Author Topic: Uncharted Skies  (Read 554269 times)

Offline Carn

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Re: Uncharted Skies
« Reply #705 on: October 30, 2015, 07:14:41 pm »

"After a fashion. I had to get a full engineering team down to the gunnery deck. Whoever was in charge of maintaining the guns did an abysmal job of it. I have Mr Gaige hammering the swabbies in line. In the meantime, I thought I'd be hear. Important things tend to happen at the bridge, and truly important things tend to not be boring."


After the poor unfortunates hurry out with the bucket, Alison takes her seat.

"Back to our earlier conversation, a bored Carn may be interesting, but he tends to get.......edgy, when he gets very bored. When he begins making explosives, because he's bored, it tends to not be much longer before he uses them."

Offline Koali

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Re: Uncharted Skies
« Reply #706 on: October 31, 2015, 02:31:24 am »
Koali seemingly pops into existence on the gunnery deck next to Courage.

"Wha- Oh, hey! Have you ever felt what it's like to have some random guy just knock you out of existence with a load of schoolwork?"

Offline Piemanlives

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Re: Uncharted Skies
« Reply #707 on: October 31, 2015, 03:27:32 pm »
--Eagle's Shadow, Gunnery Deck--

Amelia sighed and re-affixed the grate to the ventilation shaft.

--Eagle's Shadow, Med Bay--

Reagan sighed at that statement, “Well, if he blows up anything on this ship I'll… Hmm… Blow him up I guess.” She took a moment to think about the implication, “You think he's susceptible to high explosives?” She looked at Alison with an amused smiled tugging at the edges of her mouth before she went to staring at the opposite wall. throughout the ship she could hear the sounds of movement as the crew began the finalizing their departure.

“Though, I suppose I should get back to checking on the crew before I get back to the bridge. We lift off in oh,” She did the mental math in her head, “Two hours I suppose.”

Taking a moment to stretch as she detached herself from the wall where she was leaning. “Best I got out of your hair now. Skies watch over you Alison.” She rounded the corner before disappearing from sight.

--The Warehouse, South Docks--

Three bags sat on the bed, filled with equipment and other items of importance. Lorena ran a check in her head as she made sure that she had everything she would be needing, and then some, it always paid to come prepared. She slung the duffel with her clothing over shoulder and the case that held her rifle over her back. Her tools contained in a bag attached to the duffel that clanked as she moved, not that she minded.

She poked her head out of her room, the place was oddly quiet, she didn't remember anything about any jobs they had coming up so she supposed that everybody was about the city. She took one final look around before she entered the warehouse proper. She probably made it half way across the room before she heard someone behind her.

Dad really? She looked behind her, sure enough her dad was leaning against the wall looking at her. He looked her, forlorn, resigned to some inescapable fate.

“You know my parents said that watching your only child-”

“Dad are you really going to do this?” She rolled her eyes at his antics.

“-And I suppose you can't protect them forever but-”

“Dad you don't need to- Are you reading off a script?!” Sure enough he raised an eyebrow before stuffing the thick stack of papers into his coat.

“Maybe.” The mischievous glint in his eye. “Actually it's a transcript of this speech from a novel I picked up, not that it's important of course.”

“Are you going to give me some worldly advice that I'm bound to figure out the meaning of later?”

“Actually I was going to give you this.” He held out a pistol, it's steel polished and glimmering in the warehouse light.

“Oh.” She took it in one hand, turning it over as she examined every part of it. “This isn't-”

“No it isn't.” He pulled out a matching one from his coat, this one however was worn, but no less glimmering as he held it. “Thought you could use something a bit more personal though. Or you know, a hold weapon, or well, a lot of things really.”

“Thought that counts Dad, thanks.”

“Well, least you could do is come back alive, I'd rather not have to hunt down Reagan for losing my only child.” He gave her a weak smile.

“Promise I'll at least try.”

“That's all I ask. Now, get moving, you'll probably be late if you don't go there now.”

“Well, someone had to stop me before exiting out the door.” She gave him a smirk.

“Well, you know situations like this require a dramatic heart touching moment that sets the tone for the rest of the narrative.”

