"You just get this overwhelming sense that none of the TF2 developers even play the game.
Sigh... I've said it hundreds of times... Muse doesn't play their game. They play in the dev matches twice a week, and that's it. They need to get #InTheTrenches and actually fly with people who AREN'T other devs. Fly with newbs, fly
for newbs, fly
beside and
against newbs... actually, it isn't even a newbs thing. It's the bubble they isolate themselves inside that's the problem. Just fly in matches that AREN'T dev matches. Fly with
us, the players.
I love bringing up how Mobulas demolish Spires because the Hades, especially atop a Mobula, is the ultimate anti-Spire weapon. Muse claims this isn't true and that 90% of Mobs
aren't double-Artemis-top-Hades/Merc... but they are. They are! How can Muse deny this!? Because they're ignorant. What did Daryl and John say...?