Author Topic: Uncharted Skies  (Read 552944 times)

Offline BdrLineAzn

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Re: Uncharted Skies
« Reply #750 on: January 28, 2016, 08:04:19 pm »
Tranquility 2300

With the destruction of the Raider Galleon, Renard slumps down and leans his back on the helm. Running a hand through his hair, a jolt of pain in his ribs forces him to stop and place the hand over the wound.

Must be a broken rib. he rationalise after recalling being thrown from the explosion in the Hamger Bay.

Slowly standing up, Banning's voices comes through the radio, "Captain Larson, assistance is needed to clear up the Weather Deck. The boarders have taken positions near the forward end while our crew is slowly advancing from the rear."

Sighing, Renard picks up the receiver, "Copy, Ulric and I will come around and provide fire."

Contacting his ally, both Goldfish and Junker make their way back to the Shadow where they can see the flames, wreckage, and gunfire. Positioning his Goldfish above the deck, Renard's gunner sees a small group behind what was left of a Squid's hull and opens fires on the position. Just slightly to the left is the Junker who's port weapons are giving the Raiders a barrage of Hades and rocket fire.

Weather Deck

Even with him and his men advancing, the group has to stop and find cover quickly as the Squid who landed earlier still has its Gatling gun operating and sprays bullets towards them. Grinding his teeth behind a crate, Courage pops up quickly, aiming to take out the gunner, but was instantly met with Gatling fire. Crouching back down, a few stray bullets gaze his left arm.

"Blasts!!", Courage yells, as he lays his rifle and cover the wound with his hand, Smart knowing that I'm a decent shot, and go after me first.

"Covering fire!", he hears a familiar voice yell through the carnage. Looking behind him, Courage notices that Reagan is top side motioning for several men to cover a moving Alison. Following her path, he barely sees Carn hiding behind some crates just across from him, in front of the Gatling.

Dang it, she may not make it.

Fighting the slight pain, he picks up the carbine again to try and take out the gun position. Just as he is about to peek his head over, dozen of rockets hits the Squid. Looking up, he notices that both the Goldfish and Junker have arrived and are providing support. Turning to the broken Squid, he sees that gun has been destroyed as well as the men in the general area.

"Ok, move up slowly, we don't know how many they have left!" he calls behind him. Slinging the carbine, Courage pulls out his revolver as those around him comes out of cover to follow.

Hanger Bay

After finally retrieving Kei, Antonio, and Farris, the four looks on at the damage that was cause. Right above them they see the tangled metal and dents of where the rounds hit after entering the launch bays. Because of that, their side of the Hanger Bay is in shambles while the airship portion escape without major damage to their launch and retrieval systems, besides the fires that have taken place.

"Quite a first night huh?", comments Antonio.

All three turn to him with a glare that could have burn right through him. Shrugging, Anotonio raises his hands in a "what gesture" before turning to Alexi as he approaches them.

"Good to see all four of you made it back."

"Couldn't have done it without them," replies Farris as he pat his planes fuelsage.

"Those Anvlans sure know how to make a plane," says Kei, "They all took a beating." eyeing all four, especially Davis'.

"If you are wondering about replacement parts, don't worry. The fire didn't spread to any of our cargo. Speaking of which..." Alexi starts.

Turning his gaze, he sees that the last of the Hanger fires have been put out. Going to a rear b radio, he contact the Bridge.

"Bridge, it's Kasparov, all fire is out in the Hanger Bay."

"Copy Captain Kasparov, but we still have fires in Engineering. Send all available men to it, Commander Frey just reported that we will lose flight capabilities if it is not out soon."

"On it," Alexi says as he places the receiver back. To the entire space, in a mighty yell, "ALL HANDS NEEDED TO ENGINEERING, WE STILL HAVE FIRES AND THIS IS CRUCIAL TO THE SHIP!!!"

With reports of acknowledgements, those not being patched up or clearing the debris, majority of the personnel rush out and into the next compartment.

"If you guys are still able," Alexi says to them before joining the others.


Finally having some control in the situation, Frey manages to have several men go out and close several hatches around the fire. Compartmentalising it, the team has stop the spread of it, but the existing flames still burn with a fierce intensity.

Behind him, Frey hears more footsteps as three groups of 7 arrives along with Alexi.

"We are ready Commander, just send us where."

