Author Topic: Uncharted Skies  (Read 554272 times)

Offline BdrLineAzn

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Re: Uncharted Skies
« Reply #795 on: March 11, 2016, 12:42:51 am »
Frey's Quarters

"I'm afraid you are confused about my rank," he starts towards Emil, "I never been a Captain, I'm not do for a board promotion for that rank until the end of this annum. As for being in the field in my current state," motioning to his left arm in the sling and right leg in a boot," it was an in the moment desicion. Even my superior, Captain Melin approves of, speaking of which."

Eyeing the scroll, he carefully takes it from Emil and inspects the markings, "I can try to make work on what's on this. If not, I'll have this shipped to Lord's Leap where both our divisions can work on it."

"But as for the League," he continues, "If the Arasi had some conflict with the Birdmen, then I can see how the Guild would open their borders and accept them. Those two factions has been at end with each other, and having an someone who fights against the League is a friend to them."

"Finally about your request, it seems like you had another experience with your partner in another situation. You two would be a benefit to our crew, our last incursion dropped our numbers slightly, plus the both of you have experience out in the field. Which we may need to shape these people."

Placing the scroll back onto the desk, Frey walks around them and towards the door, "I'll let you decide what todo with the scroll, I need to check in with the Bridge to see how to handle our personnel discipline. And do make yourself familiar with the ship and find an extra berthing."

With that Frey leaves his room.

Offline C r o w

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Re: Uncharted Skies
« Reply #796 on: March 11, 2016, 04:07:39 am »
Frey's office

After Frey went out of the office, Emil instructed Selenia.
"Very well then, it's time to find our accommodations, Selly, go around the ship, inspect the hangar and see what assets do they have here, of you find somewhere to eat, come and find me.
I 'will' try to reach the gun decks and see what kind of guns are there, this ship looks like an old model, the guns may be too."


Before Emil could start walking, she added:
"Randevous is on the upper observation deck, two hours from now."

"Aye" This time it was Emil that answered.

Fighter launch bay, Hangar

Looking around himself, Emil realised he ended up in the hangar bay.


Then he noticed some light aircrafts in a zone of the hangar.
Emil had always loved planes.
"Well, I got to check that."

Gunnery deck

Selenia looked around herself, and seeing only engineers working on big guns she sighed.


While Emil had more theoretic knowledge about the various guns, she had more practical knowledge and she was in fact the best marksman among the two.
"You are no marksman, you are a markswoman!" She smiled as she remember the obvious joke he made all the time.

The engineers were working like someone was holding them at gun point.
"Someone must have scared them a lot."She thought.
Then, trying not to be noticed by anyone, she went to check one of the unmanned guns.

When she found out that the gun was a heavy flak, the first model produced, the one that had only two shots but had a terribly high armour penetration, she hugged then gun, and then, wrench in hand, she started to see if anything could be done to improve it.

After a while,  Emil and Selenia thought of each other, understanding that they both got lost.
« Last Edit: March 11, 2016, 04:10:14 am by Crow of Cainhurst »

Offline Carn

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Re: Uncharted Skies
« Reply #797 on: March 11, 2016, 10:05:07 am »

At the door to the bridge, Alister sees Frey come out of his office and come towards the bridge.

"Ah Commander, perfect timing!  I was about to discuss with Ms. Reagan about the crew.  Engineering had a small mishap, and power went out in the Galley.  A few toes got stepped on, and there was almost a all-out brawl.  Mr. Banning and I were able to restore order quickly enough, but a crew that is that ready for a brawl?  They need something to divert their energies."

Ulric's Lab

"So, what do you think?  Any adverse side effects?  Anything that requires monitoring?"

Offline C r o w

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Re: Uncharted Skies
« Reply #798 on: March 12, 2016, 04:24:26 am »
Hangar bay

Emil walks a few times around one of the planes located there, then he climbs on a wing and then looks into the cockpit to inspect the controls.
"Yeah, this definitely is an Anvalan inspired design."
"I wonder if I could take it for a fly."
Then he turns to face one of the engineers in the hangar.
"Oi man! Yes, you there! Whose plane is this?"

