Author Topic: Vote kick and why muse doesn't think my time is valuable  (Read 10615 times)

Offline Narayan

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Vote kick and why muse doesn't think my time is valuable
« on: July 28, 2016, 03:35:44 pm »
With less than 100 active players in the game most US weeknights the block relocate report method of dealing with trolls is no longer effective for a few reasons. First report doesn't do anything as everyone knows. Second blocking a bad player may solve the problem for you but he can still hurt whatever ship he's on and if it's your ship blocking him is almost a garunteed loss.

Relocating is the last option given by muse and one that I think is especially interesting now. So it can take up to 10 mins to get a match going from starting the lobby to when the timer runs out, it could in theory take longer if you have to keep remaking the lobby. Why you ask would you keep remaking? Well the answer to that is that with only 3 or 4 lobbies in the game the troll will find you again. What if you password protect? Well that's good unless you still need more players from matchmaker or want to get achievements, I know my friends list starts to dwindle. Also we are getting into a situation where there are one or two good full high lvl lobbies that all your friends are in and they probably won't leave to join yours.

Spending 15 or 20 mins between matches is unacceptable even for lobbies of Icarus we need to get that time down by allowing ourselves vote kick options.

Offline Solidusbucket

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Re: Vote kick and why muse doesn't think my time is valuable
« Reply #1 on: July 28, 2016, 07:04:57 pm »
You could go engineer and join an ongoing game.

Problem fixed.

Offline Narayan

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Re: Vote kick and why muse doesn't think my time is valuable
« Reply #2 on: July 28, 2016, 09:06:08 pm »
A lot of time the late nigh lobbies fill to the point there are no slots available. Again it's a game you should be able to play how you want to enjoy it, and not have your experience decided by a troll.

Offline Daft Loon

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Re: Vote kick and why muse doesn't think my time is valuable
« Reply #3 on: July 29, 2016, 03:32:25 am »
Who would vote in this vote kick?

The other team have no business deciding or refusing to remove someone from my ship and 90% of the time that goes for the allied ship/s as well. That leaves 4 people, one of them called the vote, one is the subject of it and a lot of the time one more is an AI. Its not much of a vote at that point.

Offline Squidslinger Gilder

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Re: Vote kick and why muse doesn't think my time is valuable
« Reply #4 on: July 30, 2016, 04:49:14 pm »
Ideally it would be a crew vote situation. A kick vote is proposed and then voted on.

This has been an ongoing problem with the only solution being to implement a kick feature. But Muse won't do it. There is a lot of potential for abuse and negative use.

The trouble is, their CA system is useless. They have no power and must take any and all abuse from players. But if they give them real power, it'll mean Muse will have to actively monitor CAs for abuse which will be another job. Which comes back to the kick solution. It's the only real viable solution to the problem and all Muse has to do is deal with complaints, which would be much better than dealing with reading reports.

Offline Hoja Lateralus

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Re: Vote kick and why muse doesn't think my time is valuable
« Reply #5 on: July 30, 2016, 07:51:27 pm »
I'd say we have short term bans for misconduct. You're leaving a match*? No game for you for 10 minutes. You got several reports 'from different matches and/or people' during one day? Half hour ban. Time of ban is opened to tweaks, I'm just suggesting a general idea.
MAYBE those numbers can be a bit less harsh for novices since they usually have no idea what they are doing anyway. But it's a maybe.
And yes, CA's and report system are all in all not very effective against various nuisances we have to deal with every day.

*or just 'if you match completion rate drops below 90%"