Author Topic: Dev App Testing Rules  (Read 10732 times)

Offline awkm

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Dev App Testing Rules
« on: August 15, 2013, 04:08:07 pm »
There's only one big rule here, the rest are just common sense and standard testing procedure.


Changes are being made CONSTANTLY and things are being TESTED.  Therefore, you can assume that nothing you see in Dev App may never see the light of day.  People have trouble grappling with the information in Production.  More importantly, it fuels speculation and only speculation.  Other people cannot actually test on Dev App.

General Guidelines:

- Test before you post.
- Organize matches if you have, even with small number of players.
- More actual testing, the better the information, the better outcome for the next patch.

Offline Keyvias

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Re: Dev App Testing Rules
« Reply #1 on: September 10, 2013, 03:08:35 pm »
These rules apply while you're actually in the Dev app

-Do Not Argue Balance While Playing
The numbers aren't going to change while you're in the sky so your best bet is to play as much as you can as hard as you can and then leave your thoughts on the forum after you are done.
This does not mean you can't discuss strategy and things you want to try out, but complaining about a weapon as overpowered will do nothing while you're trying to test.

-Seriously, Do Not Argue Balance While Playing
We're here to test. Answering voice and text messages while trying to avoid gunfire is hard and distracting to what we really need to do which is try out the weapons, ships, and maps. We're available to listen 24/7 on the forum and through, but while we're in the sky in the Dev App it's test time.

-Communication is Key
Mics are not required, but please work together and try your hardest to accommodate everyone. If players wanted completely silent automatons they'd use bots.

-Everyone's a Winner
Good sportsmanship is key everywhere, but remember effective testing is good for everyone even if you're the guy shot by the temporarily overpowered gun. Don't worry about losing because the rules are made up and the points don't matter beyond testing purposes.

Offline Watchmaker

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Re: Dev App Testing Rules
« Reply #2 on: September 16, 2013, 01:22:38 pm »
Some notes about what you can expect with your account data on the dev app:

Your dev app account is completely separate from your account in the main game; items, progression, and stats do not carry between them.

Your dev app account may be arbitrarily deleted (forcing you to re-register), reset to level 1, have its inventory cleared, or any other such modification if we feel the need.  Don't get too attached to anything.

The in-game store will currently go through the entire purchase flow (including confirmation dialogs and emails) but does not actually charge your Steam wallet.