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Topics - Donovan Copperbottom

Pages: [1]
The Docks / Copperbottom and Co. Furniture
« on: April 01, 2013, 07:04:30 pm »
(( The intention of this group is more or less to form a coalition of friends in the game, and a possible storytelling element for said friends in the world of guns of icarus! If you are looking for a zero obligation, roleplayish, casual-ish group in guns of icarus, the only requirement is that you use steam!  Hope to hear from you! This is a work in progress as we get members, and right now is simply an organizational phase.  ))

"Copperbottom and Company Furniture was founded as an attempt to bring quality, if not 'Quaint' local woodcraft from the southern Ridge forest to discerning nobility from the northern baronies and wealthy guild tradesmen. Given the harsh sea lanes and frozen ridges that dotted the landscape north and south, it was quickly realized that such an ambitious shipping route of questionable profit required plucky crewmen from far and near.

This is their tale."

Current Roster

Donovan Copperbottom - Ship Cook, able sailor

Commissar K - Aforementioned Plucky crewman, albeit disgruntled

Ship Specifications:

"The Ol' Reliable"
Purchased on a whim with the life savings of a certain Copperbottom, the reliable 'Junker' class warship is capable of holding more freight than is feasible on the bottom deck, and can be jettisoned in a pinch!
[Apologies for making this twice, having difficulty modifying.]

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