Off-Topic > The Pit

Huskarr's laboratory (everyone can use it now)

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The Mann:

The Mann:
Flare Templates To deceive Enemies:

Really loving these ideas.

Carn whatever you're up to don't blow us up and show us when you're done.

The mintotaur fool guns sounds as fun as loch gat on the first day of the loch change. I am loving it. (The heavy and light weapon thing is genius)

The Jupiter heavy field gun is something I always thought was missing from the game. A heavy piercing weapon. I can see teams using double fish and a Jupiter plus flak combo. And because of the recoil a galleon with flak Jupiter wouldn't be imba.

And the pictures speak for themselves and are their own proof of awesomeness.

You mean its Ok for me to use a harpoon gun and ferry rocket propelled lochnagar mines to some poor ship? Like a makeshift guided missile?

Or create a Blend of kerosene and moonshine for engines and drinking?

You mean its ok to take pirates in here and use them as target practice?
Or to eat them?
I hear human scum taste great when they have been purified with a rocket engine.

You mean its ok to rip the soul out of a dog and seal him in a warmachine?
What about cats?

I can mess with the contents of a flare gun so it can burn brighter than the sun?
What about melting mountains and small children? You ok with all of that?

Its your lab Husk.
My old lab got raided by Yeshan auhorities. Bastards didnt appriciate me turning small children into human tanks or using the cities entire powersupply to power a lightning gun.
I didnt MEAN to fry the fourth emperor and his royal fleet!
It was just a...test fire.
Dumbasses shouldnt have been using hydrogen!

The Mann:
Welp, you're lab worked better than mine :(

I build a laboratory in the vastness to experiment on the use of Gems and Lenses as weaponry.

One day, I combined the Apollo Lense with technologies from an Anglean Zeus Coil to produce an electric ray...

Next thing I knew, I lost my entire lab and I blew three massive craters into the Vastness...

Wish you was here <3


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