Gunnery deck

After toying a bit with the heavy flak she found, Selenia spent a bit of time looking at the other engineers, that were doing stuff with other guns, she was not impressed, none of them looked like someone with experience. So she decided to start roaming around the ship, as she had also the feeling that Emil ended up in the the hangar.

Walking quickly she roams trough the ship.


"Sorry to bother, what place is this?" She asked, peeking behind a corner.

A surprised swabbie answered surprised: "E-e-engineering."

"It looks like a mess." She commented before going away.


"Sorry to bother, what place is this?" She asked, peeking behind a corner.

A man that was peeling a potato answered: "Galley."

Selenia's eyes brightened: "Can I have some food?"

"It's not lunch time yet."

"Pretty please!"

The man looked at her for a second, then took an apple and passed it to her.
"Very well, here you go."

"Thanks a lot!" She said while leaving the galley.
On her way out, she saw some people with grumpy faces and behaving like being very annoyed.


She saw a sign affixed on a door "Brig- restricted area, only allowed personnel can enter".
"Huh, so this is a restricted area." She thought "W Lloyd, this is none of my business, it's Emil's job nosing around."

She then left the brig.


"This must certainly be the command bridge." She said to herself as she approached the room.

She looked around, and saw that man, Frey, being approached by a bulky mass of muscles.
Actually, that mass was a man, a very big, awe inspiring man.

She heard him talking to Frey about some crewmen being brawl ready and that they should need something to distract them.

She approached the two talking men, but preferred to not interfere in their conversation, at least not yet.

« Last Edit: March 12, 2016, 04:32:49 am by Crow of Cainhurst »

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Re: Uncharted Skies
« Reply #799 on: March 12, 2016, 09:39:45 am »

Eyeing the young woman coming up to them, Alister realizes she wasn't on the ship before.

"Heard some talk about downed airmen, didn't know we picked them up."

Nodding to the young woman, Alister continues with Frey,

"I can think of a few things that might help.  We could put all the swabbies under our capable engineers for field training.  I can referee sparing matches if anyone is interested.  We could also hold marksmanship competitions.  The crew has excess energy, we need to do something with it."

Ulric's Lab

Turning around, Alison realizes that Ulric left, and that she has been conversing with the plushies.  Glaring at the skywhale, Alison remarks,

"Well he said I can use his equipment.  He also said you help with research."

Going over to the blood sample, Alison begins examining the chemical they extracted.

"Well Mr Plush Skywhale, it appears to be a substance that encourages rapid release of adrenaline in high amounts.  Wonder where those icebrains got it, probably from some pre-war tech."

Offline BdrLineAzn

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Re: Uncharted Skies
« Reply #800 on: March 12, 2016, 10:09:51 am »

Opening the door for both of them, Frey allows for Carn to walk in, "I heard about this mishap when I docked. Saw several men looking disgruntled as I walked to my office."

"I was thinking about the same thing about having events to help train the crew and pass the time. We can make space in the Hanger Bay for your training. Maybe make a range ontop of the Weather Deck for shooting." Making suggestion as he is about to head into the space.

Before closing the door, he hears Carn's comment and notices Selenia approaching them.

"We did, as you can tell. I'll inform you about the details later" to Selenia, "I see you are touring the spaces, hopefully your partner is having a decent time as well" , he says while holding the door for her to go through.

Once inside the Bridge, things haven't been busy as several of the team are chatting amongst themselves. Several of them notices the Commander walking in and gives a small nod, which he returns.

"Besides a Galley brawl, seems like a quiet morning." Frey says walking up to Reagan.

Hanger Bay

Courage and the others notice Emil enter their space of the Hanger as he walks around Kei's fighter.

"He seems... interested," Antonio starts.

"Is that the guy you two spotted stranded in the desert?" Asks Farris towards Davis and Antonio.

The group heads a metallic thud as Emil starts to climb onto the plane.