“Please don't.” She gave him a quick hug. “I better not find this place burned down when I get back!” She said as made for the door, her back to him.

“And you better not come back with a magical sword and a talking cat.”

Lorena stopped at the door before turning back to face him. “No promises dear Father.”

--Militia Docks--

Lorena stood back to examine the ship, not that it had changed since she had last saw it. She took a moment to look around the docks before she entered through the bustle of cargo bay. It was lively, much more than yesterday though she supposed it was due to the fact they were leaving soon. And with that she decided that it was time to find herself a room. Hopefully.

Offline Carn

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Re: Uncharted Skies
« Reply #708 on: October 31, 2015, 06:19:36 pm »

"And to you as well Reagan......"

Thinking to herself for a moment, Alison ponders Reagan's question. A memory passes over her, specifically the one about why Alister's Junker is gone.

"Grenade barrel......."

Offline Koali

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Re: Uncharted Skies
« Reply #709 on: November 07, 2015, 10:08:10 pm »
A demon rises from the ground and knocks Koali through a portal with a bag of textbooks.

Offline Koali

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Re: Uncharted Skies
« Reply #710 on: November 09, 2015, 05:06:25 pm »
(Ignore that.)

Koali goes off to find a nice barrel to stay in for the time being.

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Re: Uncharted Skies
« Reply #711 on: January 06, 2016, 02:02:17 pm »
The Eagle's Shadow

Uncapping a marker, Koali strolled around the ship giving everyone a fashionable moustache.

Offline Carn

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Re: Uncharted Skies
« Reply #712 on: January 06, 2016, 03:59:32 pm »

Upon seeing Koali run in with a marker and begin to give a crewman a false mustache, Alister plucks the marker from his hand and drags him away from the flustered crewman. While dragging him, Alister begins.


Offline Koali

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Re: Uncharted Skies
« Reply #713 on: January 06, 2016, 04:11:27 pm »
"Isn't it normal for the ridiculous character to draw moustaches on people when they're unconscious? You guys have been out for weeks!"

Offline Piemanlives

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Re: Uncharted Skies
« Reply #714 on: January 07, 2016, 11:52:21 am »
--Bridge, Eagle's Shadow--

Reagan stepped onto the bridge, immediately greeted by the sight of Carn staring down at the youngest member of their crew who had his hands on his hips as he stared at the marker Carn held in his hand. She raised a questioning eyebrow at the pair of them before moving towards the intercom station and crewman in charge of it.

She could just pluck the notebook out from in front of him but a degree of professionalism would be required, she could drink them under the table when duty did not call. Except Carn, there were rabbit holes even she wouldn't delve into.

Right, time to be the professional.

"What's the ship's status?" To his credit the comm officer only took a brief look behind him before opening the notebook.

"Most sections reporting green, flight deck, gunnery, and engineering have yet to report in."

She gave a barely perceptible nod. "Patch us through to gunnery than."

He passed her the receiver and set about switching the broadcast channel to the gunnery deck. There was a light crackle before he gave her the thumbs up to proceed. "Gunnery Deck, report status."

There was a light pause before Amelia voice carried over the receiver. "Hello Reagan."

"Ms. Lockheart, we're on duty."

"Err... Of course." There was a slight shuffling about. "We're currently performing heavy maintenance on main weapons, expect weapons to be fully operational by this-" Without any warning there was an absolutely horrifying screech from the other side of the.

"Um, Ms. Lockheart?"

There was a lengthy pause before her voice returned. "It's nothing, we've just suffered... an accident, yes, just a small accident, no one was injured. Excuse me." The line went dead and she shared a fully justified confused look with the equally confused comm officer.

--Gunnery Deck, Eagle's Shadow--

"I don't understand." Amelia said as she looked upon the... weapon that should be a flak cannon if memory served right. The crew that had been working to bring it to operational status shuffled about uneasily as they faced her, eyes downcast.

"I truly don't understand, not even I was this incompetent at first." Which was true, mostly, as she stared at the hwacha loading mechanism jammed into the ammo bank.

"We are most assuredly going to miss lunch." She said to no one in particular.

