16, 2014, 10:41:51 pm
But why would bees appear in the first place?  The implication for the flamer or incendiary rounds is frightening.
Title: Re: If you were a Game Modder.
Post by: obliviondoll on July 17, 2014, 12:10:07 am
But why would bees appear in the first place?  The implication for the flamer or incendiary rounds is frightening.

Well, obviously, there's no such thing as a "flamethrower" any more. It's a bee cannon that squirts honey and releases bees along with it.

And incendiary rounds are replaced with beehive rounds, which are, of course, bullets with beehives strapped to them.

Title: Re: If you were a Game Modder.
Post by: Tanya Phenole on July 17, 2014, 09:24:34 am
I would make "Ship Control" add-on, that would give the captain information about repair cooldowns and rebuild progress.
I would add meters distance scale to maps, so captains and gunners could know appoximate distance from minimap.

I would add chat patterns for crew loadouts , so new captains could break the shyness and miscommunication barrier easier.

I would add a more post-apocalyptic look to maps we already have.

Title: Re: If you were a Game Modder.
Post by: HamsterIV on July 22, 2014, 06:55:54 pm
I would make a miniature level that takes place in a cluttered apartment. The airships would be 6 inches long and they would have to navigate through hallways, around furniture, and the ceiling fan. I got this idea from counterstrike's de_rats custom map. Imagine the captain chat:
"I am taking cover behind the couch"
"I think I saw the squid trying to sneak around the coffee table to the east."
"Regroup with me at the south side of the kitchen"
"Be careful he mined the entrance to the bathroom"
Title: Re: If you were a Game Modder.
Post by: Richard LeMoon on July 22, 2014, 07:14:39 pm
Destructible terrain.
Title: Re: If you were a Game Modder.
Post by: SaintR.L. on July 22, 2014, 09:19:38 pm
I would most likely go about modding the UI to my heart's content. Creating custom maps and game-mods is something I'd mod if I could too. And don't forget, mod in LAN support so we can finally have private tournaments without all that somewhere through the internet server nonsense.
Title: Re: If you were a Game Modder.
Post by: pandatopia on July 23, 2014, 10:37:42 am
I would make a miniature level that takes place in a cluttered apartment. The airships would be 6 inches long and they would have to navigate through hallways, around furniture, and the ceiling fan. I got this idea from counterstrike's de_rats custom map. Imagine the captain chat:
"I am taking cover behind the couch"
"I think I saw the squid trying to sneak around the coffee table to the east."
"Regroup with me at the south side of the kitchen"
"Be careful he mined the entrance to the bathroom"

I think this would be a fantastic idea for April Fools 2015!

In that vein - maps with overhead obstructions, possibly some sort of absolutely massive cave system (complete with stalactites and stalagmites - think putting an upside down canyon ambush on top of the current one) would be great.

Esp if it was poorly lit, so flares would have to be used generously and be more strategic, in place of having clouds for cover.
Title: Re: If you were a Game Modder.
Post by: Lochiel on August 16, 2014, 03:15:46 pm
Crazy king would be modded so that points changed after only 1s of capture. Squids and kero are a must, weapons focus would be on damaging enemy engines enough to get a speed advantage.
Title: Re: If you were a Game Modder.
Post by: Tropo on August 16, 2014, 03:55:12 pm
Title: Re: If you were a Game Modder.
Post by: ramjamslam on August 18, 2014, 02:14:17 am
like a heavy gun that fires swords?
Title: Re: If you were a Game Modder.
Post by: Piemanlives on August 18, 2014, 06:39:06 am
It's actually an ammo type, but it could be a weapon hmm...

Also, I'd rename the merc into the Howitzer.
Title: Re: If you were a Game Modder.
Post by: ramjamslam on August 18, 2014, 07:36:28 am
oh a swords ammo type would be cool.  I'd love to see a Flamethrower that shoots flaming swords!

Also, I'd rename the merc into the Howitzer.
I might be tempted to rename the Flamethrower the "Cake Baker" :D
Title: Re: If you were a Game Modder.
Post by: SaintR.L. on August 18, 2014, 11:43:45 am
I might be tempted to rename the Flamethrower the "Cake Baker" :D
Does that mean we can have ammo that shoots cake batter?
Title: Re: If you were a Game Modder. (Which I am)
Post by: The Sky Wolf on August 23, 2014, 04:17:13 pm
I'd make boarding with harpoon guns possible
I'd replace the wrench model with a sword
I'd replace the chem sprayer with a pistol
I'd create a stealth bomber blimb-like airship that could drop bombs from way high up
I'd build my own port to dock at and house to walk to
I'd create artillery to fire at airships from the ground
I'd design my own rainforest map with a massive waterfall in it
I'd design my own ship
I'd design my own Mercenary guild

..And other things too
Title: Re: If you were a Game Modder.
Post by: Mezhu on August 24, 2014, 01:29:35 pm
In that vein - maps with overhead obstructions, possibly some sort of absolutely massive cave system (complete with stalactites and stalagmites - think putting an upside down canyon ambush on top of the current one) would be great.

