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Faction Words for other Factions: A Cultural Experience

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Hello there

It is I, Ambiorix the Skywhale Herder, leader of the First Bank of Skywhale Ltd, Leader of Choppy's Angels and so on.
I have made this post for cultural reasons so all you non Mercs know what we refer to you as and understand who we are talking about.
I invite you all to share your.........colourful.........cultures with us as you probably know we are open to all forms of riches

Lets begin:
the Mercantile word for:
Fjord Baron is Satin Peasant
Arashi is Sand Peasant
Angelean is Ice Peasant
Chaladonian is Weed Peasant/Dealer
Yeshan is Mountain Peasant

In times of war these might seem confusing, so we have simpler names for our allies and enemies in war:
Allies are: Meatshields or Dealers (we like our Happy Tree suppliers)
Enemies are: Enemies

So there you have it, feel free to add your own faction names below. We'll find a way to make money off of it dont worry

From the Arashi point of view other factions are:
Guild is fatty meat,
Barony is salty meat,
Angelean is fluffy meat,
Chaladonian is salad,
Yeshan is painted meat. (tattoos)

In my eyes the Arashi are cannibals.

From the Anglean perspective:

Chaladon: Leafy Targets/Lamer technology
Mercantile Guild: Rich Targets/Occasional Employers
Arashi: Sandy Targets/Fun to raid with
Yesha: Annoying Neighbor/Frequent Targets
Baronies: Other Annoying Neighbor/Arrogant Targets

From the high officers of the fjord baronies,

Arashi: Sandy peasants/Possible recruits
Angleans: TRAITORS (Yes we're still salty about that attack)
Mercantile: The Least worst
Yeshan: Never even see them on the map, government nuts.


--- Quote from: HamsterIV on October 30, 2017, 05:21:26 pm ---
Yeshan is painted meat. (tattoos)

In my eyes the Arashi are cannibals.
--- End quote ---

In my eyes, you missed a tainted meat interjection.


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