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Messages - Richard LeMoon

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Feedback and Suggestions / Re: Hide full match option
« on: October 21, 2013, 05:58:54 pm »
That would save a lot of scrolling. Good idea.

Feedback and Suggestions / Re: Team Stacking - Match Balance
« on: October 20, 2013, 11:55:20 am »
I made a few suggestions in this thread that would greatly help this issue in a more passive manner. Though basing it on level instead of 'real' skill is a stopgap, showing players the levels of crews before they joined any match would discourage many lower level players from joining a stacked game.

If there was any match locking, I would not go with hard levels of 1-4, 4-7 whatever, but make overlapping sets. 1-3, 2-5, 4-7, 5-9 and so on. Otherwise, you can suddenly be thrust into the next bracket without being ready. At level 4, you could join either 2-5 or 4-7.

The easy team switching ship option has been suggested in another thread, and is a good idea.

On to the rant...

NoWuffo, I got the same rant from a Cox captain in a string of about 10-15 matches where every match was 5-0/1. Could have been you, but I didn't really pay attention. The excuses in your rant really illustrate the problem.  I would hear advice to the new player that cycled in maybe once every 3-5 matches, counter to your claims both here and in the matches. Most of the time it was simply telling your crews to bring the best possible loadouts for the best possible builds. Most of the players would only stay for one or two games after getting insta-killed over and over. They learned nothing, other than what I told them in the match.

Another excuse was that Cox had just gotten out of a challenge match with another clan, so the 'stacking' I saw when I first came on was incidental. That is totally fine. However, I have to mention here that as Cox members started to leave for the night, any time a higher level player would join the match, someone on your side would insist they join the 'winning' team, leaving the other side with max level players lower than the lowest level players on your team. Any request to level the teams out or to switch one ship to the other side was ignored or derided, with the now-familiar mantra of "We will tell the other team what to bring, and give them advice, but we will not blah blah blah (we just want to have the best everything)."

Then there was the excuse of the Cox team 'practicing'. Practicing? Really? Against 'pugs'? How is any strategy you learn by stomping ships that are not even remotely a challenge transferable to higher level matches? That is like a pro boxer beating the crap out of neighborhood kids and saying it is practice for tonight's match. If you want to 'practice' like that, go to the practice map. In matches, show more good sportsmanship.

Then one of your captains had the gall to try to say it was my fault for not supporting the other ship in a few of the matches. These were new captains that charged straight into your traps, while your ships barely moved to shred them. They had no strategy at all. You offered them no strategy advice of how they could beat you, despite your constant claims. While they were charging in, I was instructing my crew where the guns and components were, when to shoot which guns at what range, and when to or not to fix things with which tools. The other ships had no such benefit. I was also trying to advise the other captain to hold back and stay grouped.

The icing on the cake is when I heard this gem: "I am streaming. I am not going to handicap myself against anyone." I really have to wonder how many people loved watching Cox stomp new crews over and over. From what I gathered, all Cox team members were also communicating outside of the game, giving basically everyone the advantage of 'Captain chat'.

Sir, not only was that intentional team stacking on the part of Cox, it was a disgrace and show of pure, poor sportsmanship. You are wrong on every point you made, and this is exactly why there needs to be better tools to use against the piles of excuses proposed by others like you. At least one first time player told me he was not going to play anymore because not having a chance at all was not fun. I encouraged him to try more novice matches, but first impressions are hard to break. That is lost revenue for Muse, both in the sale of items, and word of mouth game sales.

As for your claim of 1 occasional complaint per 2 praises or whatever from players that want you to throw everything you have at them, this is just ridiculous. It is leaving out the majority of people that just simply get fed up and leave without saying anything. What you have there, son, is a sever case of confirmation bias. If two players have told you they like how you act, and stay around, but 100 leave without saying anything, you have failed. However, you latch onto the two positives with an iron grip and hold them up for all to see with a "Look mom, I done good!" If everyone voiced their opinion, you would get a far different picture.

I'll leave off with this. If this was baseball (or whatever sport your country prefers) game, what I saw was like pitting a pro team against a stream of Little League kids after the main 'pro' game. The pro team brought only its 'A game', trying to claim that the kids were never going to learn if they went easy on them. Inning 1 ends by slaughter rule, 3 outs on the first three kids, and 50 home runs for the pro team. Over and over for 10 games straight.

Stop pretending to do this garbage for other players' good. This is pure pride buried in excuses. Your rant is null.


Feedback and Suggestions / Match sorting options and info.
« on: October 16, 2013, 06:14:46 pm »
Matches are sorted by number of players and you can see the game type and map. Some more sorting/info options would be helpful to see without having to join a match.

1. Sort by average player level. Allows you to locate matches more likely suited to your skill level.

2. Red/Blue team average player level, as well as team player count. See stacked games at a glance. Sort by most/least evenly matched teams?

3. Highlight or sort by matches that contain friends. Maybe hovering pops up a list of which ones? Similar option for blocked players?

4. Ship types. Really feel like crewing a Galleon or Squid? Tired of Goldfish? Turn this option on to see icons of all ships in the matches, colored per team.

5. Confirmed microphones (would, of course, require a mic confirmation feature).

A lot of time is spent 'peeking' into matches to find much of the above information. The end goal of such features would be to facilitate much quicker match making with fewer two-second joinquits.

