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Author Topic: Cronus League - Single Ship Teams  (Read 24610 times)

Offline Zormac

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Re: Cronus League - Single Ship Teams
« Reply #15 on: October 25, 2015, 01:54:00 pm »
You should reach out to , which is the BoCA team. They'll help you find a good time period for the event (since they know when other events are going on), they can help set up prizes and graphics as well if  needed. They have a list of casters and referees too you can pull from. Basically they'll help with anything you need, and you still get final say on how the event is going to run.

Awesome, thanks. Will do.

Regarding the "backstabbing mine fest", I think it's really hard for people to "compete for kills", especially with mines, because mine kills are extremely hard to get in a competitive match. People would stick to more conventional builds for damage, with mines as an effective extra (Like Princess TuTu), as making mistakes could mean risking losing a game. The core of the points comes from winning a match, so meat grinding players would probably be punished by losing, while potentially breaking people who go for all-out disable ships with zero kill power or those who leech points off their allies.

I like and support individual ship progress, if done right. Since it's 4 players per team, it just makes sense. I would oppose in case of 8-16 player teams.

Offline ZnC

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Re: Cronus League - Single Ship Teams
« Reply #16 on: October 25, 2015, 03:37:45 pm »
Glad to have your help, Zormac. ;D

I've sent BoCA an email in the past regarding this format and they have logged it. Thomas' idea - having a one-day tournament first - will allow us to see it in practice and refine the format.
« Last Edit: October 25, 2015, 03:40:00 pm by Zanc »

Offline Agent Sylka

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Re: Cronus League - Single Ship Teams
« Reply #17 on: October 26, 2015, 11:03:04 pm »
Hey guys!
Just wanted to jump in and officially offer our help here too. Just send us an e-mail with what kind of help you need and when. We do have your original e-mail correspondence, Zanc, but would need to know exactly how you would want to move forward and what involvement you would like from BoCA.

Glad to have your help, Zormac. ;D

I've sent BoCA an email in the past regarding this format and they have logged it. Thomas' idea - having a one-day tournament first - will allow us to see it in practice and refine the format.
From this I gather that Zomac, you are helping Zanc with this idea, not creating another event separately?

As far as ships mining their allies....I'm always a fan for a purple team idea ;)

But in all seriousness if you wanted individual ship kills tracked I would recommend the 2 referee set up. Slightly, heavier in organizing but I think it would pay off for the details.

Offline ZnC

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Re: Cronus League - Single Ship Teams
« Reply #18 on: October 27, 2015, 08:22:16 am »
To be honest, I wasn't planning on organizing the event when I suggested the format - seems like Thomas is totally the lead when it comes to it. However, I'm very keen on sharing my input now because I wanna see this event happening. ;)

Offline Zormac

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Re: Cronus League - Single Ship Teams
« Reply #19 on: October 30, 2015, 12:03:24 am »
Glad to have your help, Zormac. ;D

I've sent BoCA an email in the past regarding this format and they have logged it. Thomas' idea - having a one-day tournament first - will allow us to see it in practice and refine the format.
From this I gather that Zomac, you are helping Zanc with this idea, not creating another event separately?

Oh, I think it's the other way around - I had an idea and Zanc pointed me in the right direction. Thomas suggested I create something new rather than combine my system with his. I'll put some more work into it and write it down formally.

Thanks, though ;)

Offline The Cunning Linquist

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Re: Cronus League - Single Ship Teams
« Reply #20 on: December 15, 2015, 07:01:53 pm »
Sorry for hopping on to this thread so late!  My friends and I just heard about this idea and we're really excited about it.  I have just a couple of clarifying questions (sorry if it was listed somewhere and I didn't see it!  I looked, I promise):

1.  When does a team find out who they are paired with?  Will it be at the beginning of the week (Monday-ish) or the day of?  Somewhere in between?  I believe that the earlier the teams find out who their pair is, the more competitive it will be (since they will have the week to prepare).  I don't know if this is a good thing or a bad one, but it's something to consider. Also, when they receive this information, will they also get info on their opponents for the upcoming match?

2.  How are signups handled?  If they aren't open now, how do I find out when they will open?  I only ask since timing is important.

Thanks for putting this together.  I think it's a fantastic idea and I look forward to participating.  For what it's worth, I'm glad we're sticking with the spirit of the concept in keeping teams random through the competition.  I don't know which way is "better," or "more competitive," but I certainly think this way will be more fun ;)

Offline Thomas

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Re: Cronus League - Single Ship Teams
« Reply #21 on: December 17, 2015, 08:21:31 pm »

Sorry I've been away for a while, life has been pretty hectic (new job, new city, computer died, built a new pc, etc etc).

Sign ups begin right now! Or rather in the few minutes it will take me to start the post.

Teams will know ahead of time who their partner will be and who they'll be against. And on what maps. I've updated the ruleset to reflect when teams will know their partners and enemies and maps for weeks 2-9 as well as how the week 1 picking will work.

I thought I posted something about that somewhere, but it wasn't in the ruleset. Thank you for pointing out these important details.

Offline Urz

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Re: Cronus League - Single Ship Teams
« Reply #22 on: December 19, 2015, 03:06:40 pm »
You might want to make a new info thread that's a little more cleaned up and includes the dates in the title.