Author Topic: Fleshing Out the Lore of Sunken Ships  (Read 10616 times)

Offline Machiavelliest

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Fleshing Out the Lore of Sunken Ships
« on: July 21, 2013, 11:01:43 pm »
I've been away from the community for a few months, but was very much reminded of Guns of Icarus when I got my hands on a copy of Last Exile.
The large airship battle scenes are incredibly epic--too epic for the wood-and-balloon combat context of the current age of GoI.  It did make me think about those giant rusted relics on Dunes and the metropolitan ruins of Labyrinth, as well as the enormous ribs on Duel.  The initial combat is actually ships opening up their side armor and using steam-powered muskets to fight American Revolution-era line-against-line battles.  It's an interesting intersection of chivalry and, in some cases, victory by exploitation of those practices.

I'm unaware of any substantial existing backstory to the current state of affairs in the GoI universe.  If nothing else, I wanted to share a great series in the same vein as this game and serve it up as idea fodder.

Offline Lord Dick Tim

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Re: Fleshing Out the Lore of Sunken Ships
« Reply #1 on: July 22, 2013, 01:41:58 am »
I've looked at the ships as legendary monstrosities that spawn more horrors about them then may have actually been committed. 
Epic tales could be told, from various points of few that stage different people as being the hero for the same event, almost all for them far from the actually happenings. 

Offline Piemanlives

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Re: Fleshing Out the Lore of Sunken Ships
« Reply #2 on: July 22, 2013, 04:39:31 am »
I believe we came up with a bit of lore for the Juggernaut in the middle of dunes back in the old Description Game thread in the old forum.

Offline Wazulu

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Re: Fleshing Out the Lore of Sunken Ships
« Reply #3 on: July 24, 2013, 08:30:36 pm »
Hmm, think of it this way. Not 'Why is the Juggernaught here' but 'Who, or what brought the Juggernaught down?'. Part of me thinks it could've run out of fuel in the desert having lost it's navigational components due to the storm, but imagining battles between these things would be awesome. On another note, Duel at Dawn seems to suggest quite a lot. I think what's implied is that, obviously, the area is a ship graveyard, with some kind of honour code stating that ships destroyed in duels are left as reminders of previous battles, and aren't stripped by folk. This could suggest the area was the site for Juggernaught battles. Again, rampant and incorrect speculation.