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Messages - Artose

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Community Events / AJSA hosts a squid race!
« on: April 18, 2015, 07:35:33 pm »
Chase that squidly rear: Squid Race!

The AJSA is looking for the best squid pilots this side of the dunes, and the crews willing to fix those paper thin ships. Your goal, to race around the Flayed Hills and beat your opponent to the finish line, all while dodging mines, flax, and the general hatred of engineers fixing moonshine squids.

There are some guidelines one must follow in order to participate in this race. All captains and crew need to be willing to listen first and foremost, this game doesn’t work unless everyone is willing to cooperate =D. The race will take place in a 4v4 game, but there will only be a 1v1 race going on. We will be using a bracket system, so if you win, you’ll move up in the bracket. If you lose, you’ll get a second chance in the loser bracket to catch back up!

When: May 9th, 1500 EST
How to sign up: Post you and your team below. On game day, just be alone and wait for the announcement in global chat! We’ll be giving out the lobby password through PM, so be sure you tell us your in game name down below!

Map: King of the Flayed Hills
All players will fly to point D, no shots will be taken until the call is given.

The two ships assigned to the race will take their positions north of the main group, and begin when the Mod tells them to.
Ships will fly in the point order given, starting at D-B-A-C-E and then back to D to finish the lap.

Race will consist of two laps, first to cross D the second time is the winner of the race, and will move on to the next bracket.

General rules:
Must fly a squid. Tis a squid race mates
Front gun: Mercury Filed Gun
Side gun: Barking Dog Light Carronade
Rear gun: Mine Launcher
Pilot tools: Any and all are welcome, up to you.

Ammo/tools: Any and all are welcome.

Your team must consist of at least 2 people, including yourself.

Though we recommend you have a full crew of 4, we won’t stop you if you’d like to bring a friend with some AIs.

Must stay the course.

Any deviations, or skipping of points, will be grounds for disqualification.

No pursuing the kill.

This is a race, if you follow the ship to the ground for a kill, we will notice, and you will lose.

Questions, comments, concerns. Talk to Artose or Church Shepard of the AJSA  for more info!

The Docks / AJSA joins GOI, unofficially anyway
« on: May 02, 2014, 12:17:57 pm »
Hi Guys,
The AJSA or the Angry Army is a multi-game community that is based around  both casual and competitive play. We welcome anyone from anywhere to be part of the AJSA and would be very happy to have you in not only the GOI guild but in any game that you want friendly and fun people to play in. We are lead by our unstoppable leader Angry Joe. We want to be one of the best clans out there.

We need you to Bolster our ranks!! 

As I said in the title we are unofficially supported so there is no direct support to the AJSA but hopefully that will come in time.

For now we just want to have fun playing with friendly and helpful people  :)

Here is a link to our webpage


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