Author Topic: Who do you credit for who and what you are today in GoIO community?  (Read 35175 times)

Offline Silent Marauder

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So basically I had this little idea in my head for the last 20 or so minutes to share, who do you credit for who you are today in the most awesome game about airships - Airships: Conquer the Skies Battlefield Guns of Icarus. Please keep it as clean as possible.

Archriel - Duh, of course I'd credit the guy, who tought me very basics of what and why with his infinite supplies of patience. Without him, I'd probably be some random scrub loading Hwacha with lochnagar ammo.
Dementio Daniel - The person, who made me run around Mobula quick enough to repair stuff and encouraged to actually communicate with the captain. He stopped being pissed 24/7 with me onboard, so I guess I started doing things right. Most of the time.
JarmenKell - Stealing all of Daniel's patience surely was a lot of fun, was it? It allowed me to make less mistakes and forced to play better than casual scrub.
GurasOguras - A friend and rival for as long as I can remember. Thanks for forcing me to buy this game! I wouldn't meet people on this list without your constant babbling Buy Guns of Icarus! Let's fly together! :3
FredTheFifth - For flying with me long enough to pass the word of my existence to Ryders and supporting me in reaching this goal. Also, wrecking me over and over in XCOM until I've learned something. Yes, I still remember about mauling you to death with a pipe wrench. The object of hate of entire community. :3
Lueosi - For constant blabbing about why *insert anything* is not done properly/quick enough/at all. Christ, how much I hated you for that, but looks like listening to it payed off. Just don't do it again, please.
GeoRmr - Thanks for being an icon of gunner and barrier to pass. Flying with and against you teached me how to shoot accurate and quick enough to outshoot most of people. Why Marauder? Every (...) time! still rings in my ears.
Wundsalz - Your Junker still haunts me in my nightmares, yet forcing me to play with Hades 24/7 until I've started to hit enemies instead of buildings on Paritan was a cancer to me. Thanks for doing that, I'll shoot you to death first chance I get.
Lochnagar - Flied with me using fun builds instead of meta and hard-counters, helped me get some more problematic achievements. Basically someone, who'd kick my sorry ass when having mental breakdown about how bad I shoot.
Hillerton - The charismatic type that would make me do stuff and try to make me not regret doing it. Helped me during hard times with mental health and discussed stuff about the game and catgirls. Just please, do not ever tell me again anything about male cats. Ever.
Ayetach - The friendly guy who's always laughing at stuff and never sounds down. Lifted my spirit more than one or two times. Your moral support, even unintentional, was priceless!
Skrimskraw - To be honest doing silly stuff with you was fun, but talking about sexual intercourses with Guras' sister was filling me with so much anger that I wished nothing but for you to be at the other end of the Hwacha. Thanks for being that target, teached me how to disable ships properly with as little effort as possible using liongun. No hard feelings!
Llamas Unite - For doing silly stuff with me like 1080 noscope ramkills, helping with organisational part of clan and describing everything I need to know about it.
Allien' - Thanks for talking even less than me on Mumble. Because of it my overall lack of communication didn't seem as bad. Awesome shooting, mate!

Of course I can't point out every single randomly met person from lobbies of Icarus, but thanks for having patience when flying with me as a pilot! You rock!

Offline Hunter.

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Re: Who do you credit for who and what you are today in GoIO community?
« Reply #1 on: October 18, 2015, 09:20:13 pm »
Oh god, my list isn't half as comprehensive - but I will list what I can!

The Muse team for making this game

TotalBiscuit for making content for this game in beta which led me to pre-order. If only I hadn't been in Spain on launch day - I might have not had a full stop in my name today ^^

All the guys from back at TAW - we may not have been the greatest team, but we had a blast and got some kills on people who played more than us and had more experience than us. And I am glad you trusted me as your competitive leader!

Skrim, for teaching me everything about competitive, I went from getting essentially pubstomped in matchmaking to piloting alongside the best in no time!

Everyone who greeted me in lobbies and invited me to games when I logged in - I've never felt more wanted in a community than when I would log in, get invited to a match full of faceless green names who would greet me like an age old friend!

CA's for voting me in to CA-ship 2 years ago! I've had a great time helping newbies and chatting with you all!

The lads from The Pit - giving me things to do when I procrastinate from procrastinating!

