Author Topic: Everything in 1.3 Dev App is Speculation and Speculation Only.  (Read 8683 times)

Offline awkm

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    • Notes for Next Century—n4n100
Hello everyone,

I'd like to ask testers to keep in mind a few things and try not to speak too definitively about 1.3 changes.  You did nothing wrong, it's just that we failed you and did not provide a private space for you to discuss the changes that also facilitated discussion with us.  The main thing I'd like to stress is:

Everything in Dev App is a work in progress.  Nothing is set in stone.

Things that were said about 1.3 at the beginning of this week to just 30 minutes ago is already out of date.  Changes are being made constantly and many concerns have been mitigated already.

Signal to noise ratio is terrible this round, I don't know if something is being said is based on an actual test or not because this part of the forum is public.  My work does not benefit from speculation and hearsay.  Misinformation is the biggest thing that undermines my attempt to push the game into more meaningful realms of play.

For non-testers and in general, some significant changes are being made and new additions will be in this coming patch.  Things are always tweaked to improve gameplay, not to make it worse. 

For testers: In the future, I'm proposing more structured tests and a section of the forum that is for testers only.  This way I have complete control over information and know that every piece of feedback is based on actually trying something rather than speculation.   Sifting through information makes my life very difficult.  I personally do not know how testers are chosen right now, but I also want to ensure that non-testers can sign up so that there can be a fair test on new content and tweaks instead of seeing it through the same eyes over and over.
