Author Topic: Do I put too much thought into playing this game?  (Read 31511 times)

Offline Solidusbucket

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Do I put too much thought into playing this game?
« on: February 11, 2017, 10:25:56 am »
Probably, what do you think?

I'm kinda unhappy with the amount of still screen at the end. Next time Ill just fill it with loops. I'm not going to go back to "perfect" this though or else Ill never finish it because Ill keep finding things I want to change. I'm learning a lot, though. I honeslty never thought I would make a video this long even though I always had a desire to. I have to say it is really fun and I hope its something I continue to enjoy.

Offline Dementio

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Re: Do I put too much thought into playing this game?
« Reply #1 on: February 11, 2017, 04:57:04 pm »
Probably, what do you think?

No, because this is exactly what competitive piloting is: Punish the enemy for making mistakes, like bad positioning either relative to a teammate or to ones own ship and prioritization, which can be internal like prioritizing which guns or other components are needed the most or external like which ship and which components of that ship need to be focused, and kept track of via kill feed.

Obviously that can best be done via communication, a two-way communication, because not only does it matter if you call out important things, your ally and crew also have to hear and listen to these things in order to react accordingly. I like that this is also repeadetly portrayed in your video.

Piloting/captaining is probably the role with the highest skill ceiling in the game, beacuse unlike the gunner who is limited by the guns or the engineer who is limited by cooldowns and cycles, the pilot has a nigh infinite amount of possible actions at their disposal which they need to use in an constant and endless battle of information against the enemy team's pilots while only being limited by how well the pilot communicates with his own crew and ally ship. That's one of few reasons why I personally open the map at least 10 times every minute.

What nobody is talking about is that it is sometimes ok not to tell your entire team everything, because with an information overflow it becomes difficult to figure out what to prioritize, but that is less often the issue.

What's missing in this video though is probably the most complex and situational dependent pilot activity: Mind-games, which can also be interpreted as literally reading somebody else's mind. My favourite example of that is one of our scrims, a bit longer ago, against the Mad Hatters on Paritan Rumble. They brought a Carro/Gat/Mortar Spire which was pure death against your average Hades/double Art Mobula on that map and they managed to kill both of our ships, but that was close to our spawn. We then spawned back right there, thinking they would check the spawn that's the farthest away from the Spire, which would be the safest spawn, but they instantly killed us after we spawned anyway. So what they told us after the match was "We knew that you knew that we would check the spawn that's the farthest away, but that would mean you would spawn right into us, so we knew you would instead spawn back where we killed you instead, believing we were at the other spawn."

I liked the video.

Offline MightyKeb

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Re: Do I put too much thought into playing this game?
« Reply #2 on: February 11, 2017, 07:18:37 pm »
Probably, what do you think?

What's missing in this video though is probably the most complex and situational dependent pilot activity: Mind-games, which can also be interpreted as literally reading somebody else's mind. My favourite example of that is one of our scrims, a bit longer ago, against the Mad Hatters on Paritan Rumble. They brought a Carro/Gat/Mortar Spire which was pure death against your average Hades/double Art Mobula on that map and they managed to kill both of our ships, but that was close to our spawn. We then spawned back right there, thinking they would check the spawn that's the farthest away from the Spire, which would be the safest spawn, but they instantly killed us after we spawned anyway. So what they told us after the match was "We knew that you knew that we would check the spawn that's the farthest away, but that would mean you would spawn right into us, so we knew you would instead spawn back where we killed you instead, believing we were at the other spawn."

This reminds me of another moment like this.

We saw our enemy taking a fairly ranged setup on canyons, and we had the blue spawn. We knew that the entrance is super easy to secure and would keep them out and at a disadvantaged position for the rest of the game if we camped it, but we knew they knew this and would instead try to sneak into the south via east pass, since west pass is easily visible from the entrance anyway. So we did the silly move and camped east pass instead, meeting them there.

I think after the match I spent some time pondering what would've happened if they had just flied right through middle with one of the co pilots.

Oh also, my favorite one. Hiding behind leviathan when the game starts for a solid half a minute. Enemy team doesn't see you for a while, they know the only place you could be hiding would be leviathan. They look in it's direction and expect you to come out from their spawn's side. Then you just come right back out of your own side and try to engage before they realize what happened.

I may have given away a strong trick though, and perhaps this will make it easier to beat it.

Unless the team on leviathan actually -does- come out of your side!

Or better yet, they wait so long you think they're outside and keep looking!

Or you hide your team under the ship and make them think you're in leviathan because of how hidden you are!

I like mindgames too.

edit: forgot to say nice video. Nice video.

Offline Richard LeMoon

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Re: Do I put too much thought into playing this game?
« Reply #3 on: February 12, 2017, 06:17:36 pm »
You don't put enough hats into the game.

Offline Solidusbucket

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Re: Do I put too much thought into playing this game?
« Reply #4 on: February 12, 2017, 06:36:44 pm »
You don't put enough hats into the game.

Noted, look out for my next montage ( Ill prolly make one tonight instead of doing silly homework.

Offline Schwalbe

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Re: Do I put too much thought into playing this game?
« Reply #5 on: February 12, 2017, 06:50:19 pm »
instead of doing silly homework.

...sorry for an awkward question, but... how old are you...?

Offline Solidusbucket

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Re: Do I put too much thought into playing this game?
« Reply #6 on: February 12, 2017, 08:02:45 pm »
instead of doing silly homework.

...sorry for an awkward question, but... how old are you...?


Didn't start college till 22 and only had time to be a "full time student" (12 credit hours per semester) for about eight semesters total (2 years) as I have always been employed full time and didn't want to stress myself on obtaining a degree that I'm in no rush to get. I also watched my wife make a child at 23 which is another reason I never bothered taking a lot of classes at once. I mean, I helped make the child, but it didn't take me much effort compared to her.

I should have a Bachelor's degree in a little over a year. I have 10 more classes.
« Last Edit: February 12, 2017, 08:12:13 pm by Solidusbucket »