Good god. Numbers heavy indeed, but for all the nerds out there, this is gold, Jerry. Gold!
It sucks that we've lost
another veteran with an interest in fostering the community. I really wish Muse would take note of just how many players have quit because of their poor decisions regarding balance and (often ignored) community feedback (though we're
finally on our way to some Spire/Mobula/Squid changes and we're getting some re-purposed maps... but it might be too late
). The community in the past year has shrunken to dangerously low levels, but Muse's typical rationalization is, "Well, that's just life. Attrition. People leave." I reject that notion. I've played other games for years because I had no reason to quit. If a game is good, it's good. Muse is responsible for the fruit withering on the vine.
You should come to the Chaos Skirmish tonight at 9:30 PM EDT if you're just looking to have some non-competitive fun as a great finale to your career with GOI. Lots of cool cats hang out. Four matches of 4 vs. 4 with randomized crews, roles, teams, and special rules. If you're unfamiliar with the event, check out all the info here: Have you heard of
The Gun Range? I threw it together to show gun ranges/arcs with a variety of different ammunitions and I think it compliments your work well