Author Topic: An SCS idea.  (Read 21048 times)

Offline GurasOguras

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Re: An SCS idea.
« Reply #15 on: November 12, 2015, 01:29:55 pm »
Don't worry I'm not planning to disband anything. Just want to point out my frustration about this idea. Yeah I see it does look little silly.

There is no need to introduce any enforced single ship teams. Clans that only have 4 people will still not signup if they don't want to participate and those with 8 will just get pissed with not allowing them to play with who they want. Doesn't this sound actually much more silly? People talking bullshit like "Not playing SCS because I can't get enough people" is exactly what made me form my own clan and show everyone It is very possible. It's all about you either want to participate and you do it or don't want to take part and not sign up. Get 4 people, turn to other clan who wants to do the same and start advertising your team by participating. There is no other way. People (Especially Vets) simply don't want to join dead clans. You either can want to be competitive clan and do it, or don't ever plan on playing comp and not do it. There are clans here that probably could play comp but simply don't want to (DAGZ for example) I just don't get claiming yourself as "something in between" because such crap doesn't exist. Make your damn choice - If you're planning to participate then go for it. If not, then just don't and it's okay. So for me 4 people teams cannot exist and claim themselves as competitive. It's fine if you pair up with other clan, because you cannot fill your roster, but if you don't do that then you're non existent on the scene.

Bringing up this idea is hit aimed in tpr and clan clan - teams able to fill their boats. I'm not mentioning rydr here, because rydr is not even taking SCS serious anymore and still play splitted or with secondary team even if they could do it together. But we're here on SCS to learn something and prepare for bigger tournaments. It doesn't mean I'm taking it 100% serious but that idea is completely opposite of my goal. If there will lack of serious tournaments there will lack serious clans aswell.

You probably can take me as the person who tries to deny everything and always stay in opposition, but I simply consider all ideas in terms of what is most important for this competitive scene - Participants - which means Teams as we don't have many of those left today and we keep losing them. Whatever is unhealthy for teams is unhealthy for competitive.
« Last Edit: November 12, 2015, 01:42:35 pm by GurasOguras »

Offline Caprontos

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Re: An SCS idea.
« Reply #16 on: November 13, 2015, 08:56:35 pm »
so what you are saying is that small teams need motivation to play, basicly handing out a handicap and making competitive casual?
I dont know how that would work since competitive is the opposite of casual.
honestly if you want to play on a team in competitive isn't that enough motivation?

your best bet is the stickied thread for clans to team up, but even then I'm almost 100% sure that no one will use it, since this is normally done through player on player interaction on steam.

Lets just face it, the competitive scene is slowly fading, and there are no competitive players who wants to get in on it.
All the veterans have burned out or are burning out at the moment, they wont come back and even if they do it wont be for long anyway.
They are still around sure, but they dont participate.
Making it all casual and helpful to new teams isn't the solution, but rather the death of competitive
Teams should be expected to give their best and practice hard to be able to compete and not just be handed a handicap where they can feel secure and have fun in a casual enviroment.

I'm not saying that your suggestion will not work, maybe it will attract new teams and players to try it out, but it would effectively be the death of competitive, due to the lack of actual competitive spirit.

the playersbase isn't big enough to divide into skilled and unskilled, that's the main problem. You could easily have some event that allowed random players to play an scs like event and let that be the kickstart for them to enter competitive play, by either joining or creating a team.
For this to work you would need the following: organizers, streamers, casters and most of all players.
goio supports around 150 online on average during the day, could you inform them all about this and make them participate? I don't believe because nothing have worked since day one of goio's release.
Competitive have always been scheduled through the forum, and new players do not use the forum. This is why no new players join competitive unless they are recruited ingame.

I can guarantee you, that if you put in effort to try and get new players/teams into competitive you will be wasting your time. If they want to compete they will seek it themselves like any other team has done.

On making it casual, I don't think we can get a more casual competitive event then SCS really.. Which purpose is to more be like practice then an actual event.. Like an in-between of pub lobbies and an actual event an can try less conventional stuff to see if it actually would work against competent players.. An there are things to learn from different teams since people do a lot of different things, that you might learn playing with them, an be useful for what you normally do.. So its not like it has no value to mix teams, or that it necessarily makes it more casual or less serious.. It'd just be different once in awhile..

The fact that the community has shrunk back down so much, and muse not really doing anything currently or for awhile to really address that(I think more then just another sale is really needed but you know.. co-op).. Making or changing events can't help that on its own. So it wouldn't necessarily fit now as the teams who could be interested, from people who use to play (none of which posted, except TB of course) seem not to be interested anyways (or not paying attention)... Which you'd need a certain amount of support before even doing it realisiticly...

You probably can take me as the person who tries to deny everything and always stay in opposition, but I simply consider all ideas in terms of what is most important for this competitive scene - Participants - which means Teams as we don't have many of those left today and we keep losing them. Whatever is unhealthy for teams is unhealthy for competitive.

Nah I can understand your point of view and don't entirely disagree. I am probably the most casual person in competitive though and am not a team leader or have to organize or anything(just show up at the right times and play), so I am not as heavily invested as some of you are.

Mostly it was just an idea I've considered for awhile but didn't think of a way it could be done, that wasn't so complicated till now..