Author Topic: View-able lobbies  (Read 7808 times)

Offline Solidusbucket

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View-able lobbies
« on: October 01, 2015, 06:15:04 am »
I know that it used to exist - this was before my time.

I keep running into an issue where there will be X number of players online and only Y lobbies available.

I have been friending everyone I play with so I usually have an idea of how many lobbies are open. What happens is there will not be enough lobbies open for all the players that are logged in. I will make a new lobby and it becomes near full in a matter of seconds. I ask these players how long they have been waiting. Typically upwards of 10 minutes is the response.

If they could view all the available lobbies then they would have known to make a new one (like I did). This issue is driving people away from the game.

Matchmaker either needs to make a new lobby (even if the game wont be full) or you need to allow us to view all the available lobbies (again - apparently)

Offline The Mann

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Re: View-able lobbies
« Reply #1 on: October 01, 2015, 06:32:54 am »
It used to be a feature, I remember it dearly, crowds of happy people looking for "The Mann's Lobby of Explosions and Possible Mobulas" and enticing people with "Free Cookies"

Yet the feature was removed for a very good reason. Latency. The game used to be very very laggy having so many lobbies all active and most of them, quite empty

Despite that, The fact that you can see friends lobbies does raise the question about how we could view more than that.

What I suggest is, you send an email regarding this topic to That way, a developer can come here and respond  :D
« Last Edit: October 01, 2015, 06:43:02 am by The Mann »

Offline Solidusbucket

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Re: View-able lobbies
« Reply #2 on: October 01, 2015, 07:25:32 am »
Thank you for the quick response (and notification in game, mid match, while you were on my team, via team chat).

I sent the email.

I understand the issue of having too many lobbies open. However, not being able to view lobbies does not necessarily fix the issue. I can still create a lobby if I want. Anyone can. They just choose MM. MM fails them. It drives players away. It drove me away until I figured out I could  make my own lobby and it would fill in 10 seconds with minimal AI.

How about this: create a system that allows the creation of a lobby once every lobby on the list is at near max capacity.

The layout could be like this:

[lobby list]
lobby 1 - 4/4 captains 16/16 players
lobby 2 - 4/4 captains 8/16 players
lobby 3 - 3/4 captains 3/16 players
(Create Lobby) *grayed out*

The option to create a lobby will be at bottom of the lobby list. It will be grayed out since not all the lobbies are near max capacity. Once all available lobbies are near max capacity then the option to open a new lobby is available to the first person to click it.

criteria for "near max" capacity will be the numbers which would allow one A.I per ship and all captain roles full.

2v2 near max would be:

4/4 captains, 12/16 players

3v3 near max would be:

6/6 captains, 18/24 players

4v4 near max would be:

8/8 captains, 24/32 players

Offline Arturo Sanchez

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Re: View-able lobbies
« Reply #3 on: October 01, 2015, 08:10:18 am »
the main issue with MM is that creating custom lobbies is only good.

at 2 v 2.

3 v 3 and 4 v 4

need 11 ppl and 16 people initially.

which does begs the issue.

1. stacked lobbies are guaranteed with this system.
2. people that want to play 3 v 3 in MM won't find this lobby because you can't recruit until you get the minimum amount of people.

fix this by lowering the required amount of players to the amount of ships required. So 3 v 3. Needs 6 players minimum. 4 v 4. Need 8.

and the issue becomes less horribly unusable.

Why I say those numbers?

Because on old server browse. We'd set up 3 v 3 or 4 v 4. get the lobbies going by taking al the captain slots and then start the match.

then mid game people would join the match. whoever got the noobs towards end game lost the match.

But now that MM is in play. You can now do it in the lobby and actually properly prepare, instead of getting some asshat that came in as a 2nd gunner or an engie that brought rangefinder, extinguisher and chem and buff and spoke bork bork.
« Last Edit: October 01, 2015, 08:15:17 am by Maximillian Jazzhand »

Offline Grixis

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Re: View-able lobbies
« Reply #4 on: October 01, 2015, 10:28:02 am »

Thanks for the feedback. We believe this is mostly due to a system logic which was probably too strict about creating new lobbies (it was less strict when it tries to fill an existing lobby, that's why your lobby actually got filled quickly). We will loosen it up and make a fix in the next build, which should alleviate this issue a bit and make wait time in queue shorter.

Just a heads up - when there are fewer than 50 players in the lobby (just lobby, not counting players in running games), "friends' matches" list would actually show up every single lobby and running match (so you don't need to friend everybody). But it's not directly related to this issue, because the problem you mentioned was players were in queue and system didn't form a lobby.

Offline The Mann

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Re: View-able lobbies
« Reply #5 on: October 01, 2015, 10:30:11 am »
 :D Praise Grixis!