"I don't know who he is but if he breaks anything on that bird" Marie says in a low growl as she eyes the man, "Took almost the whole morning replaced by the armor. "

"Oi man! Yes, you there! Whose plane is this?", Emil yells to one of the many in the space.

"it's mine," Kei calls out and walks toward her craft, "And you are?" She asks stoping in front of the propeller.

Offline C r o w

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Re: Uncharted Skies
« Reply #801 on: March 12, 2016, 11:38:15 am »

Selenia pointed for a few seconds at Carn, her face showing her struggle to remember something.
Then she exclaimed:
"AH! I think I know who you are! You should be that mercenary that wherever he goes beats up everyone in the taverns!
I... Don't remember your name!
Oh, well, nice to meet you, I'm Selenia."
She looked around her for a second, then remembered something else.

"I heard about your insubordination problem with the crewmen. My partner told me about some methods used in the Baronial army:One is that they get a ton of extra work to do for a while. The other is that they get to sword fight each other, and their opponents usually are expert swordsman, so they get a beating to learn the lesson.
I'd personally opt right now for a sword fight tournament, maybe it could raise their morale."

Hanger Bay

"I, am Emil Ansager, Lord of the Baronies, Champion and Protector of Cainhurst, master swordsman.
Kei was looking at him with a unimpressed look.

"I'm just an eccentric nobleman who likes to wander in these gods forsaken lands.
I saw this air fighter, and I am impressed by it, as it is a very rare event to see outside of Anvala such a plane design!"
Then he patted in the cockpit.
"Is there any spare plane that I could take for a ride?"

Offline Carn

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Re: Uncharted Skies
« Reply #802 on: March 12, 2016, 12:04:13 pm »

Raising an eyebrow at the remark about beating people up in Taverns, Alister elaborates,

"I never start the tavern fights, however I do frequent pit-fights, and do have a reputation for winning in them."

Continuing on Alister explains his idea,

"Sword fighting would not be optimal.  We don't have many trained soldiers here, and no blunted blades.  I can referee sparing matches, give the lads some pointers, make sure they keep it friendly.  I can poach gauze wrap from the medbay for makeshift gloves."

Alister shifts a bit, testing his injured leg.  Wincing slightly, he confirms that he should not spar just yet.

"I can fight if needed, but I won't be sparing myself until my legs seals up a bit more.  You have no idea what will spew out of Alison's mouth if I tear it open."

Hangar Bay

"Hey did he say,"

"Eccentric Baronies nobleman?"

James and John quickly asses the man, gauging whether or not they are at all related.

Offline Piemanlives

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Re: Uncharted Skies
« Reply #803 on: March 12, 2016, 03:26:15 pm »

Crowe and Lorena watched the strange woman leave their station with confused looks on their face.

"Skies was that about." Lorena just stared at the bulkhead she had exited through. It had been a bizarre moment in a sea of bizarre moments that she affectionately called My Entire Life as Written by Lorena Margret Henley.

Crowe shook his head, "I've encountered my fair share of strange people aboard airships. Airmen and woman tend to be the strangest people you'll ever meet."

"Don't we know it." She shifted her spanner and tightened an interlocking seal on a segment of piping. "Think that worked?"

Crowe checked panel next to the pipes, eying the gauges as they... didn't change whatsoever. Crowe sighed, "Really hoping we can find the issue here in engineering." He stroked his beard in thought. "What haven't we checked?"

Lorena pulled her engineering notebook and flipped to the marked page. "We've just checked the water intakes from the condensers top deck, doesn't appear to be an overflow issue so we can rule out the reservoir as well. Could be an issue with waste disposal and composting, lots of food scraps gumming up the system at a key junction..."

Her voice trailed off as she thought about the implications. The system would not backup, it was designed to prevent material from returning to it's origin point, and it was a well designed system as well, but with the events of last night it's possible something had gotten into the system and causing issues all over the ship. She was really wishing Hank was here, with her arrival the actual experienced members of engineering decided to split up and deal with the issues the ship was facing, Hank was leading the rest of her team in assisting with the last of the major damage over in the hanger while the others were dealing with damage around engineering. Leaving Crowe and her to deal with whatever issue cropped up during normal ship operations.