All my current clan-mates. I thought I would only need to brush up my skills to get back on par with other teams for my "grand return", however you guys showed me that Skrim only scratched the surface of this game! Additionally you guys took me in when I had lost all my friends in the space of 2 weeks. So I am deeply thankful that you guys in particular, as well as the rest of the community took me back in after my long affair with competitive MOBAs!

Love you all, full homo ;)

Offline Riggatto

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Re: Who do you credit for who and what you are today in GoIO community?
« Reply #2 on: October 18, 2015, 09:37:06 pm »
ass-kissing thread

Learned to pilot from watching Zill, learned to gun from watching Yiski. Still haven't learned to engi as Shink was not an excellent choice to watch...

Offline Carn

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Re: Who do you credit for who and what you are today in GoIO community?
« Reply #3 on: October 18, 2015, 10:01:39 pm »
Riggato, if it weren't for him constantly taking sniper Mobulas, I doubt I would possess my skill with the mercury. And for teaching me to use mines, and that anything that moves is the right target when using mines.

BdrLineAzn, you taught me a lot of interesting parlour tricks and some all round good tips.

SapphireSage, he showed me more of how to be a good engineer than anyone else. He gave advice when I started piloting.

SillyBunny, he helped me get flak kill achievements, which in turn got me rather good at it.

Every last member of the DAGZ, I was in a rough spot when I joined, but Impy let me join and I've had nothing but good times flying with you. (current WiFi gets me over 200 ping on American severs, if it can even connect. I will play regularly again whenever possible.)

Honorable mentions

Koali, we may not have flown much, but you helped revive the Cantina giving me a chance to flesh my character out into Alister Carn, before he was just a vague picture in my head called Carn.   

ShadedExalt, between you and Koali I have constantly enjoyed the insanity we create in the Cantina.

Offline Zabinzu

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Re: Who do you credit for who and what you are today in GoIO community?
« Reply #4 on: October 18, 2015, 11:12:54 pm »
Guess I'll add a few

Twinkie D lite: for giving me something to aspire to.

The Gentlemen and the Ducks: for kicking me and my mates into the ground constantly (built character and determination)

Gullyman: Setting the bar in friendliness

Cake: Excellent sportsmanship/Bagels!

Offline Skrimskraw

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Re: Who do you credit for who and what you are today in GoIO community?
« Reply #5 on: October 19, 2015, 05:47:51 am »

Skrimskraw - To be honest doing silly stuff with you was fun, but talking about sexual intercourses with Guras' sister was filling me with so much anger that I wished nothing but for you to be at the other end of the Hwacha. Thanks for being that target, teached me how to disable ships properly with as little effort as possible using liongun. No hard feelings!

Always nice to be hardcore dissed on the forums, I dont even know you and dont think we have been talking a word to eachother at any point? As for Guras sister, i dont think I have ever insinuated that I wanted to have intercourse with her, but as a friend of guras and per clan fun I have made a joke or two about his sister, just as he has made a joke or two about my girlfriend. So I dont even know where you got that from, since you and I never talk?
« Last Edit: October 19, 2015, 05:50:20 am by Skrimskraw »

Offline Kamoba

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Re: Who do you credit for who and what you are today in GoIO community?
« Reply #6 on: October 19, 2015, 08:43:03 am »
I'll drop a couple in here too:

Silverst, an ex-duck who took me under his wing and taught me almost everything I know about the game.

Lueosi, one of the people who encouraged me towards competitive play, always offering skrims for any team I've been part of, even if my team complained that we were just a punching bag at the time, and also a good friend.

Llamas Unite, my brother from another mother after a funny incident where someone thought we were brothers and a guy who's always been there for me to talk/vent to and was around to listen to my woes during a rough patch.

Josie Fii, another person who supported me in the early days of playing, answered questions and has been a great friend.

Inkjet, because chatting for absolutely hours about gameplay mechanics is always great! :)

Zanc, a true gent abd friend, very down to earth and laid back, Zanc has been the inspiration to more recent events. :)

Openart, dudes a great engineer, but don't put him on a shooting position, he never stays still, a player who's played many matches along my side and hopefully many more.

Ightrill, the guy I flew alongside for my first ever competitive match, taught me a lot, always great to play with.