"Ah Mr. Kasparov, just in time too. We manage to contain it, but we don't have the man power to fully extinguish the flames." pulling out a map of the ship, Frey points to three separate points, "The bold lines are where we setup our boundaries, I want you and the others to go to these points and fight the fire from there. If we coordinate this we can surround and put out the flames."

Looking quickly at the map, Alexi nods, "We are on it." he says before going back to brief the teams.

Once in position, with the combine force of all four teams, they slowly move in. As time goes on, the flames begins to die as the gap between the teams shorten. Once back together, it doesn't take long to extinguish all the flames.

"Nice work Gents," starts Frey, "I'll report this in, start work on venting the spaces and repairs."

Making his way out, Frey finds himself back at the bridge where he notices Reagan missing.

"Mr. Banning," getting the Comms Officer's attention, "Fire in Engineering have been taken care off."

"Copy sir, I'll note that and have a ship's call for repairs after the battle has finish topside."

"hmm so that's where she is."

"Yes sir," Banning deducing what the Commander met."

Offline Piemanlives

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Re: Uncharted Skies
« Reply #751 on: January 29, 2016, 05:16:50 pm »
--Weather Deck, Eagle's Shadow--

Reagan watched as Courage began leading the advance up the deck. With the gatling destroyed the shear volume of fire had been halved, lethal amounts of it were being slung about from both sides so Reagan was content to focus down the more dangerous of the remaining boarders from the rear line. Still...

"Men, with me! Time push them off!"

With a cry the nearest crewman began racing forward, already demoralized from the loss of their gatling support and any chance of receiving support from anywhere they began breaking as the cries of victory began coming from the crew, who, as one could guess, were incredibly pissed off.

A desperate raider climbed out from behind a stack of crates and brought his rifle down to strike her. Surprised she managed to get her weapon up to block but she was unable to brace properly and was pushed back.

"Damn bitch." He moved to strike again but Reagan clicked her tongue and quick slashed with her blade. Drawing her blade a bright red gush of blade erupted from his chest as he recoiled back.

She said nothing in response as she steadied herself, blade in hand as the two of them stared down across the deck.

"I don't have to deal with this."

He tilted his head as she pulled a pistol from her coat and shot him in the face.


Offline BdrLineAzn

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Re: Uncharted Skies
« Reply #752 on: January 30, 2016, 07:25:50 pm »
Weather Deck

With the sound of gunfire dying down and the slow crinkling of the handful fires that is spread over the deck being the main source, Courage, and four others corner the last of the Raiders near the bow. With hands up in surrender, several of them look behind them at the dorp deciding what is the best way to go out.

"Don't even think about it." commands Courage with his revolver raised, knowing what they are thinking. To his men, "Get some irons and put them in the Brig. They ae finished."

With several "ayes", the 4 remaining Raiders are cuffed and escorted down from the Weather Deck to the Brig. Groaning, Courage holsters his revolver and walks towards to Reagan.

"Well interesting first night huh?" hesays to her while covering the grazes.


"Hmm, Thank you," Replies Banning, to Frey, "Sir, the battle has won, the remaining boarders have been apprehended are being escorted to the Brig."

"Very well. Mr. Banning you may send out the call to begin repairs, have the wounded be treated, and inform Captain Morgan and Mr. Carn to meet me in my room for a debrief."

"On it."

While Banning goes on the radio to send out the new commands, Frey exits the Bridge and heads towards his room, running around him are men going about with tools and extinguishers. Even though the external hull haven't been compromised, the damage from the shells hitting the Hanger Bay and the fires that came from it crippled the ship's internals slightly.

Okay, Hanger Bay needs extensive repairs and Engineering needs equipment to be replaced from the fires. Damage Control manage to stop the spread from entering our ammo stores as well as our general supplies, so we are still able to continue. Not bad against a few Raiders, but if it were them.... Frey trails off before finding himself in front of his door.

Offline Carn

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Re: Uncharted Skies
« Reply #753 on: February 02, 2016, 10:13:38 am »
Weather Deck

After having arrived to find Alister barely conscious, Alison explodes into work amid a flurry of obscene oaths. Among these include "Ice Brain", "Sky Whale Scat", and "Idiotic Bastard". The last was used with high frequency.

As Courage leads the captured raiders past them, she manages to stabilize him and he comes to.

"Anyone have rum?"

