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Messages - Milevan Faent

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Feedback and Suggestions / Re: bigger!
« on: August 04, 2016, 06:15:51 pm »
More crew means your game would freeze. You realize that, right? The game is optimized with the number of players in mind. If more are added, the game will experience MASSIVE lag and everyone will whine. Not gonna happen. That's not even touching on the balance issues.

Feedback and Suggestions / Pilot Tool - Gas Cloud
« on: August 04, 2016, 06:13:15 pm »
Upon activation (like Tar), it creates a large cloud around your ship. If you are moving, it will make a ship along the path you are moving for 5 seconds. The cloud will remain in place for 45 seconds. Has a long cooldown, but instantly conceals the ship like entering a cloud would. Does engine damage probably. Opinions?

Feedback and Suggestions / Pilot Tool - Drift Boost
« on: August 04, 2016, 06:01:38 pm »
So, I would be surprised if this is a unique idea that hasn't been mentioned here yet, but I'm gonna post it anyway.

The Drift Boost provides a temporary but massive speed boost that falls off rapidly, with insane acceleration. It also sets your forward speed to max automatically. For the duration of the effect, you CANNOT make the ship change directions or change speed, though you CAN turn the ship to face a new direction. With this, you can go from 0 speed to say 200% of your normal speed in maybe 3 seconds, turn the ship to the left, come out from behind a big obstruction (like say the ship in the Desert map), keep facing that way while moving in the direction you were, open fire with your guns, and over a few seconds, return to normal speed gradually while returning to normal movement so you start going the direction you're facing.

This would be activated same as Tar, and certainly do Engine damage. Opinions?

Feedback and Suggestions / Re: Novices
« on: October 30, 2014, 07:39:37 pm »
Well, that's maybe because you was responsive and willing to learn from first day of playing? Those are the kind of players that keep me coming back to the game, and I would like to be matched with them more often, letting the non-communicative ones stay in their own silent cesspool of non-cooperative matches.

Most people just give everyone a thumbs up, regardless of how well or communicative they were. I know I do.

Feedback and Suggestions / Re: Problems with matchmaking
« on: October 28, 2014, 10:09:15 am »
I wonder how many people remember that half the reason we have matchmaking is because Lobbies of Icarus sucked, and the other half is because we need it to expand to the PS4 (which as far as I know is still in the works).

Feedback and Suggestions / Re: Secondary Fire Effects
« on: October 25, 2014, 01:48:26 am »
secondary weapon fire modes and zoom do not necessarily exclude each other. A lot of shooters have got both. I for one could certainly find another key to bind for such a feature.

If zoom was left in and bound to another button, then that's perfectly fine with me. Right now, zoom is Secondary Fire though.

Feedback and Suggestions / Re: Secondary Fire Effects
« on: October 25, 2014, 12:35:46 am »
Like I said with in the original post, these are just rough ideas that I wrote up, many of the ideas made when I wrote them. I had a few of the ideas before, but not as many as ended up in the post in the end.

It's understandable that not all of these ideas appeal to everyone, but the point is to come up with enough ideas that we can maybe see some of them tested in Dev App, and determine what works, and what doesn't.

Feedback and Suggestions / Re: Problems with matchmaking
« on: October 25, 2014, 12:31:56 am »
I'd actually prefer more flexibility over the balance.  the restrictions add frustration and stress, and in the end make the experience as a whole less fun.  fun is what I'm trying to achieve, and while balanced matches are a lot of fun, I don't go into this game expecting a perfectly balanced match every single game.  and hell, I've had a match where the crew and I sang Still Alive as we got stomped.  it was hilarious and awesome, would repeat.  it's not the balance that makes the game fun, it's the people that I crew with.  I want to be able to crew with the people that I have fun with whenever I want, and easily.

I would still rather see match list go in alongside matchmaking - use the matchmaker to fill in the crevices and balance where it can, and to bring the people that don't want to hunt for a match an easy way into a match, but let those of us that want to search through for something more specific do so.  no, it won't be balanced, but it's not balanced now, either.  I am willing to concede the match list completely with good reason (balance would be a good enough reason, but again, it's not balanced now, so I don't see any reason for the match list to not exist right now), but I absolutely do not want to lose the ability to quickly and easily hop into a friend's match, especially not for the sake of balance.  the current system is still much too restrictive.

Mezhu, swapping slots through spectate was a feature the player base that tested the game fought for, since they removed the swap slot function otherwise and still want to restrict.  when I first tested, they didn't allow people to move from spectate at all - but a lot of people move to spectate for a match while they're eating or answering a phone call, or they'll start in spectate and want to jump in once a slot opens up with their friends.  additionally, sometimes people try to join their group of friends and wind up on the wrong team.