Offline Carn

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Re: Uncharted Skies
« Reply #715 on: January 07, 2016, 04:12:28 pm »

Sighing, Alister puts the marker up on a high shelf and directs Koali out the door.  Looking towards the Commander officer Alister says,

"Get me Medbay."

The officer pauses for a moment, looking back and forth between him and Reagan.  After a brief time, he decides that this is above his paygrade and hands him the comm.

"Alison, Gunnery Deck seems to have had an accident. Prep a bag and meet me down there."


Various un-ladylike mutterings can be heard for ten seconds then,

"On my way."

Handing the comm back to the comm officer and heads out the door, rolling up his sleeve on the way.

Offline Koali

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Re: Uncharted Skies
« Reply #716 on: January 08, 2016, 03:24:08 pm »

After making sure Alister was gone, Koali snuck back into the room and hunted for some kind of ladder to retrieve the marker. Thankfully for the rest of the crew, he didn't find one, so he instead decided to go to the gunnery deck and see what was happening.

Offline BdrLineAzn

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Re: Uncharted Skies
« Reply #717 on: January 10, 2016, 01:33:08 pm »

Mentally going over the checklist, Frey nods to himself that the vessel is sufficiently ready for takeoff.

"Signal for the control tower that we are ready for liftoff," he says to the helmsmen, "We been here for quite too long."

"Aye Commander." he responds curtly.

Frey turns to Enger as the room fill is filled with radio chatter.

"Well Councilman, I believe it's time for you to leave the ship. Don't want you be late for anything with you on board."

Straightening his jacket and fixing his sweep back hair, Enger hold out a hand to the Commander, "Well good luck on your mission, hopefully we see some results."

Taking the Councilman's hand with his, Frey gives a knowing nod.

Turning to walk put, Enger gives his farewell to both Reagan and Carm before exiting the room.

With the door closed behind him, one of the radioman says to Frey, "Sir, we gotten permission and is waiting on your command."

"Very well, tell they we will lift up in ten minutes. Give sometime for the Councilman to disembark the ship."

"Yes sir."

"Also, call the hanger bay and ask for their status."

"Right away sir."

Pleased, Frey gives the bridge one more look over before turning around for the door. With a hand on the knob, he says to Reagan," Well Captain, it is your's and Mr. Carn's ship now. If any of you need me, I'll be conducting some business."

Frey turns and makes his way to the Brig.

Hanger Bay

As the four pilots chat amongs themselves, they feel a large lurch beneath them.

"Looks like we are leaving, finally." comments Antonio.

On one of the walls, a radio starts to ring and all turn to it. Beening the closest, Kei picks up the receiver and answers it.


"Hanger Bay, this is the Bridge, what is your status?"

"Oh, Bridge, all planes are strapped down and we are performing slight maintenance."

"Copy, I'll relay this over, Bridge out."

Returning the receiver, Kei, looks back and sighs to herself as her two wing mates just happen to break off an antennae.

Starboard Gunnery Deck

"What is with everyone and food?" Courage comments as he overhears Amelia.

Rolling his eyes, he puts his focus on the Flak in front of him. Feeling the ship move, he opens the turret door and notices that they are slowly rising from the ground.

"Hey, we are leaving." he calls to the others."

Offline Carn

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Re: Uncharted Skies
« Reply #718 on: January 10, 2016, 02:26:46 pm »
Hallways, Near Gunnery Deck

Feeling the lurch at take off, Alister braces his legs and settles into his airlegs.

"Finally, underway. Let's go hunting into the unknown lads."

After mentally noting the high amount of melodrama in the statement, and the fact that no one is around to hear, Alister begins to question his sanity. Then he stops after hearing various sounds of mechanical distress from the gunnery deck. Going, through the door he surveys the situation.

"What's the damage and who's injured? Alison is on her way with a medkit."