Alison proceeds to inject him in the neck with a strong sedative. Looking down at him, she begins to calculate the weight of a armed and armoured Alister.

"Can I get q stretcher over here!"

Meanwhile on the Kibeth

"We gotta go back!"

"I can't believe you puked!"

"You did too!"

As the twins squabble, the third engineer places a miniscule transmitter in the helm. Walking over to the twins, he runs on his upper arm.

"Looks like the rest of the crew cleared the raiders."

My Masters will not be pleased. These fools know not with whom they meddle.

Setting a course back to the transport, the agent occasionally rubs at his upper arm, on the bird tattoo under his sleave.

Offline BdrLineAzn

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Re: Uncharted Skies
« Reply #754 on: February 06, 2016, 07:11:55 pm »
Brig 2330

What a night, what a night.... Courage groans as he and three others escort the remaining Raiders.

Finally at the hatch, he notices the "Unauthorised Entry Will Be Shot" sign and promptly ignores it and enters the space.

"Oh goodie, new faces. Honestly seeing the same three tends to get boring."

Startled at having a prisoner already in the Brig, Courage looks up and sees Briggs sitting on his bed with his his iconic grin.

"So am I having some new roommates?"

"Get these men I to their own cell," Courage instructs his men. To Briggs, "Who are you excatly?"

Offline Piemanlives

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Re: Uncharted Skies
« Reply #755 on: February 06, 2016, 11:27:31 pm »
--Weather Deck, Eagle's Shadow--

Reagan had stayed on deck to coordinate with the repair crews as they went about their duties. It wasn't her responsibility to do so but the night's events had gotten her far too worked up to get any rest for the time being. So until she managed to drop dead due to exhaustion she'd continue assisting them with their work.

There had been another reason for her unease however. During her talk with Courage the two of them had pointedly avoided talking about... well, anything of meaning. Content to make useless small talk instead of discussing what was what she assumed was on both of their minds:

Did they know?

Again the thought pierced her mind as she went about her repair work, it was not as if they were subtle about their destination, nor could anyone really overlook their vessel, it was as large as it was public, very. Still, they had not discussed their mission with anyone, only those in charge knew the true details of this job... Not even Lorena knows...

That was not a comforting thought either, that HIS daughter of all people was on board was both a comfort and a disaster waiting to strike. She knew, from the limited time that she seen the two of them interact that Alexander was fiercely protective of her, that he was willing to got any number of lengths to keep her safe. To let her come alone, either that was testament to how much he trusted her or... How much he trusts me...

Another thought that did not sit well with her. Somehow she felt as if he knew too, knew that something was amiss with this whole job and had willingly let her tag along. The young woman had related the encounter with her father in the warehouse, shown her the weapon he had given her, even quoted what fragments of his "pretentious and unnecessary" parting words she remembered.

"Shit this is getting complicated."

"Ma'am?" Behind her a crewman had seemingly appeared, carrying a large beam over his shoulder.

"Nothing, get back to work."

"Uh, yes ma'am."

Now was not the time to get lost on tangents, she and the rest of those "In the Know" needed to have a debrief and figure out where to go from there. She turned and left the deck, much to the bewilderment of those around her.

--Port Side Battery, Gunnery Deck, Eagle's Shadow--

Amelia sighed as she finished the repairs to their guns, somewhere along the way she had gained command of the maintenance crews on deck, perhaps it was her display prior to the night's skirmish that drove home the idea that she was not to be trifled with on matters of maintenance and repair work.

Around her the crews were finishing the larger more important tasks at hand, replacing armor plates and checking the firing mechanisms, the guns were old, well, a number of them were at least, enough that one had to be mindful of the fact after combat, though it seemed it was at the moment unnecessary, having held up well under fire. The crew that had been on the receiving side of her lecture had finished work on their flak cannon quite quickly with nominally satisfying work. Gaige himself was directing the crews while she rested, no one was expected to stay on shift as long as the two of them had, having worked since early afternoon to get the weapons up and running and she was thankful he still had the energy to deal with minor instances of incompetence. She herself was sat against a support beam that reinforced the structure between the deck below and above them, watching as the crew worked, boast and bets had been established as a few crews had opened dialogue between them, in some cases establishing friendly rivalries to see who could repair their weapon the fastest and get yelled at the least.

As she watched a familiar face popped up from the deck's hub, standing as her eyes drifting to the translucent blob that was attached to her shoulder.

