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Messages - Michael Wittmann

Pages: [1]
Release Notes / Re: Version 1.3.8 Hotfix 2 Release Notes
« on: November 07, 2014, 04:55:49 am »
- Spotting visibility check reverted to less restrictive 1.3.7 behavior (yes it’s still occasionally weird)

So when will EVERYTHING be reverted to less restrictive 1.3.7 behavior?

heh slowly but surely becoming EA tier

Release Notes / Re: Version 1.3.8 Hotfix Release Notes
« on: November 05, 2014, 12:49:59 am »
One more thing, What do you think is the end goal for Muse as far as being a company goes? What is the dream of all indie dev companies? To become the biggest and best and that happens to mean making the most money. Thus its inherent for muse to become "EAish" in due time.

    Speaking as myself, as a student of game development, separate from my relationship with Muse Games, I can tell you that almost nobody in this industry wants to become EA. Every developer and artist has ideas for something they want to do and what they want to see happen in the industry, and I can tell you that none of them would say "I want to make the same games over and over year after year and ignore all my players and customers". Developers are passionate about their ideas to the point of insanity. People ruin their lives trying to make their ideas come to life. It's always true that some decisions developers make have to be motivated by money, but only so much that they can keep doing what they love. I've know developers that have worked on tacked on features pushed by publishers. They hate it because they aren't making things they can be proud of. Making the most money isn't the "end goal" for people in the games industry. There is a lot more money in a lot easier jobs. The end goal is to make something awesome. Sure you need money, you need to make a living, but I could go work at a software developer and do that a lot easier, so there has to be something else keeping all these people in the video game field.

OH IS THAT SO? If that is the case then you wont mind refunding Me, my three cousins, and a handful of friends. Right? Since money isn't a big concern of yours it wouldn't be a big deal to fork out of your own pocket to refund us then? Since you know you want to be as far from EA as possible you wouldn't mind doing this at all. In fact you feel obligated to refunding me right? I mean only some big bad wolf company like EA wouldn't dream of using their own pockets to refund those who demand it.  ::)

Release Notes / Re: Version 1.3.8 Hotfix Release Notes
« on: November 02, 2014, 02:09:23 am »
True, but Muse is still here. Still responding. The fact that they acknowledge the problems and are admitting they are having meetings regarding what to do, says a lot more than what you'd get from others.

Heck EA, people cried for months regarding some of their games with no response or recognition they even were listening to their customers. Simcity for example. Took them over a year to add offline mode but it took months for them to finally admit the fans were right and they were changing it. With Muse its like..."IT SUCKS!!" "Ok we'll look into it."

Sometimes they bother with things that aren't as pressing and we wonder why the heck they are doing "such" when they should be doing "that." But we don't know where their team is at. How long beforehand they were working on something before finally coming out with it. The other problem more likely cropped up after they already had plans to fix another. When we get it we shake our heads thinking everything they do happens the moment we say it. They mentioned this in a fireside one time where they discussed the patching system and how they work with matters in advance.

You sir have "Stockholm Syndrome " and that's all there is to it.

As for it being worse in the past. I disagree! I could still get a GOOD/FUN game even if the net code lagged. I could still get a great balanced lobby when the servers were screwy. I could still enjoy my time even with ships velcroing left right and center. I tried for days to get one single solitary balanced/fun match since that "patch" if you wish to call it that. Guess what! THHHAATTSS RIGHT SIR! I can't

I'll take ALLL the past screw ups over this match making any day of the week. Que up with full crew of friends? To bad your gunner is going to the enemy ship, your engineers are going to your allied ship and as for your ship? Yeah that's right you get three level 2 gunners to crew your ship.................

One more thing, What do you think is the end goal for Muse as far as being a company goes? What is the dream of all indie dev companies? To become the biggest and best and that happens to mean making the most money. Thus its inherent for muse to become "EAish" in due time.

Release Notes / Re: Version 1.3.8 Hotfix Release Notes
« on: October 28, 2014, 07:51:19 pm »
Where does muse state the system was good as is? I doubt anyone, neither the community, nor the devs are happy with the games current state. Read through the first few pages of this thread you will see

Regarding the money-milker picture Wittmann paints. I think it's an outrageously unjust assessment of muses intentions. If you make such wild claims at least have the decency to bother making an argument based on reason and show us how muse now miraculously generates more money from this game. I for one don't even see remote signs they were heading into that direction. This update is for coop, that much has been confirmed. Coop is to bring in tons of money due to it will be newb friendly rather than catering to the core gamers who have kept this game alive for two years. If you can keep the newbies playing a little longer you will make more money than  catering the same 300 people playing every day

Keep in mind this is the second time I have been hoodwinked by devs who claim one thing but do another. I learned my lesson on fighting the powers that be. No good will come from it but a swift ban. If you cannot see this then you are blinded my friends. You will see it when workshop starts pushing out bronie skins and the devs catch on and collect the top ten best workshops and make them DLC for a quarter each. Mark My WORDS. The day of reckoning is upon us.

Release Notes / Re: Version 1.3.8 Hotfix Release Notes
« on: October 27, 2014, 09:31:26 pm »
Wellp.....I know there is no reason to even log in and type anything. I learned my lesson with Devs+Money from the Red Orchestra's Devs (Trip Wire) so I will just make it short and sweet

This Mr. Disaster guy is 100% right. experience >

The feeble arguments you Devs are grasping on to are some of the silliest things I ever read in my life. Its clear why you are doing this money and making greenhorns feel "safer" is apparent. That's cool though this is a free world right?Soon coop will make in the biggin's.  Power To Ya' Brothers!

I had 12 friends buy this game and a couple other on the fence. I am now never to be trusted again due to the mass praises I gave your game before this update and the hot fix being the nail in my coffin. I even bought it for my cousins. No point in asking for money back for all of us as you will say "We do not deal with money, please contact steam" Even though you KNOW DAMN WELL steam won't give money back. YOU should own up to your failures like honorable men and women and give out of your OWN pockets and let steam keep what they keep because they deserve it for allowing your once great product on steam to the masses. After this massive destruction of core game play steam should keep the money as pay offs and apologies from you men and women. That is of course if you would own up and admit your mistakes. So far reading your "justification" no just no you won't.

With that said I still respect you all for the once flawless game you had and will no long preorder nor will my friends and we will uninstall and move on our way back to Insurgency until those Devs ruin it. Best wishes  :-*

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