I once survived on a Squid all alone in the Firnfield. My pilot and other engineers met a tragic death in our last battle. I tried to bury them according to the Duck clan tradition - cover their bodies with breadcrumps, so the duckies would be happy in heavens. Had to waste all the food supplies for making bread crumps, not leaving anything to myself and diminishing my chances to survive. Already planned to put our Squid on water and set it on fireto finish the burial ceremony, when suddenly...
A flock of ducks appeared! Attracted by the pile of breadcrumps they came very close. I quickly removed the belts from my Riot Runner™ outfit, and used it on ducks as a harness. Unable to fly with heavy weight and free themselves from the harness, duckie swam all the way to southern coast.
The hardest part of all it was the unpleasant fact, that Riot Runner suit isn't holding on your body without those belts. So I arrived to my hometown utterly naked. Survived and embarassed!