good job.
i finally got to see the spawn points.

This is pretty balanced, IMO.
The oppurtunity for a flank is there, however, it is not necessary for victory. Likewise it requires coordination from teamates to pull off, otherwise you may end up in a 2v1 / 3v1. overall, I like it.
Now, do this for the other maps. . . .
What is that thing AtrueJedi says? #adaptthemaps
Something like that. Seriously. I hate 4v4 but, I can see the appeal. Long range builds are viable AF and the idea of communication between teamates exists on a much larger level than on 2v2.
3v3 needs to exist for all maps as well.
SCS is neat, but it would be cool if this community would do the 3v3 idea that Jedi proposed. I'm all for it, personally. I like the idea.
#3v3 tournaments (even if it isn't a "tournament")
#organized matches