Author Topic: Some sort of feedback  (Read 7115 times)

Offline Maestro Eraclea

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Some sort of feedback
« on: February 10, 2016, 10:47:55 pm »
I didn't know how to title this thread.
This i something recently happened to me that made me think.

Till now I bought several copies of GoIO for friends because I was (and still am) amazed by the game in probably every possible (good) way. I was kinda "turned down" when just a bunch of them continued to play it (more or less frequently) while the vast majority left after the first "test run" match.
Of course I asked them why and almost everyone said: it's nice but it's quite confusing, and stuff like that. I myself usually respect opinions different than mine so I just said them I was sorry they didn't like the game.

This until a few weeks ago when 3 of them, in a short period of time, upgraded their gaming rig and decided to give the game another try and everyone said: it's freakin' amazing, look at this, look at that, bla, bla...

So in the end it turns out they didn't want to "admit" their rig was worse than mine and the game run very badly on their old rig (unplayable fps, etc). The fact is that their rig weren't "that" bad at the time: back in early 2015 one had a 3 year medium-level machine and another had a 5 year high-end machine (don't know about the last one, but I guess it was around there too).

So, up to the point, I think many players don't get to play the game because of performance issues. Is there any way to tune further down the graphics (thinking about LOD for example) to reach a broader audience (without affecting people with good machines ofc)?

Offline nhbearit

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Re: Some sort of feedback
« Reply #1 on: February 11, 2016, 03:00:28 am »
As someone who recently upgraded from a baked potato, I can say that I've never encountered performance issues with GOIO that weren't flare or flamer related. My old comp was 5ish years old and pretty low end even then, I picked it up for $325 I believe. The graphics options for goio are actually pretty extensive, which was really nice. If your friends were having performance issues then my advice would be to learn what all the graphics settings do. Even for the ones that have upgraded, I got alot of mileage out of that potato by knowing what I could live without.

Offline Schwalbe

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Re: Some sort of feedback
« Reply #2 on: February 11, 2016, 07:48:20 am »
Performance issues are definitely offputting for someone. Thank God I don't have that much of a problem (unless I try to use mic first time after opening the game, which freezes my computer for a minute or longer), but I know people who say that the game isn't fun because it runs on their rigs in 20 and less frames per sec.

On the other hand, I don't look for superior graphics (dude I play Doom2 and stuff on a laptop able to handle most newer games, because Doom is fucking fun), so I didn't mind when I needed to turn down graphic settings.

Offline Hoja Lateralus

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Re: Some sort of feedback
« Reply #3 on: February 11, 2016, 11:40:07 am »
Perhaps they were using laptops? Because GOIO cannot into dedicated graphics, that's my experience at least, and I've seen at least one person on the forum with exact same problem.

Also, devs don't consider 60 fps playable minimum but more like 20 ;] I'm so sad that I can't find that post...