I took some time in the practice mode. These test were made with stationary and moving targets. F7 and F8 in practice mode. The own ship was standig still.
Bots seem to be able to look deeper into clouds than human players.
The Heavy GunsHellhound Heavy Twin CarronadeStationary target: 93,33%
Moving target: 56,67%
Lumberjack Heavy MortarStationary target: 85,56%
Moving target: 41,11%
Manticore Heavy Hwacha The AI shoots the complete clip of 20 rockets in one or two seconds. The closer the target, the more rockets hit. The stationary targets were further away than most of the moving ones. In this short test, the the AI hit at least one missle of any volley fired.
Stationary target: 37,33% missles hit (farer away)
Moving target: 65,00% missles hit (closer)
Minotaur Heavy CannonThis is primary a utility weapon. The target ist pushed away and forced into a spin if hit far away from the mass center. Maybe usable in a sniper galleon.
Stationary target: 76,67%
Moving target: 41,11%
Typhon Heavy Flak CannonStationary target: 76,67%
Moving target: 36,67%
I prefer these two heavy weapons for bots:
- Hellhound Heavy Twin Carronade
- Manticore Heavy Hwacha
The Light Guns- The AI won't use the Beacon Flare Gun or the Phobos Light Mine Launcher.
- The AI will fire the Javelin Light Harpoon Gun but will put it to no good use in the moment considering the special effect.
Artemis Light Rocket LauncherStationary target: 95,00%
Moving target: 28,33%
Banshee Light Rocket CarouselThe AI seems to have problems to hit targets a little bit above gun level.
Stationary target: 67,50 %
Moving target: 45,00 %
Barking Dog Light CarronadeStationary target: 95,33 %
Moving target: 81,00 %
Dragon Tongue Light Flamethrower Stationary target: circa 95%
Moving target: circa 80 - 90%
Echidna Light Flak Cannon Stationary target: 56,67 %
Moving target: 48,89 %
Hades Light CannonStationary target: 77,50 %
Moving target: 55,00 %
Mercury Field GunStationary target: 63,33 %
Moving target: 36,67 %
Scylla Double-Barreled MortarStationary target: 67,22 %
Moving target: 46,11 %
Whirlwind Light Gatling GunStationary target: circa 90%
Moving target: circa 70 - 80%
I prefer these three light weapons for bots:
- Dragon Tongue Light Flamethrower
- Barking Dog Light Carronade
- Whirlwind Light Gatling Gun
The test I made is far from perfect. But it should only give me a slight idea, what might work and what not.
What could be done better?
- I have noted down 15 clips of each gun with imobile target and 15 with moving target. This number is quite small. In a scientific experiment you would try to get a bigger group.
- The range is not considered in this test. For example the Manticore Heavy Hwacha is extreme range dependend. To consinder that, you would need the help of a friend, who position his ship at given ranges.
- The moving targets were slowly drawing circles around my ship. A human captain would try to evade and fly irational.
- My ship was standing still. All this observations should be made during typical manouvers.