Author Topic: Dev App Testing change-log: 14 July, 2017  (Read 9802 times)

Offline Inkjet

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Dev App Testing change-log: 14 July, 2017
« on: July 14, 2017, 01:13:23 pm »
Aten MkS:
  • Reduced horizontal arcs to 35 degrees
  • 1.2 Piercing / 0.1 Fire
  • Fire chance: 10%

  • Reduced Turn Accel to 4.5m/s2
  • Reduced Turn Speed to 11.5m/s
  • Reduced Armour to 525

Incendiary Ammo:
  • Accelerated Fires: Additional 1 stack of fire per 150 points of base gun damage

Extended Mag
  • +45% Clip Size
  • -15% Damage
  • -10% ROF

Lochnagar changes:
  • +16 self fire damage per shot

  • Graveyard 3v3, 4v4

Mk2 Alliance Weapons!
« Last Edit: July 14, 2017, 02:47:25 pm by -Muse- Inkjet »

Offline Long Max

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Re: Dev App Testing change-log: 14 July, 2017
« Reply #1 on: July 14, 2017, 04:24:36 pm »
Extended Mag:  +45% can be fun to test, but  stop, its madness. 6 rounds clip for artemis, 9 for lumberjack just new level of disable spamming, both light and heavy mark 1 flak spam for random kill. Old heatsink stats was fair.

Aten MkS: Still possible to triple laser mobula for vaporise enemy on dunes, if was attempt to break arc it must be more unhesitating. By feels of shoot practice target its  takes only +20% time for both armor break and kill.

Offline Dementio

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Re: Dev App Testing change-log: 14 July, 2017
« Reply #2 on: July 14, 2017, 09:30:52 pm »
Extended Mag Artemis is not that good for Artemis vs engines and heavy guns unless you bring double Artemis and your gunners work well, in which case it doesn't matter what ammo you bring. But it does make a single Artemis good vs light guns. It becomes even weaker when a Mallet repairs agaist a Mag Artemis.
Lumberjack normally has 6 shots out of 9, but has -damage per shot and extended mag ammo doesn't affect arming time in anyway. For a singular gunner it may seem alright, but he may have to sacrifice an ammo for a different set of ranges (heatsink has -projectile so less arming time and has no -damage anymore, Incendiary gets buffed and Greased may still be good on it too, also Lochnagar is a thing, so is Lesmok Rounds) or he will need other ammo types for a second gun he may be shooting.

Aten doesn't really do any significant hull damage anymore and keeping triple Aten in arc on Mobula is similar to keeping triple Hades in arc, which does way more armor and hull damage.

Incendiary at AcceleratedFires 150 doesn't set many fires though.

Offline BlackenedPies

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Re: Dev App Testing change-log: 14 July, 2017
« Reply #3 on: July 15, 2017, 09:46:28 am »
What's extended mag good for?

Offline Long Max

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Re: Dev App Testing change-log: 14 July, 2017
« Reply #4 on: July 15, 2017, 10:11:45 am »
What problem on engines and heavy guns, its only need one hit more for heavy engines. Or you mean possible repair mallet hit, wich this "double Artemis" never give you? I want more rounds on artemis for gat-artemis pyra, but while these "double Artemis" ships exist сaution is required to not give it more spamming disable.
Extended Mag Lumberjack still three-shot balloon, and dont have -projectile speed may be even better for more easy hit, and yes, its 9 shots. Second gun, "sometimes" it  mean manticore on another board, can't say  ext mag too bad on it with 29 rounds in clip.
I think ext mag how its now only make some well know meta ship more meta.
Keep triple hades in arc its is not same, triple aten much more easy to hit, hades don't have rise of damage in close range, non-stop damage even can make problems whith mallet hit after rebuild hull, its start damage hull immediately after armor break not with next good hit. By experiments, it not look like any big drop in hull, maybe problem in damade charging mechanics.
Incendiary work now on heavy flak mark 1, with it 3 rounds, good rate of fire and fast reload, if it in arming time.

Offline Long Max

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Re: Dev App Testing change-log: 14 July, 2017
« Reply #5 on: July 15, 2017, 03:22:23 pm »
Februss mark 2 have a feature: if hit a component first armor of target will take only secondary shatter damage. It can be critical on so short range weapon with slow reload and long charging. And looks like mark 1 less affected with it.

Offline BlackenedPies

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Re: Dev App Testing change-log: 14 July, 2017
« Reply #6 on: July 16, 2017, 09:52:49 am »
Extended mag is good on guns with quick empty clip times, like Hwatcha and Flaks. For these guns it offers higher DPS than Greased and makes it by far the best non-utility ammo. On guns with long empty times like Gat it's worse than Regular ammo