Author Topic: 2.0.11 PS4 & Steam Bridge Update  (Read 17767 times)

Offline Ayetach

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2.0.11 PS4 & Steam Bridge Update
« on: April 30, 2018, 01:11:39 pm »
Guns of Icarus Alliance has Arrived on PS4!
Starting today, Steam and PS4 players would be able to play and TALK in the same match, for the first time ever. With it, we’re also adding more contents and special, exclusive items to celebrate the PS4 release and cross-platform play.

Also, a special thanks to everyone who supported us during the Daily Deal sale and giveaway! For those still wait for keys, they’re coming! Thanks for being patient!

New content:
  • Derelict Deception - PvP Deathmatch based on the northern third of the PvE Oblivion map. 2v2 through 4v4. Take part in epic battles in close quarters, under the shade of the skeletal remains of a gargantuan ship.

  • Relic - PvP King of the Hill based on the northern third of the PvE Oblivion map. 2v2 through 4v4. Claim ownership over the ruins of this downed behemoth. Dive into its belly to hold the point from enemies.

  • Raid in the Abyss - PvP Crazy King based on the PvE Sunken Reach map. 2v2 through 4v4. Weave in and out of the twisting pipes and fend off your opponents as you fly from one end of the map to the other, but try not to get stuck!

    Special Additions:
  • PS4 Launch Limited Special Item: To celebrate our launch we are offering a limited stock of the “Cult of the Abyss mask to the first 10K number of players who log in!

  • PS4 Referral system: With the release of Guns of Icarus Alliance on PS4, players on this platform will now have a referral system to recommend exceptional players on their ships and teams. Each tier earns both players a unique costume!

    • Added Playstation 4 cross-play and voice support!
    • 2v2 VIP removed
    • New gun view background added to Library
    • Removed transparency from chat panel

    • Fixed issue of team commendations not working
    • Fixed match option for matchmaker selections
« Last Edit: April 30, 2018, 02:22:15 pm by Ayetach »

Offline Ayetach

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Re: 2.0.11 PS4 & Steam Bridge Update
« Reply #1 on: May 04, 2018, 01:38:59 pm »
Playstation 4 Updates:

Update 1.04:
- Fixed a bug where clients may crash after loading every single ship in the ship customizer.
- Fixed a bug where friend list scrolls to first page when clicking on one player.
- Fixed a bug where "match options" page didn't display properly.
- Fixde a bug for spectators in Co-Op matches.

Update 1.05:
- UI/HUD now follows display area settings. If your HUD is cut off, please go to system menu and find [Settings] > [Sound and Screen] > [Display Area Settings]. Restart the game after change settings.
- Fixed a bug where players cannot unlock trophy "Competent Engineer", "Competent Gunner" and "Competent Pilot". Eligible players will unlock them after playing one more match.
- Fixed a bug which caused game crash against Anglean Boss.
- Fixed a bug where spectator HUD doesn't disappear.
« Last Edit: May 04, 2018, 01:43:01 pm by Ayetach »