"Andy, where have you been?" The small creature detached itself from Lorena's shoulder and shot off towards her with a jet of gas. She gained a few questioning looks from the crews as the creature perched itself on her shoulder. She gave it an affectionate rub witch elicited a contented purr from the small creature, or was it larger? She was honestly unable to tell at this point.

"Thank you for watching over Andy."

"Anytime, also" Lorena pulled out a tin cup and thermos and poured an amber liquid into it. "brought something for you."

She accepted it and took a small sip as Lorena poured herself a cup. "Tea."

"Yup." She drank out of her cup as the two of them sat down against the support. Amelia was more than content to simply sit and listen as Lorena broke into tales about the repair work and levels of annoyance surrounding organization of the repair teams.

"-And it was only after they began retrieving the planes that they told us 'Oh hey, you should probably go clear the landing zones now.' We could've had it done before than if someone had been paying attention and- hey what's so funny?"

Amelia stifled a giggle, "I don't believe I have ever seen you as worked up about something as you are now."

She punched her in the shoulder, "Hey, you're an engie too now, you'll understand eventually."

--Hanger Bay Break Room, Eagle's Shadow--

Davis walked in and promptly fell upon the couch, Kei, Antonio, and Farris shuffled in behind him and shut the door.

"Right, new orders." Davis' voice was muffled by the upholstery of the couch and turned so he was laying on his back. "We're sleeping here tonight." To which he promptly passed out.

Antonio, Kei, and Farris looked at each other before Antonio spoke up.

"Right, I call the pool table."

Offline BdrLineAzn

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Re: Uncharted Skies
« Reply #756 on: February 07, 2016, 08:19:56 am »

"Oh, the Commander fails to mention me? A shame." starts Briggs, with a his of fake disbelief, "Anywho, I am Jasper Briggs, Dr. Jasper Briggs at your service."

"Well Dr. Briggs, mind telling me why you are here?" Courage questioned only to turn at the sound of four metallic bangs.

"All locked up, need anything else?" one of his men asks.

"No that will be all. Try to get some rest."

With a nod, he motions to the other two and they quietly leave the Brig. As they leave, Jasper calls out behind them, "You best need it for later, you never know what will happen in the future."

With the door shut, Courage turn his gaze back to Jasper, "That's a little knowing hmmm Doctor. So again why is a man like yourself doing in here. My first guess being a little deranged."

"Not that quite off," Briggs says with a shrug, "Do ask yourself Courage, why am I here? Why is anyone here? That's the question for the universe." he ends with a smirk.

"What did you say?" he asks, "I don't think I said my name at all."

"Ohh I think I said too much. You know after being under fire can tire a man out, even if I was in the frey. I think I should lie down, it is almost midnight you know."

Briggs slowly goes from his sitting position on his bed, to remove the top sheets and starts to fluff his pillow. Slightly annoyed, Courage grabs the bars and yell out to him, "Oh don't you go to sleep, you haven't even answered my question!"

Shutting his eyes, Briggs says slowly and quietly, "You may not know who I am, but we been watching you. We been watching you and your friends after the first encounter. So Courage, why do you think I'm here?"

A thought goes through Courage's mind as soft snoring is hear in the cell. Realisation hits and angry he hits a cell bar.

"You know people are trying to sleep," comments Briggs with his eyes still closed.

With a huff, Courage turn and starts heading to the hatch. Opening it, he stops and says one last thing, "Hope we find and end your entire group."

Slamming the hatch, he didn't notice that a smile form on Briggs mouth before contented going to sleep.

Med Bay

With enough space cleared in the Hanger Bay, Ulric docks his Junker and rush to the Medical Bay. There he sees several crewmen with injuries from burns to gun wounds.

"Time to get to work," he says as he cracks his knuckles and neck, "You how much medical experience do you have?" he quickly asks one who is helping drop off injured crewmen.

"Basic first aid." the man says slowly.

"Excellent!! Quickly round up a few others as well, I need all the help I can get. Oh and do ask for Miss Alison, we will be hampered."

Running, Ulric opens several cabinets and place a variety of viles, bandages, syringes, all shorts of medical equipment onto many counters. Over the announcing system a message is heard as the first man is brought in.

Miss Alison is needed in Med Bay, all injured personnel able to move by their own means is to report there. Captain Morgan and Mr. Carn, please report to Commander Frey's room at your earliest convenience.

