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Messages - Hummin

Pages: [1]
Crepe Crepe
slot 1: harpoon
slot 2: gat
slot 3: mine launcher
slot 4: mine launcher
slot 5: mine launcher
Don't even try to pretend this was anything remotely related to random.
Phobos acts in mysterious ways.  Hail Phobos

Bug testing and adjusting for balance is something that Muse should have done already. . .

Yes, I think we all agree that Muse should have.

I, for one, look forward to hearing casters explain the first instant spawn death.

The Lounge / Re: The first Clan that you joined?
« on: May 31, 2015, 03:03:55 pm »
Clan Clan. best Clan.

I never left, though I was briefly in Cloud (because of a name change).

You mean ☁
Haha yes, ☁.  I was too lazy to find the unicode

Feedback and Suggestions / Re: "Mute-Everyone-Except-Friends"
« on: May 31, 2015, 02:47:02 pm »
I actually wish for this pretty frequently in lobbies.  Only I want to be able to mute all but crew or all but team.  It should be off by default but reset on every new lobby join.

The reason is that sometimes other ships are having a lot of fun chatting about random stuff while we are still coordinating.  When this happens, I'll end up blocking half the lobby...

Problem is if I don't get a chance to unblock later.  Now I have a blocklist of about 50 people where there should only be 5 or so, and I don't remember who is who.

The Lounge / Re: The first Clan that you joined?
« on: May 27, 2015, 10:44:05 pm »
Clan Clan. best Clan.

I never left, though I was briefly in Cloud (because of a name change).

The Gallery / Re: CRAZY RAVE VISUALS!!!!!!!!!!
« on: August 07, 2014, 12:04:13 am »
I forgot to include my screenshot

Feedback and Suggestions / Re: Map achievements
« on: July 25, 2014, 04:50:25 pm »
There are quite a few of us stuck on level 14 because getting a Firnfield lobby going is... let's just say not easy.  I strongly agree with re-ordering map achievements to make the common/easier maps come first, if possible.

I'm curious how well the matchmaking system could address this.  As is, it'd certainly make it harder to get into the maps we need.

Now that the lag issues are largely fixed, is there anything else the devs could do to make the rare maps more common?  I could tolerate the current order if I could get one Firnfield per week...

All that said, if we're updating achieves, why not make them more skill-based?  A gunner's "Destroy x balloons" could be "Fire at least 50 lumberjack shots with > 75% accuracy on Northern Fjords".  And a shot would have to be armed distance to count :)

Feedback and Suggestions / Re: Gender-neutral accessories
« on: July 22, 2014, 01:55:16 pm »
So this.  Both genders miss out on all sorts of costume opportunities because of this.  Moving some hair and goggles around shouldn't be that hard.

Plus, I'm on board with anything that means more spring green.  Spring green still best green.

Q&A / Re: Some obvious or not obvious inquiries
« on: July 07, 2014, 11:08:59 pm »
I trust my gunners can aim decently even while moving, with most weapons anyway. I gungineer'd a lot and had no trouble shooting some guns like flak or mercury field gun even as we flew at higher speeds... Honestly I don't plan to use something like mortar because it was too unreliable for me.
The galleon can move, and it often should.  However, I don't want to come across the wrong way here.  Accuracy will almost always be better when you have a stable platform.  Be cautious about how much moving you expect gunners to compensate for... it comes with experience.

Certain types of motion make certain shots nearly impossible.  Here are a few examples:
  • flak/lumberjack + chute: I can hit something close and level, but that's it
  • mine launcher + chute: usually direct impact, it drops very far
  • gatling + anything: not a big deal
  • lumberjack > 2km: can compensate for VERY predictable movements, but left/right rocking makes leading impossible. Unexpected altitude changes are also a problem.  Cannot reliably lead squids or fast-moving ships

Q&A / Re: Some obvious or not obvious inquiries
« on: July 07, 2014, 03:41:58 am »
I would say the above is all solid advice for a novice-moderately experienced player, but don't let it limit you once you get really good.

For example, on a Galleon: As a gunner, I want a relatively steady ship w/ good arcs when the shot will count.  I can compensate for a predictably moving ship just fine when needed.  The Galleon does park well, and it's a good tank, but I've seen it used to successfully take and hold points on crazy king.  It can't chase squids, but it can move quickly enough with kerosene.  And it can certainly ram kill.

Flak (heavy and light) do non-negligible damage to armor.  When you've watched a full clip of gatling mostly hit the hull, and you know the hull's about down, you can often break hull and then kill with well-placed shots.  Waiting until hull break is safer, but a good gunner will know when to break the rules.

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