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Messages - Zhunk Light-Cloud

Pages: [1]
Q&A / Re: Any advice for an experienced newbie?
« on: January 17, 2015, 12:32:59 pm »
Find a match with some higher level players, and ask them.

No seriously, if you're willing to learn, to ask and actually listen to what they say, most are extremely willing to teach. Some will not, sure, some might not have the time or want to teach at that given time, but for the most part? You'll learn more from then that you would just playing the game.

I think that's the best tip out there.
I've started playing about a month ago and major part of understanding and learning the game was from asking questions experienced sky-sailors.
As Imagine said, most of them are willing... I would even say "eager" to help and teach.
Don't be shy and just ask questions!

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