Author Topic: Captains to be able to kick players off of ships.  (Read 38372 times)

Offline Moo

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Re: Captains to be able to kick players off of ships.
« Reply #15 on: May 09, 2013, 03:19:09 pm »
I mean, I hope that GoIO will one day become a popular well known game than just aprovincial, cosy game for a small group of enthusiasts (no offense).

It feels to me like the player base has doubled in the last week or so, but the average age and IQ of the playerbase has halved...
I'm not sure what happened, but I guess being mentioned on popular sites had a greater effect on player numbers than the indiegamestand deal.

I do agree that being able to kick could cause more problems than it solves... Why not just do what I've seen people do already, which is wait until the match is over (or maybe surrender if there's a real problem) and refuse to start until the troublemaker leaves.

Offline Redorio diVario

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Re: Captains to be able to kick players off of ships.
« Reply #16 on: May 09, 2013, 04:24:25 pm »
I do agree that being able to kick could cause more problems than it solves... Why not just do what I've seen people do already, which is wait until the match is over (or maybe surrender if there's a real problem) and refuse to start until the troublemaker leaves.
It works for now but it requires a little bit of sacrifice to end an already started game and the patiently wait for the player to leave. Good that as for now suh things rarely happen...

Offline Lord Dick Tim

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Re: Captains to be able to kick players off of ships.
« Reply #17 on: May 09, 2013, 09:49:44 pm »
Or just coordinate with the other captains and just go all junker armed with flares.  Turn it into a light show, or harpoons.

Oooo lamprey fight!  Flares AND Harpoons!

Offline krait

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Re: Captains to be able to kick players off of ships.
« Reply #18 on: May 09, 2013, 11:20:45 pm »
Some games you are gonna end up with 3 powder monkeys, but eh, can't win em all.

Commanders could be given "at most" crew class limit buttons for their ship for each class, with pilot defaulting to 0 (commander doesn't count against this), gunner defaulting to 1, and engineer defaulting to 3. Clicking the class icon would decrement the limit (so clicking on gunner once would indicate that zero gunners are desired), and roll around back to three when clicked on zero.

Monkeyism can be dealt with in a number of ways: the most straightforward seems to be "max level minimums", which cannot be lower than the current class level. For example, if I am a level 8 pilot, level 3 gunner, and level 4 engi, my max level is 8. A level 5 pilot (regardless of their other class levels) could set the level limit to no lower than, say, 2 less than their current level -- since my max level is greater than 3, I could fill their crew slot. If they were level 10, they could set the limit to 8, and I could still fill their slot, but someone with 3,3,3 class levels could not.

What would stop people from simply "down-thumbing" for lack of skill, or the fact they just don't like them? Then you get all these false representations of players for reasons other than being a straight troll.

Level 3 always seemed like a "graduating to competence" level to me, where game mechanics knowledge is well enough rounded that the player should know what they're doing. If they're max level is less than 3, they should be protected from thumbs down. Otherwise, thumbs downs should not be allowed unless at least 3 players give it (or in a 2v2 match, at least 2 players give the thumbs down). Regardless of the numbers of thumbs down, at most one should be recorded per match.

The fear is that people will start kicking new crewmembers instead of trying to teach them the basics.

There are already achievements that reward playing with low level crews.

And since non-English speakers tend to be silent, it's hard to know that they're not intentionally being douchebags and really just don't know that taking the front gun and not shooting is a bad thing.

There's also a problem with people without mics (who do speak your language) needing to type it in, taking their hands off of repairs, gunning, etc. This could be solved with one or more menus of common communiques (such as you see in Team Fortress, et al), that translate into the receiving user's language. User's languages could also be indicated in game, though you'd want to avoid using 'language flags', since these can be offensive to users who speak a language but don't live in the country indicated by flag.

Offline Ofiach

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Re: Captains to be able to kick players off of ships.
« Reply #19 on: May 09, 2013, 11:26:30 pm »
I take it back... teams should be allowed to votekick other captains. A captain who put's mortars/banshees on his ship then snipes and won't respond during the game then tells you to fuck off in the lobby afterward needs to go bye bye.

Offline Keon

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Re: Captains to be able to kick players off of ships.
« Reply #20 on: May 10, 2013, 12:54:35 am »
Nah, he can be taught, told nicely, and then helped out.

The person who needs a ban is a bot and a hacker. That's it. Maybe also scammers and porn posters. And if you were using GOI for drug deals or something.

Offline -Muse- Cullen

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Re: Captains to be able to kick players off of ships.
« Reply #21 on: May 10, 2013, 01:02:52 am »
I believe that the idea should be kept in mind, but definitely no action should be taken until problems become very frequent

Offline Captain Smollett

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Re: Captains to be able to kick players off of ships.
« Reply #22 on: May 10, 2013, 02:05:44 pm »
I want the ability to kick AI off of my crew. 

Every single time an AI joins my ship they refuse to listen to commands.  If I tell them to repair the hull, they go off to an engine, when I tell them to shoot at one enemy, they'll go off onto another random gun just to shoot at the target they feel like and they absolutely refuse to engage an enemy beyond 1km. 

