Author Topic: Heavy frame rate drop spikes.  (Read 7333 times)

Offline Echoez

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Heavy frame rate drop spikes.
« on: November 09, 2016, 07:25:04 pm »
First off congrats on the Alliance beta you guys, it's been a while since I've been back here trying GoI again!

Now to the point, I've been experiencing some ridiculously heavy frame rate drops, especially on the new maps and ships. Trying to get off and on the helm, weapons etc, trying to climb a ladder would litteraly make the game freeze for a moment and completely tank the frame rate (especially on a ship like the Corsair). Clouds etc would also cause some significant drop in frames.

I run on an i5-6500 and a GTX970 with 8GB of DDR4 RAM, so I'm quite baffled I get these drops, considering I'm able to run much more demanding stuff without issues on a constant 60FPS.

Offline Unarmed Civilian

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Re: Heavy frame rate drop spikes.
« Reply #1 on: November 10, 2016, 04:16:03 pm »
First off, try DX9. I couldn't run it on my laptop at all, running it on an earlier version allowed me to run it.

As for other problems, one thing I've observed is that the Gas Mortar causes a lot of framerate drops to the point where I'm calling it the "lag grenade", though "lag frag" might be better in hindsight. They're really good at breaking enemy ship components and dealing with planes, and are very spammable. If you can't stand the framerate drops, avoid using those and ask teammates if they can use a build without them until they're fixed, as they seem to be a major source of framerate drops in Alliance.

Someone also mentioned to me a memory leak issue a few weeks ago, I don't know the specifics on that one or if it is even true, but it is a possibility given the amount of changes they have made. If it's true, restarting the game might give a few frames back.