Author Topic: Uncharted Skies  (Read 554422 times)

Offline BdrLineAzn

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Re: Uncharted Skies
« Reply #630 on: September 13, 2015, 08:45:48 pm »
With a small smile creeping, he leads her out of the transport and onto the streets heading towards the Inn. Silently walking, the sun has set over the horizon as the stars starts to sparkle over the Middle Plains. Arms interlock, Courage takes in the sweet bliss of Dalhia being next to him.

Without saying a word the pair arrives in front of the doors of the Wild Winds Inn where they enter. Inside the dining area is filled to capacity as dock workers and those staying at the Inn fill the tables. Seeing who entered, Lia gives a wave to them before going about with orders.

Making their way pass the various people, Courage and Dalhia makes it to the stairs. Relatively clear of the crowd, they make it up and to his room with ease. Inside the bed is made and his baggage still packed, Courage goes over and checks his bags. Satisfied that all of his belongings is still there, he begins to carry them.

"Thanks for the walk, and sorry if I couldn't stay longer. If you want I can walk you back to the warehouse." Courage offers.

Offline ShadedExalt

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Re: Uncharted Skies
« Reply #631 on: September 14, 2015, 12:24:11 pm »
Hangar Bay:

"Well, I tuned the engines for maximum performance, adjusted the angle of the armor slightly, tightened up helm controls, replaced a valve in the balloon apparatus, and touched none of the modifications.  If those could be made clearer, that'd be great."

Offline Carn

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Re: Uncharted Skies
« Reply #632 on: September 14, 2015, 12:45:18 pm »
Hangar Bay

"Fair enough. Can't expect you to properly repair something if you don't know it. The tune-up was a good idea. She belonged to an old guy who hadn't taken her out in a long time."

He walks over to the nearest harness, situated by the rear gun and motions for Gaige to come closer.

"I only have the knowledge and resources to make two major modifications. This is the most basic. All it is, is a leather and steel harness, with about 100 meters of cord. They easily are put on like so."

He puts one on and tightens a strap on his chest. It takes about 1 second.

"The cord is on the back and is attached to this little gizmo."

He pats a small box around 12 inches long, 6 inches wide, and 3 inches tall.

"It stops you from descending at fatal speeds, and leaves your hands free. To remove it in combat, you give this strap a quick tug."

He quickly yanks on a short strip of leather hanging by his left armpit. The harness quickly detaches and is realed back into place.

"Cheap and simple to make and repair. They allow for quick insertions, as well as a escape option. The other modification is underneath, near wear the armor control is. It's a bomb bay, able to hold either 4 100 lb  bombs, 2 200 lb bombs, or 1 400 bomb. Wiring connects it to a lever on the helm. The other modification I would have done, if I had the ability and resources, are a special type of engine. Silenced, and with the same output as regulars, albeit at the cost of breaking quicker. But engines are delicate enough, and I don't have any extras to experiment."

Offline ShadedExalt

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Re: Uncharted Skies
« Reply #633 on: September 15, 2015, 11:58:16 am »
Hangar Bay:

"Hm.  Bomb bay is simple enough, hinges, maybe a motor, either that or a gear system.  Harnesses I'll leave to you.  Silenced engines I've heard of, I can provide one to screw around with if need be."

Offline Carn

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Re: Uncharted Skies
« Reply #634 on: September 15, 2015, 12:49:17 pm »
Hangar Bay

"Silenced engines are a delicate design. I can engineer in combat, but building a engine, particularly a silenced one, is a tad complicated. And there are drawbacks to them. In any event, I believe we ship out tomorrow, so it's something I can live without. Now if you'll excuse me, I must go and get some dinner. Went to this place called The Wild Winds, last night. Think I'll go again, good food and a strong drink."

And with that, he heads out. Going out a personnel door, he sees Koali yelling about food to the Hangar Bay door.

"He may need a someone to make sure he doesn't cause trouble."

After that, he heads down the darkening streets to the inn. Upon entering, he takes a seat located by a side door, and where he can see the front door. He motions to the waitress and settles in.

Offline Koali

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Re: Uncharted Skies
« Reply #635 on: September 15, 2015, 04:59:11 pm »
Outside the Eagle's Shadow

"Geez, look at him, just passing by like a grumpy Anglean going out to dinner, not even helping me carry... the... food... WAAAAIT A MINUTE, HOLD ON, WHAT?!"