Corridor, Somewhere in the Eagle's Shadow

The Commander, he should know what is all this Courage deduces and starts heading in that direction.

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Re: Uncharted Skies
« Reply #757 on: February 07, 2016, 09:10:12 am »


Hearing the announcements, Alison quickly grabs a broken strut and pulls two syringes out.  Looking at the crewman carrying the stretcher Alister is on she tells them.  "Put him down here.  If the Commander need's to see him, then I have to get him moving quickly. And then I have to get to medbay.  Do either of you have medical training?" The two nod, "Good, then head to medbay and assist them, tell them I'll be there shortly." The two salute and run off, leaving Alison alone with a sedated Alister. Taking the empty vial, she quickly draws a small amount of blood from his neck, "Time to see if they really did something to you Alister." Putting the vial safely away, she then injects him with the other syringe, this one full of a stimulant to counteract the sedative. 

Groggily opening his eyes, Alister feels an sharp pain in his leg, and sees Alison above him. "So Ally, how many?"

"Four Alister, one almost nicked your femural artery.  And now," she hands him the strut, and gets him up and using it as a crutch, " the Commander wants to see you and Reagan, and I have to get to medbay." Turning around she begins to walk away.

"What happened?"

"You know, the raiders,"

"No.  I mean what happened to us?"

Standing still away from him, Alison just stands there for about half a minute, and then continues to walk away.

Sighing, Alister shifts his makeshift crutch and trudges off in the direction of the Commander's office.

Offline BdrLineAzn

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Re: Uncharted Skies
« Reply #758 on: February 09, 2016, 08:08:27 pm »

"We will have the Weather Deck cleared soon, just wait a few more minutes." says an exhausted Banning.

The only thing that Renard puts out was a groan. With Ulric's Junker inside the Hanger Bay, along with the Galleon, there is not enough space to house the remaining two airships. After the night's battle, both crew are tired, some needing medical attention so the crew is quickly clearing the debris on the Weather Deck to hatch down the two.

From his vantage point, Renard sees the last bits of metal being crated away and the fires extinguished. He turn his head as a new voice comes in.

"Ok Captain Larson," a female voice this time, with a slight southern tang, "This is Belle, I just relieved Banning and I'm here to inform you that both your ship and the Kibeth can land on the Weather Deck. Crew will be waiting to batch the ships down

"Copy." was the only word before he starts manuvering his ship.

With the help from his crew on board, they direct him as near the foreword section of the transport. Waiting underneath are a handful of workers who grab guiding ropes that were thrown over. Turning of the throttle and letting momentum move his ship, Renard pulls a lever that retracts the bottom fins. With a thud, the Goldfish makes contact with the deck and clickips can be heard as the ship is bolted down.

De-boarding, Renard takes a look around before dropping on the deck.

"Quick someone get a stretcher!" was all he heard before blacking out.

Frey's Quaters

While waiting for both Carn and Reagan, Frey has been looking over the reports that have been brought in. He heards the door open and says without looking, "Glad to see that you came as quick as you can...."

He looks up to properly address either Carn or Reagan but stops. In front of him is Courage who is holding his arm from his wounds ealier.

"Mr. Bell, this is a surprise. I was expecting Mr. Carn or Captain Morgan," he starts, "What do you need?"

"Why is there a Birdman already in the Brig?" Courage says slowly.

"Ahhh, so you met Dr. Briggs already. Well he is our only connection at the moment in hopes f finding their hideout."

"Do you know how dangerous it is to have him on!?!"

"I am aware, and we have taken several precautions. If you like, you can sit in the meeting I'm going to have, unless you want to get that looked." eyeing the grazes.

With a huff, Courage sits at one of the nearby chairs, "I'm fine, but I'll wait for them."

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Re: Uncharted Skies
« Reply #759 on: February 09, 2016, 10:00:36 pm »
Frey's Quarters

With something between a groan and a growl, Alister shoulders his way through the door, awkwardly navigating his bad leg, his makeshift crutch, and his own bulk. Standing before Frey in a rough attempt at attention, he tries to focus past the havoc of blood loss, the sedative, and the stimulant. A small part of him is hoping he can sit soon. If he falls over in these cramped spaces.....

"Mr. Carn, reporting as ordered. Would care for it now, or wait for Ms Reagan?"


