Author Topic: Charged Ammo Tweak  (Read 10732 times)

Offline Daft Loon

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Charged Ammo Tweak
« on: January 26, 2017, 08:20:41 pm »
The result of some messing around with a spreadsheet trying to make a damage focused ammo with a clearer theme than "it does more damage on this gun all the time because rounding etc". It probably fails to be that.

Removed the clip size modifier
Increased rate of fire penalty from -25% to -35%

Damage per clip becomes 130% on all guns making charged ammo flatly the best in this regard.

Short term DPS becomes 84.5% on all guns making it flatly worse than greased, loch or burst in this regard although not as bad as incendiary. (minelauncher and harpoon not included and also not effected by this change).

Long term DPS (including the reload time) sits between 96% of normal for the gatling and 121% for the heavy carronade (which is actually a slight nerf). Statistically it supplants greased and burst on most guns for raw damage over time but has its own drawback of being much slower in the short term along with lacking the AOE saturation of burst or the extra chances to start fires of greased on the respectively relevant guns.

Offline Solidusbucket

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Re: Charged Ammo Tweak
« Reply #1 on: January 26, 2017, 08:30:27 pm »
SO here is my thing on charged.

This game is all about getting damage in before they rebuild their hull.

Charged should be MOST useful on the shit that kills them and LEAST useful on the shit that strips armor

It should be MOST useful on shit that blows up components and LEAST useful on shit that . . . strips armor

Thats all I got.


Keep the threads up. I enjoy pairing my thoughts with your numbers. It makes me understand the game a bit more.

also note: i'm personally fine with the game as is, despite my posts in other threads or this one. I have never had issues with balancing in this game (minus the lochnager mortar thing one clipping galleons. . that was hlarious and crazy OP).

also also note: I'm not a balance type dude. I suck at it. I just play.
« Last Edit: January 26, 2017, 08:32:15 pm by Solidusbucket »

Offline Unarmed Civilian

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Re: Charged Ammo Tweak
« Reply #2 on: January 26, 2017, 08:43:26 pm »
Merc may get buffed if this is put through. Certainly interesting though. I personally don't like a lot of the clip size modifiers mixed in with other effects in this game as they're extremely inconsistent due to their system of rounding to the nearest number. RoF is a much more consistent way to change it, even if some guns are hurt less by RoF change than others (high reload time to firing time ratio).

Guns to consider effects on:

Artemis (disables mains in one hit)
Hwacha (extremely high reload to firing ratio)
Mercury (nerfed)
H Flak (goes from 3 to 4 shots, loses RoF for DPC)
L Flak (pretty reasonable with current charged, gains shot for DPC but loses RoF)
H Carro (though usually they just use heavy/loch)
Banshee (somewhat high reload to firing ratio)

Would love to see this in a test eventually.

Offline Daft Loon

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Re: Charged Ammo Tweak
« Reply #3 on: January 26, 2017, 09:07:32 pm »
also note: i'm personally fine with the game as is, despite my posts in other threads or this one. I have never had issues with balancing in this game (minus the lochnager mortar thing one clipping galleons. . that was hlarious and crazy OP).

Definitely true in the most important way, almost none of the things in the game are unable to be enjoyed due to poor balance. All the ships can be enjoyed without having to throw the match just by doing so, same goes for all the guns except the harpoon.

Offline Solidusbucket

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Re: Charged Ammo Tweak
« Reply #4 on: January 26, 2017, 09:15:05 pm »
also note: i'm personally fine with the game as is, despite my posts in other threads or this one. I have never had issues with balancing in this game (minus the lochnager mortar thing one clipping galleons. . that was hlarious and crazy OP).

Definitely true in the most important way, almost none of the things in the game are unable to be enjoyed due to poor balance. All the ships can be enjoyed without having to throw the match just by doing so, same goes for all the guns except the harpoon.

yea, harpoon is a little iffy. My problem is the skill to connect and the result of the connect. However, its kinda fair considering what it is, TBH

I have had GREAT success with it. I used it on a pyra running harpoon top right, gat top left and banshee on side.

Dominated. Crushed it. We won, laughed and it was awesome. Balanced lobby too.

Very viable weapon. It makes the pyra spin 180 degrees in less than 1 second.

But yea, I'm fine with the game. I have been fine with the balance of this game for nearly 2000 hours in just over a year of play. Thats a stupid amount of time. . .

I probably have thicker skin than most though. I play DCS World on multiplayer in A2A combat and did so within my firist 3 hours of starting up the game with my only plane choice being the Su-27. Yea, that shit creates thick skin. Get fucked.

edit: also i'm not a bitch.

Offline Richard LeMoon

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Re: Charged Ammo Tweak
« Reply #5 on: January 26, 2017, 09:22:24 pm »
Another thing we are considering (and got the go-ahead to consider for possible testing) is ammo changing shell life. Unlike Lesmoch, which extends the distance the projectile travels in a certain time, extended shell life would make the projectile travel the same speed, but last longer (or shorter).

As a first test, +20% shell life on Charged was thought to be a good starting point. This would balance well with the reduced RoF. Merc would get the most benefit, but would still require a good aim since none of the drop is eliminated.