Crowe sighed and pulled out a pair of long rubber work gloves and put them on, then he pulled out a second pair and held them out to her.

"Work gloves?"

She took them from him and began putting them on. "Work gloves."

--Hanger Bay--

While the group was standing around and either chatting or eating, they had all failed to notice the small device that was sitting in Antonio's lap. Then it suddenly beeped, on queue it released a white cloud of foam that snaked its way up to envelop the sandwich in his hand. Antonio simply stared at it blankly before a look of despair came over him.

"Oh, my sandwich."

The rest of the group promptly burst into laughter, Marie simply rolling her eyes and Kei giving a light chuckle at the expense of her colleague.

Eventually they all quieted down, moving to tasks in their general area, Davis was busy rearranging tools in the various toolboxes while Kei was talking to Courage and... the woman who seemed to look at Antonio, Farris, and He with annoyed glances. That was until a rather unusual figure entered their maintenance bay and began circling about the craft under maintenance before settling on Kei's.

"He seems... interested," Antonio starts.

"Is that the guy you two spotted stranded in the desert?" Asks Farris towards Davis and Antonio.

"Well it's one of them." Antonio sighed, arms crossed.

They all heard a metallic thud, heads turning as Emil started climbing onto the plane.

"I don't know who he is but if he breaks anything on that bird" Marie says in a low growl as she eyes the man, "Took almost the whole morning replaced by the armor. "

"Oi man! Yes, you there! Whose plane is this?", Emil yells to one of the many in the space.

"It's mine," Kei calls out and walks toward her craft, "And you are?" She asks stopping in front of the propeller.

"I, am Emil Ansager, Lord of the Baronies, Champion and Protector of Cainhurst, master swordsman..."

Kei gave him an incredibly unimpressed look, one Davis echoed from his spot next Farris and Antonio.

"I'm just an eccentric nobleman who likes to wander in these gods forsaken lands. I saw this air fighter, and I am impressed by it, as it is a very rare event to see outside of Anvala such a plane design!"

Then he patted in the cockpit.

"Is there any spare plane that I could take for a ride?"

Davis really wanted to sigh, Please go away. He pointed off to the far corner to the rather convenient 5th craft they had on hand, well, technically it was the 6th but no one dared touch the Seeker at this time.

"Hey did he say,"

"Eccentric Baronies nobleman?"

Davis stopped to stare at the twins and Davis decided that, no, he would not be surprised if the three of them were somehow related.


Reagan Herself ignored the exchange between the three but offered her greetings anyway.

"Frey, Carn." She nodded at the two of them before addressing the newcomer.

"And I suppose you're one of our guests." She gave her a light bow, "Captain Morgan, at your service."

--Somewhere on the Ship--

Amelia and Juliet ended up wandering the ship together, running into Mr. Crowe and Lorena who looked as if something had burned down the ship, resigned to their fate and rather annoyed at that, the two of them said hello before storming off with a map of the ship's plumbing systems.

"So Amelia," eventually in their explorations Belle decided to voice an idea, pointing at the two weapons the younger (comparitively) woman had on her person, the carbine slung across her back and the smg which down at her side. Honestly Belle had to admit, the girl was kind of adorable with that look, squid thing not withstanding, compensating for her rather feminine features with weaponry that wouldn't look out of place in the middle of the various border skirmishes the numerous factions often got into.

"Yes Ms. Belle?" She tilted her to the side as the two of them rounded a corner.

"You want to go shoot something on top deck?"

Amelia stopped to think for a second. "Alright."

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Re: Uncharted Skies
« Reply #804 on: March 12, 2016, 03:58:23 pm »

" 'Tis a shame you can't fight yet, my partner would love surely to take part in a sparring event spar , he is quite proficient with swords.
Are you by any chance an Anglean?"