Esp if it was poorly lit, so flares would have to be used generously and be more strategic, in place of having clouds for cover.

I was thinking the exact same thing. A 2-layer map, like e.g. Canyon Ambush on the surface except those holes in the ground (like tunnel entrances, you can see many of them outside the playable map borders) would be accessible and even lead to an underground cave system that can be traversed by the smaller ships. Just imagine the possibilities; waterfall covered entrances for ambushes, huge stalagmites/stalactites to use for cover and hide behind, hidden routes you can use to sneak up behind enemies :>
Title: Re: If you were a Game Modder.
Post by: SaintR.L. on August 24, 2014, 05:02:28 pm
In that vein - maps with overhead obstructions, possibly some sort of absolutely massive cave system (complete with stalactites and stalagmites - think putting an upside down canyon ambush on top of the current one) would be great.

Esp if it was poorly lit, so flares would have to be used generously and be more strategic, in place of having clouds for cover.

I was thinking the exact same thing. A 2-layer map, like e.g. Canyon Ambush on the surface except those holes in the ground (like tunnel entrances, you can see many of them outside the playable map borders) would be accessible and even lead to an underground cave system that can be traversed by the smaller ships. Just imagine the possibilities; waterfall covered entrances for ambushes, huge stalagmites/stalactites to use for cover and hide behind, hidden routes you can use to sneak up behind enemies :>
The sheer size of the maps and the length of (hide-n-go-seek) matches would really seem time prohibitive unless you're ok with a 1 hour game.
Title: Re: If you were a Game Modder.
Post by: GeoRmr on August 24, 2014, 07:10:05 pm
In that vein - maps with overhead obstructions, possibly some sort of absolutely massive cave system (complete with stalactites and stalagmites - think putting an upside down canyon ambush on top of the current one) would be great.

Esp if it was poorly lit, so flares would have to be used generously and be more strategic, in place of having clouds for cover.

I was thinking the exact same thing. A 2-layer map, like e.g. Canyon Ambush on the surface except those holes in the ground (like tunnel entrances, you can see many of them outside the playable map borders) would be accessible and even lead to an underground cave system that can be traversed by the smaller ships. Just imagine the possibilities; waterfall covered entrances for ambushes, huge stalagmites/stalactites to use for cover and hide behind, hidden routes you can use to sneak up behind enemies :>
The sheer size of the maps and the length of (hide-n-go-seek) matches would really seem time prohibitive unless you're ok with a 1 hour game.

make it a 4v4 map
Title: Re: If you were a Game Modder.
Post by: Sprayer on August 25, 2014, 08:12:56 am
It's actually an ammo type, but it could be a weapon hmm...

Also, I'd rename the merc into the Howitzer.

No actual swords, as in "Drive me closer, I want to hit them with my sword!"

I'd make a combat cloak for the squid,
make the lower sideguns of the mobula automatically shoot where the upper sideguns shoot,
give the galleon the ability to kill its main engine in order speed up it's guns and their reloads,
give the junker the ability to soak up all projectiles flying around it for 1/4 of the damage to the armor,
give the pyramidion a 5s -90% horizontal drag +300% engine thrust and -80% impactdamage but kills engines afterwards rocketspeedbutton,
increase the hullhitbox at the spire's bloon whilst reducing all damage the spire takes there and on the lower third of it's hullhitbox by 33%, also give it kind of an autopilot to always face the captain's target,
give the goldfish the ability to strip it's hullarmor to regain 20% permahull and recieve a 5s -70% all drag but can't rebuild hullarmor buff/debuff.
Title: Re: If you were a Game Modder. (Which I am)
Post by: Arturo Sanchez on December 17, 2014, 05:03:13 am
I'd make boarding with harpoon guns possible
I'd replace the wrench model with a sword
I'd replace the chem sprayer with a pistol
I'd create a stealth bomber blimb-like airship that could drop bombs from way high up
I'd build my own port to dock at and house to walk to
I'd create artillery to fire at airships from the ground
I'd design my own rainforest map with a massive waterfall in it
I'd design my own ship
I'd design my own Mercenary guild

..And other things too

You worded the first thing weird. So you board... via poon gun? As in you are shot out of the poon?

I want a music mod that changes the drum into this.

and of course charge of the valkyrie as the classy alternative.