We need an option to vote kick the AI.

Offline Machiavelliest

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Re: Captains to be able to kick players off of ships.
« Reply #23 on: May 17, 2013, 01:38:56 pm »
What would stop people from simply "down-thumbing" for lack of skill, or the fact they just don't like them? Then you get all these false representations of players for reasons other than being a straight troll.
This is a valid point.  I didn't elaborate very well.  The concept here would be to have a large number of thumbs-downs flag a player as a possible problem.  It takes time to be effective.  As negative feedback accumulates from a large sampling of the playerbase, it becomes easier to identify problems by the consistent negative feedback across all of their gameplay interactions.

The Administration could identify potential problems and then move for closer observation and corrective action, if needed.  It also starts a 'paper trail', if you will, which when accompanied by warnings and other actions by Muse would allow them to defend actions such as banning against someone who did pay for their product.

The fact that negative feedback would have to accumulate over time should wash out the unreasonable thumbs-downs, and likewise the ability to see who is giving everyone thumbs-downs helps adjust that.  The drawback here is that players would have to have confidence in the system.  It doesn't provide for the immediate ejection of a problem child.

Offline Kestril

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Re: Captains to be able to kick players off of ships.
« Reply #24 on: May 18, 2013, 08:07:53 pm »
I don't like the idea of kicking or voting off any player. Sure, you run in to the odd bad player who doesn't communicate well. I served under a bad capitan who only served to get us killed, and then complained as we were not manning the guns as we were trying to keep the hull alive. But it's hardly game-ruining and doesn't merit a kick. In fact, if he had the power, as per this suggestion, he would have probably kicked us off the ship, not understanding and not learning why we kept dying.

I also disagree with captains choosing other player's classes. Just out of principal,I don't think anyone should have the power to choose the way others  play the game.  Also, There is a chat window and a voice chat button. Communicate. If for some reason you can't get through, then adapt, change the hardpoint loadout, ask the previous gunner to bring an engineer load out with a specific ammunition. Finally, learn and overcome those setbacks.

If there was simply a "set class" or a "kick" button, I would not have learnt as much as I have from odd crew-load outs and interesting situations. , and some experiences that have made me a better player would simply have not had happened. Adding a kick feature or a "set class" feature would serve to undermine the experience, rather than further it.

Offline Mill Wilkinson

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Re: Captains to be able to kick players off of ships.
« Reply #25 on: May 19, 2013, 03:53:48 pm »
I'm with Kestril here. I am a complete newbie (and a gunner at that), and thus I am always worried I do not pull my weight in the crew. I hate the situation when I am getting yelled at simply because nobody TOLD me that the enemy is closing in from the other side. I spend more time fixing things than shooting, and that is fine if I am being communicated with.

If some kick option was implemented, I would be flying off more ships than empty cartridges during a barrage simply for the reason I am a low-end gunner and the pilot/other crew is judging me before trying. And my best matches have been with a random crew who were guided by the pilot with simple voice-commands.

Offline Vasinth

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Re: Captains to be able to kick players off of ships.
« Reply #26 on: May 20, 2013, 09:23:48 am »
I myself did not yet run into a situation when i would need a kick option, but I understand why something at least simmilar would be needed.
Consider an option a bit different than a kick: vote kick.
Basicly the same as kick but you would point a player which you'd want to kick and give a short reason (ie 'afk') and  start the voting. Then if at least x out of y players agreed with this kick the afker would get kicked but if not nothing would happen. This way the kick just cause would be at limited thou it would still be there for those rare occasions. Imagine a second captain getting on your only manticore leaving your gunner useles and blocking most of the ship's offensive functionality then not responding to any form of contact - annoying.

Offline HamsterIV

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Re: Captains to be able to kick players off of ships.
« Reply #27 on: May 20, 2013, 03:11:41 pm »
I had an idea for the kick mechanic that will never be implemented. What if kicking a player off your ship resulted in the AI replacing them getting a little bit dumber? That way captains who kick to make room for their friends (a legitimate reason to kick some one IMO) aren't adversely effected. Where as people who kick to avoid teaching newbies are stuck with even more useless AI. In the instance where you have a troll, replacing them with a semi useless AI would be preferable.

Offline Captain Smollett

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Re: Captains to be able to kick players off of ships.
« Reply #28 on: May 20, 2013, 03:14:32 pm »
What if kicking someone off your ship didn't actually remove them from your ship but instead ejected them off the side causing them to shoot off and respawn.

I don't think this would solve any problems but it would certainly create lots of hilarity and relieve pilot frustration .

Offline Shinkurex

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Re: Captains to be able to kick players off of ships.
« Reply #29 on: May 20, 2013, 04:12:07 pm »
What if kicking someone off your ship didn't actually remove them from your ship but instead ejected them off the side causing them to shoot off and respawn.

I don't think this would solve any problems but it would certainly create lots of hilarity and relieve pilot frustration .

could be a new pilot tool "the plank".... but to get back on track... Kicking has been a topic of discussion for a while, and I believe the general consensus is that it would most likely lead to fragmentation of this great community (which is not good)