After making sure to secure the cover over the food, Koali grabbed the cart's handle and zoomed off in the direction Alister took.

"Funnily enough, that guy looked exactly like that Carn guy... Caliber, was it? Or maybe Manchester or something..."

Koali managed to follow the same path as Alister for about three seconds before getting completely lost again.

"Well, now what? At least I remember his name now. It's Benny!"

Offline BdrLineAzn

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Re: Uncharted Skies
« Reply #636 on: September 15, 2015, 06:18:50 pm »
Wild Winds Inn

Finding time in the crowded room, Lia makes it over to Carn.

"Hey I remember you. With Courage right? So what are you having."

Offline Carn

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Re: Uncharted Skies
« Reply #637 on: September 15, 2015, 06:44:38 pm »
Wild Winds Inn

"Strong rum and a steak, medium rare."

Offline BdrLineAzn

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Re: Uncharted Skies
« Reply #638 on: September 20, 2015, 09:18:27 pm »

As the night goes on, things are settling down back on the Eagle's Shadow. With everything finalised, all that is left if for the remaining crew to return and equipment stored. Those already on board head to their cabins and call it a night.

At the Inn, Carn spends his evening alone eating dinner in a seclude spot in the dinner. He doesn't seem to notice Courage and Dalhia wriggle their way pass the crowd and to the front counter. Once full, he simply pays for his meal and makes his way back to the ship.

After a walk under the moonlight, the couple arrives to the warehouse where they share an embrace. Holding each other in their arms, seconds goes before Dalhia breaks it and heads towards the door. Before heading in, she gives him one last smile and closes the door. Smiling, Courage makes his was to the docks to start what seem like another adventure.

End Day 2

Start Day 3

Offline Carn

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Re: Uncharted Skies
« Reply #639 on: September 21, 2015, 08:07:58 am »
Alister's Dream

Burning. Everything around him was burning, yet the night sky still snowed.

"We have one target. Sergeant Carn, and Lieutenant Kor will be taking him out. As for the rest of you, it's a normal raid. Kill anyone who fights back, and capture anything of value." Major Gorm Larson spoke to the marauder platoon filed before him. The roar of "YES SIR!" echoing. The platoon breaks off into squads of four of except the two specifically entioned. Sergeant Alister Carn, large by anyone's standards and with the old berserker blood. Lieutenant Guntar Larson, average size perhaps, but with hands quicker than a snake. Both being groomed, without their knowledge, to be the Senate's elite soldiers.

"We're here. One of us just needs to put a bullet through his head."

"Alister, this guy is dangerous. We don't know,"

Suddenly the man they were looking for is behind Guntar. Only instead of a man, it's a giant bird, one that stabs Guntar through his head.....

Alister's cabin

Alister rolls out of bead, and before he is fully awake, has his pistol pointed at his reflection. Lowering it, he remembers the dream.

"They will burn....."

Offline Koali

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Re: Uncharted Skies
« Reply #640 on: September 24, 2015, 12:27:34 am »
Somewhere in the streets of Cathedral

Once again, Koali was lost in the streets. Looking around, he noticed a steady trail of assorted fruits that seemed to lead to the cart he was pulling. On a whim, he decided to follow it back to the Eagle's Shadow, picking up the fruits and loading them into his cart as he went. Checking his surroundings once more, he discovered yet another trail of fruit, this one leading back to where he ended up lost to begin with. After following the fruit trails more times than he'd like to admit, he finally realized that the trails were, in fact, the result of his many fruits falling through a hole in his cart.

"Huh... I wonder if someone did that in the middle of the night?"

He followed the trail back to where he started, patched the hole, and returned to the Eagle's Shadow, constantly checking to make sure that he wasn't dropping any more fruit.
« Last Edit: September 24, 2015, 12:48:42 am by Koali »

Offline Piemanlives

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Re: Uncharted Skies
« Reply #641 on: September 24, 2015, 07:18:25 am »
--Militia Headquarters--

A pile of reports sat before her on the desk, for the past few hours she had been reading through them in an attempt to understand the enemy that she now faced. She sighed, since Frey had mentioned that similar actions were happening to the north in Firnfeld she had been a bit... antsy.

