Author Topic: Cake's Unbirthday Tournament Sign Ups (to be updated July 11 for 1st gamemode)  (Read 16471 times)

Offline Admiral Obvious

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    The Unbirthday Tournament is an annual event hosted and run by the Cake Clan. Following the Cake’s founding principles, the Unbirthday Tournament is a competitive level tournament where fun is not just encouraged but required by all participants. We encourage players of all skill level to participate in our weekly matches!

Link to tournament steam group (required to join by team captains):

Tournament Structure and Schedule
    The Unbirthday Tournament is Round Robin style structure with single ship sign up that will be scored as their own team (1 Ship = 4 Players = 1 Team). These teams will compete in weekly game modes where points will be rewarded and tracked through the duration of the season.The tournament will begin Sat. July 16th at 7:00PM UTC (3:00PM EST), and will run for 5 consecutive weeks every Saturday at the same time.
    Each week, the gamemode of the tournament will change. The rules of each week's game mode will be announced in its respective weekly sign up post  in the form of a listed rule set as well as an instructional video/trailer. (see sign ups for information on weekly sign ups). All other information players are required to know will be posted in this thread as well including that week's point system.

    Every match in the tournament will be scheduled on Challonge, an online bracket website. A link to the brackets will be provided before the event on the weekly sign up forum post, and in the Tournament Steam Group. All matches will be recorded as well, and VODs will be posted to a Youtube channel linked on the weekly sign up page.

Signing Up

    Sign Ups for the tournament will be on a weekly basis and open the Monday before that respective week’s tournament. The sign ups will be posted in the Guns Of Icarus Community Forum under “Community Events” and will be titled “Unbirthday Tournament Sign Ups Week #___”. A format for the sign ups will be posted in those threads.The first week sign ups will begin a week earlier than the others, and open on Tuesday July 5th. Though points do transition week to week, a team is free not to for a particular week but will receive no points for the week. Teams must be signed up at least 12 hours in advance to participate. Late sign ups must speak with tournament management to ensure proper scheduling.

    Upon initial sign up, teams must mention which division they wish to enter and be scored with (see divisions for details on each division). These divisions are adventurer and veteran and will be used to score players in the overall results. A team may change divisions if the meet the criteria held for each, but MUST speak to a tournament organizer (not a referee) at least 24hrs prior to the start of the first match.

    Teams may also volunteer to be “mercenaries” for the tournament. In addition to participating in the tournament as a normal team, a mercenary may be called to fill a vacant ship spot in the case of team drop-out or tournament schedule conflicts. When playing as a mercenary, the team will not receive any candles and will not affect their overall score and will not affect the candles awarded each match.

Sign up Format:
Team Name:
Team Captain:
Crew 1:
Crew 2:
Crew 3:
Mercenary (Y/N):
Logo (optional):

The team Captain of each team is required to join the steam group designated for the tournament (see Steam Group for details).

    Throughout the tournament there will be two divisions used in scoring: Adventurer and Veteran. Adventurer division is available to a ship consisting of all crew level 30 and below in their highest level, veteran is open to all players though is encouraged to be a more experienced division. On the first sign up, teams must list what division they wish to enter. Should a team wish to enter under adventurer division, but do not meet the criteria of all crew level 30 and below, the team captain MUST speak with tournament organizers.

    Divisions will be used only in the recording of overall tournament score. Adventurer and Veteran division ships will still in matches together either as allies or enemies, and will be taken into consideration for match making game formations. At the conclusion of each week, score will be posted of candles earned and divisions will be scored only amongst themselves. Winners of each division will receive reward for their victory. Division does not affect the value of the prize won.

(See Rule 13 about alternate accounts)

NOTE: Tournament organizers maintain the right to change a team's division based upon performance. Prior notification to the team will be made.

Points scoring

    The tournament will be scored according to two point systems: points and candles. Points are awarded in each individual game based upon the rules set for the weekly gamemode and will include actions such as ship kills, point defense, and similar in game activities. At the conclusion of the match, Candles are awarded and are proportional to a 1st, 2nd, 3rd ranking based upon points scored in the match. For example the team that scored the most points will receive 6 candles, while the team with the second most receives 5, and so on until the last place team receives 1. Candles are recorded week by week and will decide overall division score and rank. Winners of the tournament are the teams of their respective division with the most candles earned over 5 weeks.

Tournament Steam Group
    In addition to requiring teams to sign up each week, all ships must list a point of contact (does not have to be who posted the sign up). This point of contact must join an open steam group that is titled “Cake Unbirthday Tournament” Link is provided here: . This steam group will be how game referees contact participants. Once a lobby has been opened, an announcement will be made in the group alerting players when they may join. The format of these announcements will be similar to “Match number # is now open, please join (referee in game name)” where match number will be given on the schedule posted before the event. Teams will also be given an “on deck” notification in this message alerting them of which match they can expect to open next. Only teams listed in the corresponding match on the schedule should join, and passwords should not be shared with players who have not signed up.