Offline Piemanlives

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Re: Uncharted Skies
« Reply #719 on: January 11, 2016, 04:32:42 am »
--Gunnery Deck, Eagle's Shadow--

Amelia was taught as a young girl that women did not yell, they quietly and intensely scolded those who have done wrong. That they should bring understanding to their misdeeds, honestly even if she hadn't brought up to subscribe to such a train of thought, she would have been too mentally exhausted due to the situation to yell in the first place. In order to compensate for this lack of fury however, she decided to opt for a more… piercing approach. She palmed the length of her shifting spanner before lifting it high in the air, and bringing it down with an earsplitting crack as it impacted on the already broken hwacha loading mechanism, despite her not being the strongest person in existence, the weight of her tool certainly made up for the loss in striking power.

“I must admit,” she stated as she brought the spanner up again. “This turn of events is both surprising and highly disappointing.” She brought it down once more, the sound of metal groaning in protest at the abuse it now suffered. Her voice taking on that privileged air, as she lectured them amidst her continued assault.

“Had it occurred to you to think about what you were receiving payment-” the spanner struck again, the metal quite visibly distorted beyond repair.

“for? That now you have both duty and responsibility-” She hadn't noticed that ship had lifted off at this point, nor had she paid attention to the work crew's faces as she continued. She also hadn't noticed that Alister had arrived on deck and addressed them, that Alison soon followed suit, that the young boy who had somehow joined the crew appeared behind them.

“to both operate and maintain this vessel at peak efficiency.” She brought down the spanner in one final strike, the mechanism so fractured at this point that it simply fell apart, components scattered upon the deck as she returned the spanner to its place on her tool belt.

She pulled out a maintenance manual from a compartment on the weapon. “You are to study this and retrieve the necessary parts to return this weapon to operational status.” She watched them run off to the workshop, with a slight huff she looked down at her hands.

Now that her adrenaline was winding down she felt how sore they felt, she took off her work gloves, noting that her hands were slightly red and puffy. Nothing felt broken or exceptionally strained so she supposed they would be fine so long as she didn't go about using her spanner as a makeshift club. An effective one at that if the wreckage of the loading mechanism was any indicator.

It was however, at this point she suddenly realized that she was not alone. “Oh... um, well... hello?”

--Moments Before, Bridge, Eagle's Shadow--

Reagan watched the two of them leave the bridge. Still slightly confused about the marker that Carn had placed on top the high shelf, which she took a moment to retrieve and pocket it, she let the comm officer check in with the rest of the remaining section.

"Hanger Bay, this is the Bridge, what is your status?"

"Oh, Bridge, all planes are strapped down and we are performing slight maintenance."

"Copy, I'll relay this over, Bridge out." He took a moment to jot this down in the log book before the comm slightly startled him.

"Bridge, this is engineering, power plant is coming online momentarily. We'll be to go when you are." The line went dead and the comm officer quickly recorded that as well. Reagan on the other hand stood looking at the station, mouth slightly a gape as she processed the rather familiar voice from the other end.

Well, shit was the only thought she could think of.

--Engineering, Eagle's Shadow--

Lorena hung up the receiver and turned back to the bustle of engineering.

"Right, done over here."

"Well great," The head engineer said from nearby, both hands on a rather large lever. "Help me with this." She grasped the lever from the opposite side and together the two of them shifted it to the activated position. Behind them the power plant hummed to life.

"You know," she said watching it, "I wasn't expecting it to be so..."

"Quiet." It was a statement rather than a question.

"Mmmhmm." She responded.

"Well, it's a modern thing I suppose." He said, "Takes after those old sea going warships, means we don't have to go running about the ship as much to keep things working."

The two of them stood quietly watching it as the rest of the crew went about their business.

"So," she glanced at him, "should we go check the fuel connectors to the engines?"

He sighed, "Yeah lets go."

--Hanger Bay, Eagle's Shadow--

Davis was no engineer, so he helped Ferris and Antonio the only way he knew how. With Duct Tape.

"You really think this is going to hold?" Ferris asked as he watched Davis and Antonio reattach the damn thing.

"Eh, it's duct tape." Antonio said, "You could hold together the entire skies-be-damned Yeshen navy if you had enough of the stuff." Davis nodded in response as if it was the only universal truth in existence.
Poster's Note:

A while back I rolled for Amelia, somehow ending up as a berserker. Mind you she is neither strong nor fit for that purpose, going to have a bit of fun with that.
« Last Edit: January 11, 2016, 04:38:15 am by Piemanlives »