Selenia heard Captain Morgan bowing and talking to her.
"Captain Morgan, at your service."
She quickly bowed back to Morgan.
"A pleasure to make your acquaintance Ms. Morgan, I am Selenia."
She replied while smiling friendly.

Hangar bay

While waiting for an answer from the serious looking pilot, Emil notices in the distance two men looking at him, they are identical in every aspect.
"Where did I already see those two...?" He thought, almost mirroring the questioning face the two men have.
Smelling something in the air he then thought while grinning for a second.
"If I find whoever is around here with a hot sandwich, I going to bite their hands off." He thought

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Re: Uncharted Skies
« Reply #805 on: March 12, 2016, 04:53:25 pm »

In a dry tone, dripping with sarcasm, Alister answers Selenia.

"What gave it away?  The extremely pale skin, or the accent?"

He adds a slight smile at the end to indicate no malice.

"And I was referring to unarmed sparing Ms. Selenia.  I don't use swords often, hence why I carry the rather large axe."

Hangar Bay

"These guys,"

"Are good.  Think we should,"

"Not with Alister and Alison aboard."

".....Good point, they'd know,"

"And they'd personally handle us."

The twins turn an odd shade of pale green.

"Allison's cooking,"

"Squid harness."

"We restrain ourselves."


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Re: Uncharted Skies
« Reply #806 on: March 12, 2016, 05:12:30 pm »

Selenia reflected for a few seconds about Carn's answer, and then replied:

"Unarmed sparring you say? Well, in that case is better not to involve Emil, he's quite an asshole when unarmed, always aiming low.
Oh, and I presumed you were anglean mostly by thinking "How would this man look like in heavy armour?". Both me and my partner have already met angleans, never unarmed tho, so it's quite a strange event for me to see one without armour, and that isn't aiming a gun at me."

She then looked on a wall, towards a wall clock.

"My my, look at the time! Goodbye mister, I got to save the sanity of my partner!"

Then she ran off towards the hangar, as she strongly suspected that Emil was still there.

Hangar bay

He noticed the two men leaving.

The pilot was still coldly looking at him.

Emil in general was quite a gentleman, but that look she was giving him was extremely annoying.

While in fact when Selenia was around him he was almost perpetually in a good mood, when left alone he could be extremely lunatic.

"Then? I am still waiting for an answer."
His tone was getting very lordly and annoyed.
He added.

He put a hand inside his duster, the other holding to a side pocket.

Offline BdrLineAzn

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Re: Uncharted Skies
« Reply #807 on: March 13, 2016, 11:20:47 am »
Hanger Bay

Still looking at Emil, Kei calls out behind to her mechanic, "Marie, how many of the launch bays did the engineering crew fixed from the battle?"

Looking over to the middle of their section, Marie notices that two of the bays are clear, while one is still damaged and the last one being finished at the moment.

"We got two up right now. A third being brought back to service in a few moments. Why do you ask?"

Walking towards her craft, she motions to Marie who comes forward, "Get Ansager here a suit and ready the fifth plane. I'll be loading mine into one of the bays."

With a sigh, Marie acknowledges the pilot and heads into the break room to the spare lockers.

In front of her plane, Kei says to Emil, "Well, it looks like you are going out. Now if you excuse me."

Getting on the wing, she walks around the Baron and opens the cockpit. Sitting in the seat, she goes over her controls before yelling to Farris, "You better get your bird ready as well. Still need to test it out."

With everything in order, Kei hops out and motions for help to get her plane into position.

"Looks like you are going out with the new guy," comments Courage as he walks towards Farris's plane.

"Don't remind me," he groans, "Hey where are you going?" after spotting the man.

"You heard Kei, preparing you plane. Sheesh you have a hearing problem as well?"

Rolling his eyes, Farris follows behind Courage who is already having fuel and ammo being loaded into the craft. Once topped off, they manuver their plane into the adjacent bay right next to Kei's who is all hooked up to the crane. Soon red warning lights and an alarm comes in as the floor underneath the first plane opens and the crane lowers the craft dropping it.

