Really like a lot of the ideas here (especially the points don't decap one.)
For the score of 3, that's what we wanted in the office as well, but we kept tweaking and moving thing and the deadline got closer, we got really worried that its release would end up like VIP where you have really long and unfun games, even at 2 points with some balanced teams that can happen. So we definitely want to investigate and do more.
Playing one good round doesn't mean the mode is perfect, we played plenty of perfectly decent VIP games, that doesn't mean the new VIP revamp isn't superior in pretty much every way. It's just you called a 50 minute game and it ended in 12, so yeah, we were definitely being sassy.
We have some UI changes for the weekend, some stuff in match wasn't super clear. (like too slow tackles)
We're grabbing data from over the week on match times for every map though. We want to see how the matches average out and how many outliers. If the average match is going 30 minutes or the average match is going 15, but 30% of them are taking 50 minutes, that means different things from a design standpoint.
Again, thanks for the people that emailed in this topic and the good ideas it holds, gives us a great jumping off point when we look at the data early next week.