Author Topic: 2.0.10 Fool's Gold Update  (Read 16867 times)

Offline Ayetach

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2.0.10 Fool's Gold Update
« on: March 30, 2018, 06:05:29 am »

New content:

Wandering Ridge: Weave your way through threatening mountain scapes and harsh ambush choke points deep in Yeshan territory. Fight or flight, either way the journey will not be an easy one. Enjoy the challenge of this new infiltration map available to you and your friends in the PvE experience!

The Crusader: Hail from the lands of the Fjord Baronies! A new ship now available for the exhilarating PvP experience! Learn new strategies and tactics in ambushing enemy vessels with this ship, all in the name of glory!

Steam Workshop Items:
  • Harry's Hat
  • Bard Logo
  • Cat Skull
  • Ridden into the Ground
  • Clover
  • Gears and Roses
  • Traditional Snowflake
  • Anglean Iceflake
  • True Gentlemen
  • Birdy Engineer
  • Snakes Bite
  • Nautical Star

  • Crusader team flags moved further back to avoid blocking view in doorways
  • Adjusted post-processing effects on night maps to improve visibility
  • Drop down menus from player names should now disappear when clicking on other areas of the UI
  • “Reload speed” metric changed to “Reload Time” in weapon books
  • General UI revamps
  • Players can now ‘opt-out’ of a leadership role for each leadership rotation period
  • Ship scrambling is now added to queued Alliance lobbies that return from a completed match
  • Removed duplicate AI control bindings
  • Changed game font
  • Added the ability to swap to a more traditionally first-person camera setup in spectator mode (default key is P)

Balance Changes:
Brought to you by the Experimental Crew, a  diverse group of players from fresh faces to grizzled vets with a shared interest in the extreme sport of number crunching and spreadsheet tossing.
  • Crusader:
    - Moved armor repair point to area between mid guns.
    - Forward Speed: 32 m/s
    - Acceleration: 4 m/s² (from 4.64)
    - Max Turn Speed:  12.5 deg/s (from 14.15)
    - Turn Acceleration: 7 deg/s² (from 6.11)
    - Max Vertical Speed: 17.03 m/s
    - Vertical Acceleration: 2.75 m/s² (from 8 8))
    - Mass: 180t (from 280)
  • Judgement:
    - Acceleration: 3 m/s² (from 3)
  • Magnate:
    - It has been discovered that the Mercantile Guild shipyard dockmaster has been supplying Priveteers with faulty heavy engines and pocketing the profits. The Guild has suitably punished the offender and has replaced the barely functioning main engine.
    - Forward Speed: 34 m/s (from 26.02)
    - Acceleration: 5 m/s² (from 4.3)
    - Max Turn Speed:  15 deg/s
    - Turn Acceleration: 4 deg/s² (from 4.5)
    - Max Vertical Speed: 16.01 m/s (from 17.03 m/s)
    - Vertical Acceleration: 3 m/s² (from 3.5)
    - Mass: 200t (from 125)
  • Stormbreaker:
    - Acceleration: 9.5 m/s² (from 15)
    - Turn Acceleration: 6.51 deg/s² (from 4.5)
  • Balloon rebuild Spanner hits decreased to 9 (from 10)
  • Seraph Tempest MK-S & Seraph Tempest MKI:
    - Side arcs increased to 50deg (from 40)
    - Jitter reduced 90% (aesthetic change, minimal effect on balance)
  • Removed invisible step lip on Crusader and other navmesh issues
  • Fixed missing Crusader balloon when viewed at 155+ meters away
  • Fixed unicode display text for player tags in lobbies
  • Fixed overlapping victory screen text
  • Fixed sound clipping (again) in soundtrack track 21, The New Manifest Destiny
  • Fixed issues with hint bubbles for novice players
« Last Edit: March 30, 2018, 12:03:02 pm by Ayetach »

Offline Ayetach

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Re: 2.0.10 Fool's Gold Update
« Reply #1 on: March 31, 2018, 05:23:20 am »
Hot-fix build 654:
  • Fix a bug where players hear voice chat from other parties
  • Fix a bug where player see [PC] tags in match list
« Last Edit: March 31, 2018, 05:54:24 am by Ayetach »

Offline Grixis

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Re: 2.0.10 Fool's Gold Update
« Reply #2 on: April 01, 2018, 02:47:01 am »
Hot-fix build 655:
  • Fixed a bug where you can hear voice from blocked players if you blocked them while in the same lobby
  • Fixed a bug where the player popup sometimes disappears upon showing
  • Fixed a bug where player name has a [PC] tag when you're spectating a ship

Offline Grixis

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Re: 2.0.10 Fool's Gold Update
« Reply #3 on: April 21, 2018, 05:04:34 am »
Hot-fix build 657:
  • Fixed a bug which caused the main menu to disappear