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Topics - Ironony

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Feedback and Suggestions / My 25 hour experience with the game
« on: May 31, 2013, 09:43:42 pm »
I never played the original Guns of Icarus but when I saw around launch time that Guns of Icarus: Online was going to come up, I got three other friends and we bought the 4-pack pre-order. We were pretty hyped about the game after that: we would talk about how we would become the scrappy and rag-tag airship crew that would take on the whole world to ensure our safety and survival in this new, steampunk world.

I played around maybe 20 hours of the game with my friends during the weeks of the beta and then we kind of stopped playing the game. We recently picked it off the shelf just a few weeks ago and played another 5 hour or so.

We haven't really interacted with the community outside of the game and this was pretty my account of my 25 hrs of playing.

"EXPLORE strange lands! CAPTURE valuable resources! TRAVEL the world and DEFEAT pirate scum!"

I was really disappointed to learn that Adventure Mode could potentially turn into a paid DLC. My friends were disappointed too and we became maybe a little angry and felt cheated. That was probably the most nagging issue, but I'll set that aside for another time.

Before I go any further, I want to say I absolutely love this game and I hope it blooms and blossoms in the future. I've never played anything quite like Guns of Icarus: Online and I don't regret the purchase.

Having said that here are some thoughts I've had

1. Lack of voice commands
When I think team-based combat, I immediately think Team Fortress 2 and how communication is very important. A mic is nice, but some people do not have access to them. Voice commands can be short and simple and can just be little text macros that you can bind and send to your crew or team.

Pressing Z can open a crew menu with "Repair guns!", "Repair balloon!", "Repair engines!" etc. or X can open a team menu with "I'm going in!", "Back me up!" or whatever message deemed vital in a team environment.

2. The hats
Not really a suggestion. I just had a flashback to all the TF2 hat jokes my friends and I made. Sorry, but it had to be done.

"Oh god. Guys I think they have the hat advantage"
"It's okay guys, our Engineer has a hat"
"Their pilot has a hat: let's just give up"

3. Achievements for progress
I'm not sure if I'm a big fan of this. Although purely cosmetic, that number beside your name is pretty important on gauging how experienced the player is. I remember thinking "Oh great, we're up against a lvl 7 pilot". I feel that the current achievement system kind of forces a play-style on a player temporarily for the sake of progressing.

Players should just be rewarded for doing what their class is supposed to do.

4. Kicking people off guns
Captains can kick people off the helm. I just think the gunner should be able to kick other guys off guns. Which makes sense, right?

5. Damage indicators
They can be pretty vague at times and I'll sometimes have no idea how much damage I'm doing. I can assume I'm doing a lot of damage if I see really big hit indicators, but sometimes it feels as if my crew has been pummeling a ship for so long it's a wonder they're still flying.

On option to turn on damage numbers and numerical health indicators on subsystems somewhere would be nice.

6. Ship customization
I know you guys are working on this (or at least so I've heard). Different engine types, hull types, etc. Decals maybe? Team colored flags with little emblems on them perhaps. A stylized bow or steering wheel, things that can be unlocked as rewards and promote playing the pilot class. Stuff like that.

Sometimes it can take a long time for a game to start because people are scared to play as the captain.


I don't really want to dip into the optimization and connection stability part because half of that is probably problems on my hardware and how old it is but it would be nice. I know you guys are working hard on that.

Also, if you guys ever do release paints, my friends and I will only start making jokes about lime green and pink hats. Sorry in advance!


My friends and I agree, we love this game. We pretty much make all of our other friends sick of us from egging them to buy the game or supporting the game.

Work hard, play hard, and do good!

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