"She's out. Now hope you have a fun flight." Cpurage says to Farris as he enters the seat.

"Yeah yeah, just hook me up."

As Courage latches the hook on, Marie comes back from the break room with another flight suit and walks towards Emil.

"Here, you can get changed over in the break room," pointing to the space foward of the compartment," once you come out we'll have it ready."

Once Farris have been launched, Courage return back to Davis and Antonio. Wiping his brow, he sees the rest of the team move the third plane.

"So, when was the last time you guys shot a rifle? I'm going to practice on the Weather Deck, want to give it a go?



From his post, the navigator looks down on his map and out of the ship and notices a lake coming into view. Turning around in his chair he informs the three, "Looks like we just reached Truth Lake. From our current course and speed, we could reach Albys by the end of the day."

"Thank you Mr. Martin." says Frey. To Reagan, "Looks like we are moving along on schedule. But I do believe that this should put the crew's mind elsewhere until then."

"Umm Sirs and Ma'am," starts Martin, "You want to see this."

Intrigued, Frey walks towards the navigator and looks out of the window. There he notices a burning wreckage on the sand dunes just north of the lake.

"Looks fresh, might be Lord Ansager's vessel. Mr. Allen"

"Yes Commander."

"Infrom either Kasparov or Culvin to retrieve anything of value on that wreck."

"Will do." the man answers before dialing in the two escorts.

Crimsom Dragoon

"I understand," says Alexi on his radio, "Culvin and I will inspect the vessel."

"Thank you Captain Kasparov" was the final thing Allen says before cuttin out.

"So you heard all that right? Cause I'm not repeating that again." the older Guild man says to his partner."

"Yes, yes. Go down and check it out. It seems like some people underestimate my intellect."

Rolling his eyes, Alexi guns the throttles on his Galleon and slowly picks up speed to catch up to theJunker who is already ahead.

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Re: Uncharted Skies
« Reply #808 on: March 13, 2016, 11:55:42 am »

Pulling out a spyglass, Alister zooms in on the wreckage.

"There appears to be people scuttling around in the wreckage.  Possibly the one who downed them.  Radio Alexi and Culvin to arm their men."

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Re: Uncharted Skies
« Reply #809 on: March 13, 2016, 05:23:42 pm »
Hangar launch bays

Emil, with an eye twitching and a hand still in the coat, starts walking towards the change room.

Like a white glint, a figure dashes trough the room, reaches Emil from behind and supplex him.

With a thud, Emil head and shoulders impact on the ground, finally taking out of the coat his hand.

"You seriously need to be more relaxed when I'm not around."

I was actually Selenia who supplexed him.

"Ugh. Just. Let. Me. Go."

"What are going to do now?"

"Change in a pilot suit and take a plane out for a try."

"Take care."

In a few minutes Emil takes off his whole suit of bulletproof armour, and wear a pilot suit.
After coming out of the change room he directly goes for the aircraft that had been assigned to him, opens the cockpit and gets in.

That plane was clearly anvalan: various, yet intuitive, indicators were everywhere, the cockpit granted a quite large field of view, yet it wasn't too much exposed.
The radio system wasn't difficult to find either.
"Bridge, Lord Ansager here, aircraft 5 is ready to take off and waiting for permission."
He readied the craft's engine and the take-off catapult.
"Roger... ehm..." Chatter could be heard on the bridge, surely the operator was informing himself about who this man was. "..Lord Ansager, you are clear to take off."

"Taking off."

Engine roaring, the craft was shot in the air.

Quickly doing a low yo-yo to gain speed, Emil then flew straight for a few seconds, and then started climbing, trying to retain as much energy as he could.

He heard the chatter on the bridge radio about a shipwreck.

"Have we come near the wreckage of my Barricade?"

"Uh, yes, and there are scavengers around it."

"Nobody. Touches. My. Ship." He thought angrily.
"Does this craft any weapons?"