Contacting Tournament Management
    For questions about the tournament, players are free to contact tournament managers in any of the following ways:
    Steam Group:
        [Cake] Admiral Obvious
        [Cake] Kajros
        Any moderator of the Unbirthday Steam Group
    For all division change requests, drop outs, and concerns with the tournament please speak to tournament organizers, NOT A REFEREE. Tournament organizers include Cake Clan Officers and designated organizers.



This week's gamemode is going to be a 3v3 Capture Point or Crazy King matchup! Come along and try to capture points against your foes. Be sure to co-operate with the ships joining your team!
We're going to be shuffling the teams around match by match so you'll get a chance to fly alongside many of the other ship teams. Each round will use a different map to keep things fresh all the way through.

The rules for winning are the essential same as what you would do when playing a Capture Point or Crazy King normally. Capture the stripy balloon points to earn your way to victory! The map referees will be enforcing a 15 second pause at the start of the game in order to let everyone suit up, load in and prepare themselves.

Be ready to be adaptable. You'll be playing with different team-mates each match so be ready to co-operate! Your collective wealth of Candles stand together. Good luck!!!!!!!

« Last Edit: August 02, 2016, 06:38:11 pm by -Muse- Josie »

Offline Areus

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Signing up
Team Name: Ouroboros Ryders
Team Captain: Areus
Crew 1: Caprontos
Crew 2: Ayetach
Crew 3: Skybox-
Division: Veteran
Mercenary (Y/N): Yes

Offline The Mann

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Team Name: Choco-late
Team Captain: The Mann
Crew 1: B'Elanna
Crew 2: Vaatii
Crew 3: Crusty Skunk
Division: Scrubs - Err I mean Veteran?
Mercenary: N

Offline Princess Laethri

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Team Name:
Team Captain: Laethri
Crew 1: GreatMontgomeryScott
Crew 2: Moldy Crow
Crew 3: Kindrey
Division: Veteran
Mercenary: N
« Last Edit: July 15, 2016, 01:25:06 am by Laethri »

Offline Captain Scrobeard

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The ECT-Co signing up - if it's not too late.  ;)
Captain: Captain Scrobeard
Crew 1: Wardire
Crew 2: Peter Pun
Crew 3: Steamboat Janni
Division: Veterans
Mercenary: No

Sorry for the late signup. If it's not possible to join the tournament today, we'll of course sit out this week and hope to get the chance in one of the forthcoming rounds.

Offline Mirwen

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Signing in a second ship for ECT

Captain : Mirwen
Crew 1 : Wardire
Crew 2 : Lordarome
Crew 3 : Squidgeskills
Division : Veteran
Merc : Considering we are late, you may or may not include us, depending on if it messes the tournament table and gives you an uneven number of ships and such, whatever makes it easier for you. Prioritize the inclusion of the first ship of the ECT.

Offline Captain Scrobeard

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Signing in a second ship for ECT

Captain : Mirwen
Crew 1 : Wardire
Crew 2 : Lordarome
Crew 3 : Squidgeskills
Division : Veteran
Merc : Considering we are late, you may or may not include us, depending on if it messes the tournament table and gives you an uneven number of ships and such, whatever makes it easier for you. Prioritize the inclusion of the first ship of the ECT.

In that case we have to replace Wardire on my ship with Emmy von Olfstein.

Summarizing into:


The ECT-Co signing up - if it's not too late.  ;)
Captain: Captain Scrobeard
Crew 1: Emmy von Olfstein
Crew 2: Peter Pun
Crew 3: Steamboat Janni
Division: Veterans
Mercenary: No


The ECT-Co #2 signing up - if it's not too late.  ;)
Captain: Mirwen
Crew 1: Wardire
Crew 2: Lorda Rome
Crew 3: Squidge_Skillz
Division: Veterans
Mercenary: No/Yes (your choice)

Sorry for the late signup. If it's not possible to join the tournament today, we'll of course sit out this week and hope to get the chance in one of the forthcoming rounds.
Don't bother dropping ship Nr. #2 if it's causing too much trouble.

Offline Fynx

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Same here. A little bit of organisation issues and stuff, but if we're needed, we'll play in this week too.

Logo to come.

Team Name: Storm Facepaw
Team Captain: Fynx
Crew 1: Silent Marauder
Crew 2: Wolf One
Crew 3: Akagify
Division: Veteran
Mercenary (Y/N): y

Offline Sundstrom

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Team Name: The Skyborne
Team Captain: Sundstrom
Ultimate Gunner: Dmitrij K. Rozhkov
Crew 2: Rareform K. Rozhkov
Crew 3: SlyCrossfox
Division: Veteran
Mercenary (Y/N): Y
« Last Edit: July 16, 2016, 01:08:13 pm by Sundstrom »

Offline James T. Kirk

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Everyone above this post is in the game, but please please try to sign up earlier next week. You all really scared us.
« Last Edit: July 16, 2016, 02:18:44 pm by James T. Kirk »