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Messages - Taukarrie

Pages: [1]
The Docks / Re: Harpoon Research Division
« on: May 24, 2013, 03:46:20 am »
in addition to what has been requested for the harpoon (rope control, rational physics) I would like to see some way for a crew to deal with an attached enemy Harpoon. right now there is nothing one can do to prevent or remove a harpoon. maybe when a harpoon has been stuck on your hull the crew could see some sort of alert similar to when there is a fire. and perhaps one of the engineer tools can remove the harpoon.

the only question there would be where on the ship would one actually apply the tool?

But even if there is no way to remove the harpoon I think it might be a good idea for the crew of a ship to be alerted when a harpoon has struck

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