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Topics - Door Master

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General Discussion / Achievements and Leveling...
« on: July 10, 2013, 08:07:39 pm »
Well, we were having a conversation in-game earlier, and all I can say is that it sounds like everyone doesn't seem to be fond of how achievements work anymore.

From what I've heard, everyone thinks that MUSE are just making the achievements ridiculously hard, then basing peoples levels on who can actually be bothered to grind the most...

And I agree that this isn't a great system...

I've been playing for these past 3 months and only managed to level up once, through all of Cogs Season 1 I was level 6, and it looks as if I'm going to be level 7 through all of Season 2...

What has happened is that I've hit this brick wall of achievements that don't suit how I want to play the game.  So I have to go out of my way and play in such a way that most captains frown upon for my own benefit, what I've discussed is that some people want an XP based leveling system, which I think is a great idea.

It's also boring me, as I've lost a target to hit, I don't seem to be rewarded with anything for putting time into the game anymore...

And it's because I have to go out of my way to do all the achievements that don't suit me...

Anyway, I reckon it can work by making the 'grinding achievements' give you badges, elite costumes and massive XP boosters instead, then you can gain XP based on games played, wins and time played.

I don't know what other people think about this idea, and I know it would mean reworking the whole leveling system, but I know for a fact, I would rather my XP show my experience within the game, not how many achievements I was patient enough to grind.

That, plus Smollett just said there's an achievement where you have to rebuild 100 things in under 3 seconds...




Anyway, please let me know what all of your opinions are!

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