You, my good sir, have earned a place on my "I must crew with you" list. Singing Still Alive is hilarious XD

Feedback and Suggestions / Secondary Fire Effects
« on: October 24, 2014, 04:55:16 pm »
So Eric said he’d need to think up Secondary effects for more than just the Harpoon if I wanted to get the Harpoon the way I wanted it. So, here’s my suggestion for Secondary Fire effects for the guns. Any with Zoom are ones I have no ideas for. Feel free to make suggestions. I WILL be emailing this thread to Muse, so hopefully we'll get a good dialog going with them too.

Artemis: normal missile breaks up into mini-missiles that spiral out in a spreading pattern, each dealing 1/4th damage. Can be used at any point after firing a normal shot.

Light Flak: Dual-Shot, firing 2 shots at once, but with twice the delay between shots.

Gatling: Zoom

Flamethrower: Zoom

Carronade: Zoom

Harpoon: Primary changed to attach rope, secondary to pull while held

Flare: Zoom

Mercury: Zoom (this is actually one I think should STAY zoom)

Mortar: Zoom

Banshee: Fire all rockets at once from all tubes (or all remaining rockets). Rockets spread out.

Mine Launcher: Primary fires mines, secondary deploys them. Minimum time before they can be deployed remains. Perhaps longer delay increases damage?

Hades: Zoom

Heavy Flak: Zoom

Hwacha: slower, but less spread, and not auto-fire (kind of just a random idea, so I'm well open to a better idea)

Heavy Carronade: Zoom

Lumberjack: Zoom

Feedback and Suggestions / Re: Problems with matchmaking
« on: October 24, 2014, 02:53:00 pm »
The problem is, people will raise hell if join friend is removed. I propose an alternate idea. Have the matchmaker try to match crews that form together with eachother more often than not. This way, a weighted team is fighting a weighted team, rather than having a 3v3 match with 3 level 30-40s vs 3 crews that were randomly dropped in there, most of whom are below 15. While no indication of skill, that does show a lack of experience. Especially for players in the lower single digits.

Feedback and Suggestions / Re: XP system seems wonky
« on: October 24, 2014, 12:52:09 am »
I'm sending an email to muse with a link to this thread. This sounds like something that they need to have brought to their attention.

Feedback and Suggestions / Re: Match making by Ship
« on: October 23, 2014, 01:32:47 pm »
After a game ends and the team returns to the crew formation I notice a lot of people leave to re enter the match making queue as individuals. However a few people linger in the crew formation screen scattered about non full ships (often without a captain). When the lead captain goes to search for a new game it takes a very long time because the search has to find open spots for a full ship and the malingerers in the crew formation. It would be rude to ask the malingerers to leave and ineffective if they are AFK. Yet I want to keep my current crew without having to create a new crew formation screen.

What I would like to have is the ability to detach my ship in the crew formation screen and be put into the match making queue as a 4 player ship. That way I can keep the same crew, join a new game faster, and not offend people who hang around in the crew formation for no good reason.

Edit: It feels like this should already be a feature. Did I miss some part of the UI that does this?

You didn't miss anything. I don't think any of us testers even considered that, as it wasn't a big deal when there were only 20-40 people testing anyway.

Feedback and Suggestions / Re: Ship Idea: Basilisk
« on: October 23, 2014, 01:30:49 pm »
So, here's how I'd help to differentiate this from the squid. Make it FAST like the squid, but not maneuverable. Make the turning more like the Pyra, with decent (but not great) vertical maneuverability, and suddenly you have a ship that can get into position fast, can fight well, but has trouble keeping the guns on arc in a brawl. Likewise, to dish out maximum damage, you have to sacrifice the ability to keep the ship alive, and as it's fragile, that's dangerous. This means you have a ship that will have a variety of ways to play, but require a well coordinated team, much like the Spire, only faster in horizontal mobility, and lacking the heavy killing power that a Spire has. Spire would also be more maneuverable overall, thus leaving it with it's role. At least in theory.

Feedback and Suggestions / Re: Problems with matchmaking
« on: October 22, 2014, 11:09:28 pm »
The real issue with Novice right now is there are so few players around, there will almost never be enough Novice players to fill a Novice lobby. This will be greatly alleviated when we start getting more players in during the next sale.

Release Notes / Re: Version 1.3.8 Release Notes
« on: October 22, 2014, 02:59:37 pm »
The goldfish is known to be bugged. Muse is working to fix it.

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