The reports in front of her varied in age, some dating back a fair number of years, most were smaller incidents with bits and pieces of odd happenings scattered about the frozen tundra she had called home for many years. Some were familiar, reports she had filed during her tenure with the militia in fact. A majority of the reports were sightings, odd vessels traveling far from established trade routes, strange creatures hiding the wilderness. A few however stood out even more so than others. In her hand she held a report dated back 12 years describing a town being wiped off the face of the map near Kian, at the top of the pile another report dated 7 mentioned the correlation between the sighting of strange vessels and ships going missing between Thula and Ulavaar.

With a sigh she tossed down the report onto the pile and pushed away from her desk. It was times like this she wished she had a stiff drink on hand but, she would rather not be drunk when they set off. After all she was the ship's pilot, and technically its Captain.

A knock at the door sounded before the tell tale click of the doorknob turning, the door opened inward to reveal large person, one would refrain from saying "Hulking," Captain Lars Edwards however was certainly a large man in stature.

"Edwards? Did you need something." She asked politely.

"I believe I've told you to call me Lars when I'm off duty." Indeed he was in his civilian clothes and not his uniform. He pulled a thick folder out of his coat and placed it on the desk before her. "Alfred asked me to bring it, no idea what it is mind you."

Reagan opened it up, it was more reports and a note from Walker.

This was the last of what I could get my hands on, I have to get back to work though.
If you need anything else inquire about it with the communications officer.


"It's nothing, he was just doing me a favor." She sat the folder back down, "You know I never did ask, how are the defense squadrons doing?"

"Not much to tell really, William decided to forestall his "retirement" again, apparently he can't leave well enough alone and has taken over training the new recruits and has begun reorganizing everything. My lot doesn't have much to do other than the occasional drill, it's been quiet I suppose. Heard you were going on a little adventure though, care to tell me?"

She shook her head, "Just a little mapping expedition. Nothing too important."

"Often," He said as he moved towards the door, "people say that before leaving on a dangerous journey. So how are things on your end?"

She smirked, "What can I say, we do the paperwork and tell you how to do your jobs."

"Hmph, I suppose you're right, Reagan."

"Edwards." He raised an eyebrow and waved as he closed the door behind him, once again leaving her along in her office. She began organizing and clearing the papers on her desk, quietly shuffling them into a neat stack off to the side. She shifted a panel on the desk to reveal a record player built into the surface. She pulled a record out of a drawer and put it on, she would be heading back to the ship in a while but for now she let the music wash over her.

--Eagle's Shadow, Workshop--

It shouldn't have surprised Amelia that a vessel this big would have a workshop, but it did to a degree. Still Reagan had told her to check on the weapons she was using, most of the equipment they had brought on board may have been maintained but certain items seemed a bit worse for wear.

True to form the spring for the firing pin had been fairly worn out and rusty forcing her to replace it. She was mostly finished though, sliding the bolt back into position. She reattached the sling and slung it over her shoulder along with the smg, it was going to need maintenance too but a bolt action was a simple thing, automatic weapons... not so much, she would have to do it later.

Andromeda floated down from the rafters as she moved toward the door, latching onto her shoulder Andy looked rather pleased, she couldn't figure out why either, still, it might explain the dearth of rats around the ship.

Amelia began a slow meandering walk towards the galley to prepare herself a late breakfast, having skipped out to preform the maintenance, and subsequently getting distracted quite heavily. Upon entering she noticed that a large number of the crew were sitting about, the din of galley, conversations, the scraping of plates, honestly it was odd, just the other day there had been very few people, almost as if they had the entire vessel to themselves. That was to be expected though, they couldn't crew a ship as big as this on their own.

Still being lost in a sea of people who wouldn't recognize you was kind of refreshing, at least she wouldn't be bothered as she prepped her own breakfast. As she did she had to wonder where everyone else was, she hadn't even seen Reagan this morning, she hadn't run into any of the others either. She took a brief look around and didn't recognize anyone in the sea of faces. So she had to ask, what was anyone doing?

Offline Carn

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Re: Uncharted Skies
« Reply #642 on: September 24, 2015, 07:54:29 am »
Alister's Cabin

After quickly performing his morning ablutions, Alister buckles on his weapons belt and heads to the galley. He has decided to opt out of mask and helmet, letting his self cut flat top show, already it's become shaggy. He has also decided, when not in combat, to not wear his armor and only carryhis axe and pistol. Excluding any and all hidden weapons of course.