Also everytime a ship dies children cheer or the wilhelm scream sounds and other various comedic death sounds. Like demoman's kaboom.
Title: Re: If you were a Game Modder.
Post by: SaintR.L. on December 17, 2014, 10:51:14 am
Huehuehue its not like Grunt Birthday party skull is on.
Title: Re: If you were a Game Modder.
Post by: Indreams on December 17, 2014, 11:31:40 am
I would make a multiplayer arena server where ships can drop in and drop out whenever they choose, similar to how PvP works in MMOs. A never-ending skirmish on the dunes would be very interesting.

I would make fungal jungle maps, inspired by the sea of decay in Nausicaa of the Valley of the Wind. There would be poison clouds that affect crews (instead of ships). If I can manage it, I'd add a unique aggro system involving gigantic insects. Destroying ships, firing guns, and making a lot of engine noise would prompt insects to attach the ship.

And I'd add turrets. A stationary, destructible structures manned by AI gunners. It could be used for Attack-Defense maps or a GOIO MOBA!
Title: Re: If you were a Game Modder.
Post by: Crafeksterty on December 17, 2014, 05:41:20 pm
I would mod in handguns and gunner tools that let you attack another ship with firebombs/tommygun/pistol/Firework Rocket.,3680.msg64429.html#msg64429
(please dont bump it)

I would also mod in Power up debries. Like in the middle of a deathmatch mode, there is a ship that you can board. Yes you board a broken floating ship that gives you loot, then it explodes when you take the loot and the loot is one time use random abilities like. Super Hydro. Super Kyrosine. Super Charged. Super Mallet. Etc just to give players that find the power up location first an advantage alsothe risk of leaving their ship to grab loot.

Oh and an undergun slot. Where there is a slot that takes you under the ship shooting down.
this can be at a form of explosive, mine, fire. On ships it would be most prevalent in such as Goldfish/Squid/spire/Pyra
Title: Re: If you were a Game Modder.
Post by: Replaceable on December 17, 2014, 06:34:28 pm
Upside down Artemis.

That up arc tho xD
Title: Re: If you were a Game Modder.
Post by: Queso on December 17, 2014, 06:38:59 pm
Upside down Artemis.

That up arc tho xD

Interesting fact, if you move a gun over the top of straight up, the view model flips over.
Title: Re: If you were a Game Modder.
Post by: DJ Logicalia on December 17, 2014, 06:39:26 pm
Every gun has flare arcs and turning speed because screw balance :D
Title: Re: If you were a Game Modder.
Post by: Replaceable on December 17, 2014, 06:43:11 pm
Upside down Artemis.

That up arc tho xD

Interesting fact, if you move a gun over the top of straight up, the view model flips over.

:O need to see a a few guns flipping around ^=^
Title: Re: If you were a Game Modder.
Post by: ShadedExalt on December 18, 2014, 11:28:35 pm
Moar ships, dedicated racing mode, Sir Isaac Phillips, Moonshine Phoenix Claw, heavy gat, heavy merc, heavy hades, baby hwacha, different from banshee, give ships a special ability, like Junker armoring balloon temporarily, Pyra getting a rocket strapped to it, Galleon a special gun hidden in the bit where you can climb but not really do anything.  Faces forward, one shot, pushes Galleon backwards, damages balloon and hull.  Aircraft, single man Airships...

And the Icarus itself.
Title: Re: If you were a Game Modder.
Post by: ramjamslam on December 31, 2014, 03:53:10 am
I really want a spectator auto join mod so I can leave the game running as a sort of a guns of icarus screensaver.  I might even buy another account so I can have a random spectate game playing while I'm playing another game.

So the deal with this mod is, it just auto joins random running games as a spectator, maybe even flipping between ships.  Tailing ships and focusing on conflict would be a bonus.
Title: Re: If you were a Game Modder.
Post by: seriouschess on January 19, 2015, 11:16:19 pm
I really like steampunk so I don't want to discredit the design direction of the game by saying this but: I would really like to see a space fleet Sim. This is the closest to genuine teamwork I have seen in such a game and the engine is pretty much built for it. Think of the idea of piloting a space destroyer and going broadside with an array of rail guns. Well, I am drooling just thinking about it.

I think star citizen will take the idea and run with it though. Hopefully.
Title: Re: If you were a Game Modder.
Post by: SaintR.L. on January 20, 2015, 10:35:31 am
I really like steampunk so I don't want to discredit the design direction of the game by saying this but: I would really like to see a space fleet Sim. This is the closest to genuine teamwork I have seen in such a game and the engine is pretty much built for it. Think of the idea of piloting a space destroyer and going broadside with an array of rail guns. Well, I am drooling just thinking about it.

I think star citizen will take the idea and run with it though. Hopefully.
Nothin' saying you can't roleplay this.