Author Topic: Adding colors to the lobby chat for regional, team, and crew, adding team VC  (Read 10031 times)

Offline Elberon Darkshadow

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Don't know if this has been suggested but, my suggestion is to add colors to the lobby chat do differentiate between regional, team and crew so you know to pay attention to the crew/team chat more.

Also making a separate voice channel for team and/or crew for in the lobby would help as well so that you can strategize before the match and tell your crew what to equip for maximum efficiency.

I know that the brackets already differentiate the chats atm but when a lot of chat is streaming by it becomes harder to try to pick out what is important.

Elberon Darkshadow

Offline Coldcurse

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this is a really good idea

Offline Lord Dick Tim

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Could you imagine all my text being yellow all the time?  Man...  That be distracting.  But I'd like a loud color to be crew chat, a slightly more muted one for team and neutral color for general chat.

Offline Chrinus

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That would be incredibly helpful. I've been running into a lot of players that do not have mics but are a chatty bunch, and I have faith the devs could implement this with the correct discretion. Unfortunately most of what they say is never seen.
I would even recommend adding a sound queue when someone sends a message in team or crew chat; sometimes what these guys say is vital!

Offline Urz

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One option is rather than the entire line, have it the same as in-game where the [Crew] and [Team] tags, along with the typist's name, are colour-coded to your team.
« Last Edit: April 26, 2013, 10:11:26 am by Urz »

Offline RaptorSystems

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One option is rather than the entire line, have it the same as in-game where the [Crew] and [Team] tags, along with the typist's name, are colour-coded to your team.

From an accessibility perspective only having the tag coloured is a good idea. You need a relatively high contrast with text for it to be 'easily' visible.

Another idea might be to use icons at the start of the chat line.

Offline Helmic

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One option is rather than the entire line, have it the same as in-game where the [Crew] and [Team] tags, along with the typist's name, are colour-coded to your team.

From an accessibility perspective only having the tag coloured is a good idea. You need a relatively high contrast with text for it to be 'easily' visible.

Another idea might be to use icons at the start of the chat line.

I would've suggested these myself.  Colored text is incredibly annoying when overused, it's better to just have enough to convey the information.