James taking the helm begins to ratchet the speed down, and navigate the squid to land on the ship.

Offline Piemanlives

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Re: Uncharted Skies
« Reply #760 on: February 11, 2016, 05:55:30 am »
--Eagle's Shadow--

"Miss Alison is needed in Med Bay, all injured personnel able to move by their own means are to report there. Captain Morgan and Mr. Carn, please report to Commander Frey's room at your earliest convenience." The intercomm repeated the message twice more before falling silent. Banning had been relieved if the woman over the intercomm was any indication.

So that's where he is.

There were more pressing matters to attend to rather than thinking of the duty roster. She had arrived at the door to the bridge having thought that was where Frey would be. It wasn't as if his room was that far off anyway but running around had not been her intention either.

She arrived at the room in short order, inside Carn and Courage were waiting for her. Carn looked as if he would rather be sitting and Courage was nursing a few wounds.

"Courage, please tell me you're going to get those looked at."

--Port Side Gunnery Deck--

"So uh... they're asleep."


"Think we should wake them?"

For the past few hours their team had worked tirelessly on their gun, mostly because they had the fear kicked into them the young woman currently sleeping against some engineer. The strange creature was also there perched on her shoulder, thing confused a lot of people and no one could explain the thing. Apparently a lot of the more experienced crew recognized the thing immediately but weren't able to explain what it was, apparently they had a tendency to nest in running engines though no one could explain that either.

The only female member of the team watched as both of her cohorts had their eyes drawn to the spanner on the sleeping woman's tool belt.

"Nope." The first one said.

"Yeah gonna have to agree with him on that." The other guy shrugged his shoulders.

She rolled her eyes, "You guys are no-" That was when they heard a squeak.

"Was that a rat?" She looked around sure enough there was a rat on a horizontal support beam.

Their team leader, who had been sitting on their gun raised an eyebrow, "I think that's the first I've seen on this ship."

"What really?" She stared him in the eye while their two team mates held their pipe wrenches in hand waiting to strike, she and her team leader looked on as well however the 4 of them saw a white blur followed by a pained squeak and a tiny crack as the squid thing was suddenly there hold the the thrashing rat.

The four of them stared in horrified fascination as the small... squid... thing held the dying rat in it's tentacles. The rodent eventually stilled and they watched as the tentacles brought it up to it's beak as it quietly ate it. Due to its translucent nature they were able to watch as strips of rat slowly dissolved until there was nothing left, not even bone. Having finished its meal it darted back over to Their Lady of The Gun Deck and once again perched on her shoulder.

"I think my fear of her just increased again." Their team leader simply said.

--Hanger Break Room--

While Davis and Antonio slept Kei and Farris had taken up residence at a nearby table as they watched the two of them.

"So Kei," Farris said as he took a sip of whatever was in his glass. "What do you think of our two slumbering team mates?"

She raised an eyebrow, "Professionally?"


"Well..." she looked at Antonio first, "He's reckless and irritating but he's a good pilot at least."

"Yeah, you sort of learn to roll with his faults after working with him."

Kei nodded her head as she looked at Davis, "Not as reckless but he can be irritating as well, still he's a good pilot and has shown that he knows how to handle himself in a fight."

"He's irritating?" Farris looked her with amused narrow eyes.

"He spent our entire shift playing I spy." From the look in Farris' eye the two of them had come to an understanding.

"You too huh?" Farris took another sip. He pulled out a deck of cards from his coat, "So, want to play a game?"

Kei sighed, "Might as well."
« Last Edit: February 11, 2016, 06:03:40 am by Piemanlives »

Offline BdrLineAzn

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Re: Uncharted Skies
« Reply #761 on: February 11, 2016, 08:53:19 pm »
0000, End of Day 3

Start Day 4

Eagle's Shadow, Frey's Quaters

"I've been dealt worse," was his quick answer while tapping his prosthetic. Keeping his anger, Courage crosses his arms and eyes Frey, flinching as his hand touches the graze, "Better shape then Carn over here."

"Ahem," coughing to gain the attention in the room, the three turn to Frey who lays his papers down, "I called the both of you to discuss the damage we have dealt. The reason Mr. Bell is here is because of our  ealier guest in the Brig."

Courage gives a small grunt in agreement making Frey to shift his eyes to him quickly.