Feedback and Suggestions / Re: Please Make Gunners Useful
« on: October 12, 2013, 06:17:00 pm »
What if the gunners were the only ones that could change ammo types, and whatever ammo they loaded would stay until they changed it? Or it would take a lot longer for a non-gunner to switch ammo types. That would definitely make them an essential member of a crew.

I think the main issue here is not making gunners useful, as they already are, but rather to make them different. Once you are on a gun, there is really no  difference in play other than two more ammo types to choose from.

The only class that has a unique ability is the captain.

Feedback and Suggestions / Re: Please Make Gunners Useful
« on: October 10, 2013, 06:55:43 pm »
Curious, what are thoughts on an all gunner chat (while on a gun)? That would make them more useful, as they could coordinate volleys and ammo types between ships. Though, that would make the captain a little less useful. That is if you have a captain that actually talks.

Other options would be to allow the gunners to fix their guns 10% faster than engineers, or to let them reload ammo types while leaving the gun without defaulting to basic ammo.

I guess those would be passive buffs, but really, there is no difference in class right now other than what you can carry. Captains already have one 'passive' skill the others don't, which is the ship to ship chat. I would support the right passive for each class. Other than the tools you can carry, and the Capchat, all the classes are a bit.... same-y.

Feedback and Suggestions / Re: Captain's Requests
« on: October 10, 2013, 06:27:32 pm »
Well, they have the new [1] [2] [3] loadouts. Could have a [C] loadout option that would would be pre-filled by the captain. One click, and good to go.

Feedback and Suggestions / Re: Ship feature/point: Toolbox
« on: October 08, 2013, 07:56:44 pm »
Could make it usable only after losing your ship.

Feedback and Suggestions / Re: Lobby Feature for Team Balance
« on: October 08, 2013, 07:54:48 pm »
That is why I keep saying handicapping within the match. It is very unlikely to cause a badly losing team to win, but it WILL make them feel more like they have a chance or made a good showing, rather than ragequitting at the 10th pyra gat/mort/ramkill in a row.

You are simply wrong about people not feeling accomplished by winning through getting a hand up by mechanics. If that were true in the least, no one would use the obviously easiest, overpowered builds. No game would include the noobtubes, or the 100 fist punches. Winning by ANY means feels a hell of a lot better than getting stomped over and over by what amounts to the same crews.

Anyways, this has gone far off topic, and I apologize. I support an easy crew/team switching feature.

Feedback and Suggestions / Re: Lobby Feature for Team Balance
« on: October 08, 2013, 07:20:23 pm »
If, by 'mastering', you mean completely dominating weaker teams, then that is exactly what these things are meant to prevent. If you are in a even series of matches, nothing would change. No need of any team switching or handicapping.

Feedback and Suggestions / Re: Lobby Feature for Team Balance
« on: October 08, 2013, 06:25:40 pm »
Wrong kind of handicapping, N-Sunderland. Simply weaken the 'winning' ships a bit. Slower maneuvering, rate of fire, and weaker hull. Or, as I mentioned in another thread, auto-handicap in the match by making repair times take longer or guns fire more slowly due to 'wear' from being used so much in killing the other ships over and over.

That sounds like a lot of fun to me, and many other combat games do exactly this.

Feedback and Suggestions / Ship feature/point: Toolbox
« on: October 08, 2013, 06:17:18 pm »
I am sure we have all been in a situation where you join a match just to hear the last knell of the match start drums. The match is already started, and you have no idea what ship or team you are on, or what any of the loadouts are. The common practice in this situation is to 'abandon' the match to retool, then rejoin.

Other times, you simply find yourself outmatched because you happened to bring the wrong tools. That buff hammer seemed like a good idea at first. It worked so well in the last match, right? *OMGFIREEVERWHEREBOOM*. Nope. Once again, 'abandon' the match to retool, or suffer the same death over and over.

So, my suggestion is to make a physical toolbox somewhere on the ship. Players may change tools while remaining in the game and staying aware of the situation. As it is an actual physical object, crew will still need to take time to run to, open, and select new tools from the box. This would make it impractical to change tools during a heated battle, so I don't see that aspect changing much. It would, however, give crews a little time to reassess and adapt their loadouts during lulls.

Feedback and Suggestions / Re: HIgh Five
« on: October 08, 2013, 05:37:00 pm »
I vote for a Braveheart moon animation. The other ships won't be able to see it, but it is still symbolic!

Feedback and Suggestions / Re: Lobby Feature for Team Balance
« on: October 08, 2013, 12:43:51 pm »
I still think a good solution for this problem is handicapping. The game already keeps track of wins, kills, and damage. The game could offer you the choice of switching teams, or taking a handicap if it notices you stomping the snot out of everything in your path. Even give it an achievement path. 'Playing fair' or something.

Gameplay / Re: Hwacha Tweek
« on: October 04, 2013, 06:58:42 pm »
I have had quite a few players join my Galleon crew, and instantly ask "Why so many hwachas? They are not very good. Can't you put X gun here?" I tell them we can change after the next match, and to follow my orders exactly. When the match is done, I ask what they want to change. Most simply say something like "I am fine with them where they are."

As I stated before, the Manticor is a heavy communications gun. If you don't have good communication, it is terrible.

Feedback and Suggestions / Re: Harpoon physics overhaul suggestion
« on: October 04, 2013, 06:43:55 pm »
How about this: Left click fires, right click/hold reels in. Or instead of mouse wheel being 'ammo type', change to reel in, hold, slack, and release.

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