MightyKeb, seeing Keb progress has been a genuine pleasure, and he is very dedicated, always fun to chat with (even if I cant always reply :( ) this guy will likely be one of the big names of he continues his dedication that he's shown thus far!

I'm sure there's many, many more names for this list, but I think that's enough dramatic butt kissing for me to have done for today. :)
I'm sure there's many more I didn't mention

Offline sparklerfish

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Re: Who do you credit for who and what you are today in GoIO community?
« Reply #7 on: October 19, 2015, 10:36:25 pm »
All of Clan Clan, and Spud Nick.

Offline Babee Teeeth

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Re: Who do you credit for who and what you are today in GoIO community?
« Reply #8 on: October 20, 2015, 12:04:59 am »
Helmic - Because he loves yelling at me when things go wrong.

Offline ZnC

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Re: Who do you credit for who and what you are today in GoIO community?
« Reply #9 on: October 20, 2015, 04:27:20 am »
This is a pretty cool idea.

Kamoba: Taught me how to play on his Metamidion when I just started, still a good friend this day.

The Gents: Having the tag always reminded me that I am a Gentleman, and should behave like one no matter the circumstance. Also a great community with a lot of cool people - Foxx, Tora, Strought, Mizta - just to name a few.

My Mad Hatters crew in the past (Princess Tutu, Schwerbelastung, c-ponter): Basically all the competitive experience I've had; it was a lot of fun.

The Bards: For Music and all their cool names.

All the nice people in the community: Really made it a more pleasant experience to be around.

Offline The Mann

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Re: Who do you credit for who and what you are today in GoIO community?
« Reply #10 on: October 20, 2015, 09:29:30 am »
The Bards: For Music and all their cool names.

I will consider this a direct mentioning of myself :P

I has a few:

Bambi (formally Zelda) - Lots of fun games together, Also bestowed upon me the title Bard.  8)

Sir Steffen - Lots of Moonshine, Lots of Mines, Did I mention Tar Barrels? None the less, a fine player and lots of fun games together.

Tipz N' Tricks, Kamoba, DJ Logicalia, .Daring Do. , Elazul, Nanoduckling, Carridin, Hypnopotamus Rex, Jawjee and other Bards - Always a blast playing with. Great music, most of the time  :P Taught me a lot of things and currently trying to introduce me to the Competitive Scene...

Satchmo &  Human Duracell - Lots of fun to fly with, great times streaming together and great teachers.

All CA's and Devs in the community  - Really friendly people, very enjoyable to fly with and help.

And finally, everyone who has had the pleasure to fly with me or get to know me. I has well over 30 people I can mention but It is probably best I end this entry...

Also, every person I have every person I have taught and helped :)
« Last Edit: October 20, 2015, 09:53:28 am by The Mann »

Offline The Mann

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Re: Who do you credit for who and what you are today in GoIO community?
« Reply #11 on: October 20, 2015, 12:45:14 pm »
Tis a sad day when you realise you posted something with some mistakes and you cannot edit it...

Offline HamsterIV

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Re: Who do you credit for who and what you are today in GoIO community?
« Reply #12 on: October 20, 2015, 01:02:03 pm »
I blame Rear Admiral Zill for me being the clanless misanthrope that I am today. When I joined the game there was always a lobby filled with Zill and the players that would day become the Merry Men. I added Zill to my friends list so I could track that lobby and not join it.

It is said that you can only learn by facing opponents above your level; but when the other team has two fully staffed ships of people who know how to work together, and you are fielding a crew that is flying together for the first time, there is no learning that can happen there.

It is why I proposed the ship shuffle to break up these one sided clan lobbies. It is also why I join ships filled with complete strangers, so new people can see what working with an experienced player is like before they invariably quit.

In all honesty, I probably would have avoided joining a clan and kept on flying with complete strangers, with or without experiencing Zill's lobbies. There has to be some one to blame and I don't feel like pointing my finger at Shink.

Offline Hunter.

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Re: Who do you credit for who and what you are today in GoIO community?
« Reply #13 on: October 20, 2015, 02:32:18 pm »
"i don't feel like pointing my finger at shink"

Hand over your The Pit membership card...

Offline Richard LeMoon

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Re: Who do you credit for who and what you are today in GoIO community?
« Reply #14 on: October 20, 2015, 06:42:16 pm »
Me, for never listening to anyone. And everyone for putting up with that.