Walking in, Alister sees a full galley and quickly notes who iis inhaling their food. They seem to be the majority.

"We're going to need foragers within the week, aren't we."

Heading into the kitchen, he sees Amelia preparing a meal.

"Umm what is that?"

He quietly grabs, and begins to eat, a apple.

Offline Piemanlives

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Re: Uncharted Skies
« Reply #643 on: September 24, 2015, 08:02:17 am »
--Eagle's Shadow, Galley--

Amelia tilted her head at the question.

"It's a quiche Mr. Carn."

Offline BdrLineAzn

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Re: Uncharted Skies
« Reply #644 on: September 24, 2015, 04:37:53 pm »
Command Center

As majority of the crew are at the galley, Frey can be seen at one of the panels sipping his coffee as Renard hovers over him with a clipboard in hand. Being up ealier than the rest, shadows form under Frey's eyes as he takes in the information.

"At the moment all food supplies have been inventoried and stored, as well as the ammunition, " Renard goes on, "oh I have a note that several of the ship's defensives guns and small arms need some maintenance. Currently someone is looking over some of the rifles, may need some help."

"I'll get several people to look them over. Is there anything else?"

Flipping through the pages, and audible umm escapes Renard's mouth until he spots a few more notes, "We are still missing a Davis Hargrave, the flight lead for our scouting squadron and we have several complaints about erie poetry from the brig."

The mention of the last note, Frey suddenly become more alert. He knew that their on board guest would be a problem, he didn't expect for it to be this early when the trip haven't even began.

"I'll check the brig personally, don't let anyone else besides Mr. Carn or Captain Amelia."

"Understood, anything else?"

"Yes, for the weapons go find a Mr. Bell, he is very proficient when it comes to weaponry. Oh and send a note for Mr. Hargrave, we certainly need him, but that is all."

With a nod, Renard exits the room as Frey sits behind finishing his mug. With it empty, he sets it aside as he places a hand over his face. Sighing, he picks up his cane and exits the room and heads towards the brig.


After a short walk, Frey finds himself at the door where he notices the new sign. Pleased that someone took the initiative to restrict on who enters the room, Frey unlatch the door and sees the only man in the room sitting in the exact same spot.

Closing the door and locking it, Frey turns to him grabbing a chair, "Good morning Mr. Briggs, I see you had an eventful night.

Renard's Cabin

Before going out and send the message to find this Davis person, Renard goes straight back to his room to complete one of his tasks. Since most of the cabins are made for two, eventually Renard knew that he wouldn't be living single for the duration of the trip. Late at night after he returned to the ship with Ulric, a young man around his age. What luck that the person who came in is the same person the Commander sent him to look for.

As he opens the door, Renard sees that his roommates belongings are still spewed all other place on his side of the room and with him still in bed. Shaking his head, Renard walks over to him and nudge him to wake up.

"Nurrg," Courage mumbles out."

"For the love, Mr. Bell wake up." says Renard irritably.

Still in a sleep daze, Courage rolls over and eyes the other man, "You know I told you to call me Courage, but what is it?"

"I'm here to tell you that the Commander wants you to look over the ship's weaponry, apparently they are in a bit of disarray."

"Can't it wait? I just got on." he complains.

Shaking his head, Renard goes over to the door and calls out over his shoulder, "I believe it is best not to defy orders. But I'm off, I still need to find this Hargrave person, best be on it?"

As the door's shuts, Courage eye's shut as well form the noise. Groaning, he swing his "legs" over the side as he rubs the sleep out of his eyes. Sighing, he attaches his prosthetic and rummages through his bags to look presentable for the day. Having found a simple white long sleeve shirt and khaki pants, he attaches a pair of suspenders to the pants and put on his single shoe. Once dressed, Courage rolls up the sleeves and buckles his holster.

Finally ready, he exits the room and stands out in the cooridor wondering where to go.

Dang it, I should of asked him where. Hmm I'll start maybe at the workshop, should have some tools there.


With a squeak of his metallic leg, Courage finds him at the workshop where finds a rifle on the table currently being worked on.

Huh, must be several others working to fix this as well. Better check the main weapons, he thinks to himself as he explores to find the ships 8 medium turrets.
« Last Edit: September 24, 2015, 04:40:20 pm by BdrLineAzn »