"out of the 50 crew members, four are reported dead from the fighting on the Weather Deck, while at least over a dozen are injured. Externally, the transports's hull has taken light damage it the ship's integrity is still intact. Internally is a different story, Engineering needs to replace vital components due to the fire whereas the Hnager Bay needs extensive repairs to the plane section. Even with the damage, our supplies haven't been hit at all. So that is the good news. Any comments about our situation?"

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Re: Uncharted Skies
« Reply #762 on: February 12, 2016, 09:48:35 am »
Frey's Quarters

"Alison is heading down to medbay, she's probably already there as we speak. The raiders seemed opportunistic, though professional. This hopefully means our feathered prey do not know we are coming. As for the damage, if we are near any Guild cities, Alison and I both have contacts that could aid us. Hell, she's from an old Guild family. As for my ship, some damage, but nothing a day long overhaul won't fix."

Alister grunts as his injured leg temporarily buckles, catching himself on Courage's chair and standing back up.

"Apologies, took four 9mm rounds just under my armor. Alison patched me up, but I've lost some blood, and she injected me with sedatives and stimulants. The stimulants were after the announcement."

Turning to Courage, he explains why Briggs is on board.

"Dr. Briggs is dangerous, but holds valuable information. I know him from my past and can assure you he is a sociopathic, sadistic, medical genius. No one should talk with him without approval."

Looking back to Frey, he adds,

"We may need to put measures in place to ensure others don't speak with him."


Pocketing the vial of Alister's blood, Alison grabs a leather apron and opens a medkit, beginning to work on an airman with burns on his left arm.

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Re: Uncharted Skies
« Reply #763 on: February 14, 2016, 11:18:06 am »
Starboard Gunnery Deck:

Gaige was fighting fatigue, running on fumes as he was.  While the engineering team had finished repairs hours ago, there was still much to be done, and he needed some fresh air.  "Goddamned Raiders and their fires making my job harder..." Sliding down the wall, he looked out to the night sky, eyes slowly drooping until they closed.

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Re: Uncharted Skies
« Reply #764 on: February 15, 2016, 04:28:29 pm »
Frey's Quaters

"Not a problem," says Courage as he shifts to allow Carn to grab the back rest. "But I agree," to Frey, "At least have someone posted at the entrance."

"Very well," Frey with a tired sigh, "I'll see to it."

As he starts to make a note, his mind goes to a piece of information that Carn said ealier. An old Guild Family? She does have resembles someone familiar....

"As for aid," starts Coarage to Carn, bringing Frey back into the conversation, "We have to go through Vystorg to get to our starting point, right?"

"From the course Captain Morgan charted, that is correct."

Courage looks to Reagan and back to Frey, "Well after our escapade in the Guild, there is a guy who own us a few favors, one Guild master Fyodor."

Med Bay

"Why morning Miss Alison," calls out Ulric as she enters the room. With the help of him and the few others, majority of the wounded has been seen.

From the doorway two stretchers are brought in, one carrying Gaige, the other Renard.

"Hey Docs! Got two more."

"We'll get to them." Ulric says while bandaging another person, "Place them on an open frame and tell me their injuries."

Complying, the four brings Renard and Gaiage to two empty beds. With a slight huff, the two are gently lifted and placed down.

"Well, this one here," pointing to Gaiage," has passed out on the Gunnery Deck. No wounds on him, so they crew assumed it was from exhaustion. The second just landed his Goldfish and just dropped. His crew said that he was in the Hanger Bay when the shells hit. He was thrown very hard but still deployed his ship. Think he may have a concussion and a few broken ribs."

"Ohhh, ohhhh," was all that Ulric can say at the second patient. Turning to see who it was, his eyes widens, "I need help quickly."

Hanger Break Room

With repairs underway, Alexi enters the room, bags clearly shown under his eyes. Closing the door behind him, he sees the four all over the space.

"Hmm seems like I wasn't the only one with the same idea," he says with a small chuckle.

Going to the room's table, he pulls out a chair and leans back on it while placing his foot on the table.

"Must have been an exciting flight and tiring flight to have the four of you in here. Wished I was in that fight, blasted engine had to ruining it."

"If you weren't in there, the damage would have been much more severe and we wouldn't had a place to return," says Farris.

"Hmm, true. Meh we can't all have the glory, I suggest we all rest now." was all he said before going into a deep sleep.