Muse makes game
Players play game
Players become vets
Muse nerfs game
Vets leave game
Muse scrounges for players
Players want competitive
Vets not around anymore to manage competitive
Players leave game
Muse closes game
Ultimately, the private server move may be a sign that Muse has had it with managing GOIO. If you can't make people happy, just give them the tools to make themselves happy. If we can host custom servers with any mutators we want, we ultimately decide what is meta and what isn't. Muse doesn't have to bother anymore. The community wins and Muse gets a much needed reprieve. This is really something that should have been done long ago. In fact myself and others suggested the same thing back then. See I come from UT99 background with a healthy modding community and custom servers. I saw how powerful those were with keeping a game alive long past it's prime. Games without private hosting, that run only via the parent company, never last.